
the unknown story

Hello friends this is my first story so plz spport me if u like it and thank for this .

Everything was good in everyone's life so one day a tank of liquid name trioxin was transferred to other place for safety but as the accident occur the tank blast in the forest and the chemical also blasted and fell down but the forest was far away so the chemical do not spread to the city . But one day a boy of 5y old came to forest with his family for picnic in near by park and suddenly he went to find something in the forest and he lost himself in that forest and after few hours his family call police for help to find their son , but after many days they are unable to find their son so they mean that he is no more and move on to their life . After 2 years one day a boy of 10 years old is playing a zombie game in his computer and suddenly he saw a zombie calling his name in the game and after few hours the boy playing game get disapper and transfer in the game in between the zombie and he also become zombie .

the rest story will be soon ......