

They say; Life is unpredictable. You can never know what is going to happen tomorrow, or the next hour, or even the next minute.

"The Racketeer Troth" is my first novel. Most commonly, people while writing their first book use precise wording and parlance style to impress the readers. But, I just want to make sure that my novel "The Racketeer Troth" is capable of delivering my intimate feelings and perception of the endless cycle of betrayal and loyalty.

"The Racketeer Troth" is nothing but a model of this. It is the story of a mobster who is well known for his criminal living standard and his felony. But as you will proceed further, you'll come to know about the tenderness of his heart, the loyalty he experienced, the result of it, and the camouflage behind which he hides all the broken pieces of his heart. By the time, his life twists in such a manner that it brings all the bits of the puzzle together but, it is too late to be the same again.