
Chapter 01 - The (Now) Young Geezer <teaser>

"It was a normal birth, everthing you would expect, the screams of pain from the mother, the demands to push from the doctor and the worried look from the face of the father.

"Such an occurrence was normal, but unlike anything ever seen before, for you see, after the child was born and washed and wrapped into a cloth to keep it warm, it began screaming in pain until a ball of light was expelled from its forehead, shocking all those present.

"But even more shocking was that in that ball of light, no more the size of an average fist, there seemed to be an object.....a lion? An adorable little thing, while seeming to be as delicate as the baby from whence it came, still seemed to keep some formidable aura around it.

"While seeming to not care at all about the other occupants of the room the lion pop the bubble of light that surrounded it, causing it to grow from the size of a grape to that of a watermelon in an instant and fall onto the bed, which, in addition to the gobsmacked mother, held the just born bag of flash and bon- baby.

"The creature than ran to the baby and licked its face as the child laughed in response.

"You would think that this would be seen as a miracle but all acroas the lands 'magic babies' where being born left and right for no reason, and each ball of light that sprung from their little heads contained everything from tigers and lions to bears and wolves, and some unique cases saw beast of fiction and fantasy to appear, such as dragons and phoenixes.

"This was the start of the "Age Of Begining", where all things before it fell, and allowed the next epoch to begin, and even now, countless years after that event, it still effects and shapes the world around us now." said the old man to the 10 year old boy who stood in front of him, arms crossed, as he sat tide up on the ground.





"Listen here you overgrown brat..." started the boy. "When I said, 'tell me why you're here'...I expected you to tell me who sent you try and kill me and why, not a lesson in the origin of soul halves and this world first true era..." Said the boy with grey hair as calmly as he could while ticks began appearing on the forehead of his most stoic of faces.





"..mmmm-" Stopped the old man as the boy got up, seeming to have enough of waiting as he picked up his spear, that seemed to be made of a 1.5 meter long piece of old dead wood, with a blade one finger long all but made of rust.

"I grow weary of this charade and for your successful attempt at becoming an annoyance, I condemn you to freeze for 10,000 years in the pits of Niflheim (1)!" The boy said, as his voice boomed throughout the grotto while launched his spear at the tresspasser.

"NO! IF YOU DARE HARM ME, MY YOUNG MASTER WILL HAVE KILLED IN THE MOST PAINF-" The old man all but shouted before he was cut off by the crunch of the spear crushing through the his skull and the thud when it hit the wall of the grotto behind him.

But then, just as the spear was removed from the, now dead, old mans body, the corpse seemed to turn to ice and shrink to the size of a speck of dust, before floating through the air and hovering over the now less agitated boy.

But even weirder was that with a small blast of light, a black branch, bearing nothing but a deep azure leaf that seem to get dark and large the long one gazed upon it.

The now tiny piece of ice fall onto the leaf, causing a ripple as if the leaf was water, before a buzzing noise appeared in the ear of the boy, followed by a message, in the form of a floating screen, reading:

[Congratulation Host!]

[You have completed the mission,

"Trespassers Beware! (beginner)"]

[ Trespassers Beware (beginner)

"Who dares enter your domain, who believes themselves worth of being in your presence. Do they deserve to live? NO! PUNISH THEM FOR THEIR INGNORANCE! KNOW THEY NOT WHO YOU ARE!?!? TEACH THEM, FREEZE THE IMAGE OF YOUR FACE IN THEIR MINDS FOR 10,000 YEARS!!!

Progress : 15/15

Reward : 10 Intermediate Magic gathering pillars

Bonus reward : Innate Awakening Gem ]

"*sigh*...By my beard..." Odin said while rubbing his now smooth and hairless 10 year old chin.

"Never in my mind did I foresee this to be what would become of me after Ragnarok (3)..."

He then turn to the deep dark depths of the grotto and called out, "Beasts! Come forth and rise from your sleep. I am hungry, go hunt for me." He finished as 4 pairs of eyes opened and looked towards him, 2 pairs seemed to belonge to reptiles, another pair looked to belonge to a large bird and pair looked small, like those of a squirrel.


"Be quick now or i might just fill myself up with some well water from Urðarbrunnr (3)."


(1) - is one of the Nine Worlds and is a location in Norse mythology.

(2) - is a series of future events, including a great battle, foretold to ultimately result in the death of a number of the gods in Norse mythology.

(3) - is a well in Norse mythology the well lies beneath the world tree.