
First Day of Training with Virion

The next day Art woke up early, had a shower and left to meet Virion. Since the sun was just rising, there wasn't much light to be able to see but with the illuminated training area Virion picked out for them, it doesn't matter much.

Since he arrived before Virion, Art started with some stretches before light exercise, refraining from his normal training since Virion wishes to see his training and help him find the most optimal routine.

After 20 minutes Virion arrived with two cups of steaming hot tea. "Brat, come and drink some tea before we start."

Art sat down with Virion and quickly gulped down the tea. "So, master what is it we are doing first? You said I need to make my body ready to handle my beast will, how do we go about doing that? Physical training?"

"So impatient. *sigh* No, physical training won't be enough for your body to handle a beast will, instead we must do something more extreme since time is limited.

Instead, we will be forcefully fusing mana into your body to increase its strength. The effects will be similar to physical training but the effort required is less than half while the results is more than triple, though in return your body will feel like its submerged in hot tar and will be extremely painful."

Art heard the explanation from Virion and though it very similar to something he already knew. "Hmm, so I will be basically refining my body using mana? Would I do that by controlling man from the core and guiding it to a certain part of my body and then infusing said part with mana?"

"So, you already know the basics of it, it seems. Good, it means we can skip the next step and get right into it then. Now brat, go and sit down and carefully control your mana and guide mana around your body. Once you have good control over doing that we can move to the step on fusing mana into your organs and bones."

Art half heard what Virion said because he was thinking about what he should do. 'This sounds just like body refinement in cultivation novels which I have been practicing since I could control mana. I remember after the first year I finished my mana core then spent the next year refining it to make it better and hold more mana, at the same time I took inspiration from cultivation novels and started to infuse mana into my body to make it stronger and grow better.

Should I tell him that my body is already fused with mana or should I play along? He might question me if he finds out I have been doing this since it takes years to get results so he would quickly find out I have been doing it since I was a baby.

At the same time, I also don't want to waste time doing this since its already been done. Maybe I can use the hermit as an excuse again. That's the only way, I don't want to waste time, especially when my life is on the line due to Sylvia's beast will.'

"Umm, master. My body has already been fused with mana. While I was living with that hermit for a few months they gave me the beast will but also used their mana to refine my body and infuse mana into it. At the time it hurt a lot, just like how you described with my body feeling like it was submerged in hot tar, but after a few weeks my body felt a lot stronger and the pain lessened greatly."

Virion was surprised to hear what Art was saying, which made him think more about their spar. "I see, that makes more sense. During our spar I noticed that you were physically much stronger than you should be. It never crossed my mind that you already fused mana into your body, I through you were either born naturally stronger or using mana to enhance your body.

The hermit you met must have been incredibly powerful to not only give away a beast will but also do the mana fusing for you. It is incredibly dangerous for others to fuse mana into others bodies since it requires not only delicate control but also overwhelming mana. Even I wouldn't dare to do it unless it was life and death.

Let me check out your body and check your progress. I don't believe you have fully fused your body with mana otherwise the beast will wouldn't be causing problems… That's weird, your body is indeed fully fused with mana. Then why is your beast will still be acting up?

Brat stay still, I am going to inject my mana into your body and check things out in more detail, it might hurt a little so be ready."

Art nods and ready's himself as Virion's mana enters his body. At first Art found the feeling weird. It was like a slug was crawling around his body but when it got past the flesh the feeling instantly changed to something like a drill, making its way past his organs before turning back to a slug feeling.

Once Virion was done checking out Art's body in depth, he had a very serious face and took a second to think before speaking to Art. "Brat what kind of monster are you? You are only 5 years old yet you already have a fully mana infused body. Not only that but your mana core is nearly breaking through to light red stage.

It also seems I underestimated the beast will residing within you. I thought it to only be an A rank beast or at most AA rank, yet even with a mana infused body the beast will still threatens to rip apart your body. I don't know why this hermit person gave you such a powerful beast will. I will now explain what's happening with your body and how we will sort out your beast will.

First, although your body is fully fused with mana, your age is restricting the power that brings with it. A fully infused body would give you the strength and endurance of a veteran adventurer yet you are currently on par with an average man.

Your body needs to develop more before the benefits become noticeable but at the same time, since your body was infused at such a young age then the growth will be even better.

By the time you are 10, your normal physical strength would easily be greater than veteran adventurers. At that time, it would also be enough for your beast will."

Art thought for a second and realised what he was saying. "So basically, I don't have to do anything except grow up and my body will be able to deal with the beast will by itself? In other words, what you said about my body being in danger and stuff isn't true."

Virion sighed in embarrassment while Art thought more about the situation before speaking to Virion. "Well, that doesn't matter. I have accepted being your disciple and even if my life isn't in danger from my beast will, it would be stupid to leave just because of that. I am still weak and still need your guidance to become stronger."

"Haha, well said brat. Just because your body will grow up to naturally handle the beast will, that doesn't mean you wont need guidance from an actual beast tamer.

This development completely scraps my plans for the next 3 years but at the same time, it makes me excited as to what kind of monster I will be making. Get yourself prepared brat, since we don't need to focus on refining your body through mana, instead we will refine it through blood and fire.

You're probably going to wish you were doing the mana fusing as that is going to be less painful."

Hearing this Art is getting nervous and wishing never said what he did and just wants to leave. He already resigned himself to this fate though and knows that if he wants power then pain and suffering comes hand in hand.

Virion was now making new preparations while Art sent for a maid to grab the bow he purchased. "Master can you take a look at this bow. I found it quite interesting so I bought it. It's made of metal yet is as light as wood, it is also flexible but super strong."

Virion inspects the bow thoroughly. "There isn't particularly anything special about this bow except for the material used. The craftsmanship of the bow is rugged and incorrect while there are marks that show it was constantly reforged over and over.

Who ever made this was a lousy smith, but the material used it one of the best materials in the world. This is made of something called mithril. It is known for being one of the strongest, most durable, flexible materials but also for its ability to conduct mana better than any other material.

Such a shame for an amazing material like this to have been destroyed by some shoddy smith who constantly reforged it turning the metal to scrap. If it wasn't in such a state, I would have recommended to have it reforged into a sword or armour but the metal is too worn and destroyed. Even a master blacksmith won't be able to save it.

Although the bow itself is trash, it would still be worth an extreme amount since its mithril and most people won't be able to tell its so worn, so you should be able to get top price for it."

Art takes back the bow and gives it another look over. 'I feel I should still keep it. It might still be some secret treasure. Master said it is made of a super rare material, a low-level blacksmith wouldn't be able to get that. Maybe its one of those sealed weapons or a weapon that has some secret that is discovered super late into the plot.'

"Master, for now I think I will keep it as although its not the most well-made, it still seems like it can produce a powerful shot. I am interested in learning archery as well since it would be useful for long range and flying creatures where swords can't hit."

"The decision is up to you, but as for learning archery. Well, you are in the elven kingdom, the kingdom best known for its archery. Since you wish to learn it, I will make you the best archer along with the best swordsman.

Now I have finished sorting things on the schedule and ordered new items for training. Since we have a few days before they arrive, we will spend this time doing physical training and sparing. You best prepare yourself brat, your body isn't leaving here till its bloodied and bruised and is no longer able to move."


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