
Chapter I: Remnant

The following is a non profit, fan based fanfiction, all characters and intellectual property rights are owned by their respective creators.

"Ugh, my head. It hurts." Said a man as he sits up of his stupor from being lied on the ground, beside a tree. He looks to his surroundings and yells, "Tobirama! Are you there? Sarutobi, Minato?!"

The man then looks up to the sky to see a shining sun, with clouds, blue sky and lively birds chirping about. Moving away from the shade of the tree he was standing on, letting the sun touch his black hair and dark brown skin. He walks further surveying his surroundings trying to find his companions, those who he had called earlier. His search was a bit tedious but proved to be successful as he  saw a man with blond yellow hair and blue eyes sitting on the ground shaking his head, possibly clearing any migrains similar to what he had as he awoke.

"Ah, Minato! Glad to see you're here. Have you seen the others?" The man asked.

The blond man, now known as Minato replied, saying, "L-Lord First! N-no, I haven't seen the Lord Second nor Lord Third. I just woke up myself." in a polite tone.

"I though I told you to stop being all stiff and formal with me Lord Fourth? Just call me by my name Mkay?" The man replied.

"V-very well, if you insist Lord Hashirama." Minato said.

"Ah-ah, drop the lord."

"Alright, sir." Minato compromised.

"I suppose that's good enough. Anyway, let's search for the others." The man, now revealed to be named Hashirama asked.

"Understood." Minato replied as he jumped on a branch and hopped consecutively towards the next branch, up until he was out of sight from the view of Hashirama. Just as Minato left, a man with blue shogun like armor, with white hair and red eyes appeared from the bushes of the forest they were currently in.

"Elder brother." He called out.

"Tobirama! I've been meaning to look for you, little brother."

"Well, it would seem I found you first, thanks to my sensory skills." The man, named Tobirama quipped.

"The fourth Hokage, Minato was here just a while ago, he departed to help search for our team. Though in this case Sarutobi is the only one unaccounted for." Hashirama replied.

"I thought I sensed him, it would seem I was right. I also sensed a populated place nearby, just 10 kilometers north of were we are." Tobirama informed.

"Nice, nice. So this must be Remnant huh? It really is another world like the old man said." Hashirama stated to which his younger brother replied with: "Yes, it would seem so. Oh, it would also seem that the fourth Hokage has found the third."

Just as Tobirama finished that statement, Minato arrived with a young man with auburn/dark brown hair with a similar themed armor as Hashirama and Tobirama, being a samurai/shogun type armor, but in black.

"I found lord third." Minato said as the two jumped from a tree branch and landed to the ground.

"Good work Minato." Hashirama replied to which Minato just smiled. Though upon seeing the third Hokage, Hashirama whistled.

"*Whistle* man, the old man really did restore your youth. You look young! Much younger in fact! You look like you're fresh out of the Shinobi Academy!" Hashirama commented seeing the third hokage.

"You're not so bad yourself Lord Hashirama, you look like you are in your mid twenties. Though you've retained your body's bulk." The third Hokage replied.

"Twenties? I thought the old sage said he would return our youth in our teenage years?" Inquired Hashirama.

"Well considering our lifestyle during our supposed age, I wouldn't be surprised if we looked older than our supposed age." Tobirama reasoned as he examined his body, and his brother examining his' as well.

"That's a good point." Minato replied, earning a deadpan stare from everyone except Hiruzen, the third Hokage who gave him a smirk.

"Well, you look the youngest out of us, well you ARE, but regardless, you are the only one here who looks like a teenager." Chuckled Hiruzen.

"I am...envious." Hashirama said to which Tobirama teased him, "And what, bring back that ridiculous bowl cut of yours?"

"HEY! It wasn't my fault I took after our mother." Hashirama replied.

"We also seem to be in our "alive" forms, and not in some sort of reanimated state, just like we were when we were revived during the battle against Madara Uchiha." Hiruzen observed.

"Yes, that seems so" said Minato as he looked towards the other three's faces to make sure that none of them indeed look like they were revived from the dead, as is evidenced by the absense of cracks on their facial area and lack of dully colored eyes, present when a person is revived from the dead by the Reanimation Jutsu.

"Our powers seem to have remained at our respective peaks when we were alive ." Tobirama assessed.

"It's good to be young and back in my prime again!" Hiruzen said overjoyed.

"I believe we owe it to the Sage of Six Path's when he brought us here." Minato replied as the otherd nodded in agreement.




"You must be wondering why I have gathered your souls here." Said an old man with a long beard, violet eyes and two horns on his forehead. This man was none ither than the Sage of Six Path's and God of Ninshu, Hagoromo.

"I have gathered the four of you, to ask you for help." He added.

"Help? What kind of help?" Tobirama asked.

"A far away world, much different than we have here is threatened by the posibility of human extinction." The sage stated earning a suprised gasp from all present.

"E-extinction?! Who would do such evil!" Hiruzen commented.

"And right aftef the defeat of Madara and Kaguya! The universe doesn't seem to run out of evil doers." Tobirama grumbled.

"The world, which is called Remnant has been waging a silent war that has been around for eons. The fight between the wizard of Oz, who wishes under the banner of the two great Gods of their world, who wishes to protect humanity and watch over them is pitted against the witch of Darkness, ruler of the night and shadows who rebelled against the two gods, in order to destroy humanity in her cynical beliefs." Hagoromo said.

"This god has helped me in the past, by assisting me in sealing the 10 tails and the creation of the tailed beasts, he has lent me resources to do so. And now they have reached out to me, imploring our assistance in their time of need.

For you see, they are unable to interfere in the mortal realm of their world, and thus habe seeked an alternative solution, as their results have been...rather stagnant and their methods, imsufficient." The old man said.

"But why us? Surely there are better candidates for such tasks. Take Naruto for example." Hashirama said, earning a nod from Minato, feeling pride in his son.

"They are...unqualified. They are still in the realm of the living, and thus impossible to send to the new world. You four on the other hand are quite dead. Meaning your souls will be easy to transfer in new bodies. I will bestow upon you a complete copy of your bodies, to assist you in our endeavor. Please, this I ask of you."

"Well, a rewuest from the God of Ninshu is something we can't exactoy turn down. Right lads?" Hashirama asked, earning nods from the others.

"You have my gratitude, the fruits of your labor will definetky be sweet. As a rewardm I and the two brother gods from Remnant give you a chance to live a second life in peace once the ordeal is over." Hagoromo proposed.

Hiruzen was quick to reply, "Well assuming we survive, these bones of mine are getting quite rusty ya see."

"You need notmworry about your survival, you four will manage just fine in the new world. That you can be sure of. You have my guarantee."

The quartet are now covered in a shining white light enveloping the entirety of the colorless lake and blue skies they are currently at. The sage then smiles and says "Good luck mu fearless children. You will do just fine."




"Alright, I believe our first goal is to head to a civilization and gather information. Any kind of information we can find will do. I have detected a populated area within 10 kilometers of north here. Presumably a city, judging by the amount of population I sensed." Tobirama proposed.

"Sounds like a plan. Anybody on board with that plan?" Hashirama asked to which Hiruzen and Minato nodded. "Alright then, lead the way Tobirama."

Tobirama obliging, ran towards north the way a shinobi runs, he is naturally followed by the other three as they head towards civilization. With their immense speed and tremendous amount of stamina they were able to traverse the 10 kilometer trip without any breaks and well within 30 minutes on foot. Slowing down occasionnaly to enjoy the scenery.

As they sped towards the city a huge city gate came to view, seeing as some people are waiting in line to head inside, they stopped and hid near a bush.

"Elder brother, could you use your sage mode to hear what the requirements are for entering the city?" Tobirama asked.

Hashirama obliged by clasping his hands together and closing his eyes, and for a brief moment lines alpeared over and under his eyes all the way to the upper cheeks towards his temples. This boosted his physical capabilities and allowed him to hear various people talking at the gate, even if they are 7 feet away.

"Man, it's hot."

"Look at that chic, wow, gorgeous."

"Man, how long is this gonna take?"

"Please show me a valid ID and 300 lien for the gate toll."

Hashirama undid his sage mode and spoke. "It would seem that we need 300 lien to serve as payment at the gate from outsiders, I assume this lien that they speak of is this world's currency. We also need a valid ID."

"Well, that's a problem, we have no means of acquiring those." Tobirama responded.

"C'mon, I'm sure they'll let us through if we say that we don't have any momey or an ID." Hashirama said enthusiastically.

"Do you really think they'd let armed strangers waltz in to their neighborhood without some form of guarantee or identificafion?" Tobirama reasoned to which his brother replied, "Y-you have a point."

"Well, Illegal migration it is!" Hiruzen said as he snuck to the tall 15 ft gate and used summoned his staff, clung to it and ordered it to extend using it to vault over the city.

"*sigh* I can't believe we've been reduced to illegal citizens" Tobirama mumbled to which Minato nervously giggled.

Hashirama followed jumoing over the running above the surface of the wall all the way inside, Minato and Tobirama following suit via Flying Raijin, teleporting themselves inside after they threw stones with their jutsu's markings inside.

"Well that was easy." Hiruzen mumbled.

"Easy now, you would'nt want to be a a wanted man in the world you are about to save." Hashirama commented.

The two men sneaked their ways into the alleys navigating and avoiding people through Tobirama's expert sensory skills. Thry navigated alleyways and rooftoos up until they reached a clearing, and the sight of the city had them bewildered.

There were tall buildings with different and modern looking architectures, houses of the same archetype and vehicles that they could only describe as "futuristic" and dozens of people with different clothing, walking around, chattering, some of them even carrying weapons.

"W-what is this place?" Minato asked in wonder.

"S-such technology!" Tobirama said, awe-induced. With this kind of technology, I'm sure there have been large improvements in the realm of medicine and science in this world! I must study them! This is a revolutionary discovery!' Tobirama thought enthusiastically.

"And those houses, such marvelous designs!" Hiruzen commented. Fawning over the architecture and some of the outdoor furniture he saw.

"So this is Remnant." Hashirama mumbled, fascinated. Though a separate thought plagued him. 'It would seem that the conflict has been rooted deep in the younger generations, seeing it is the normal practice.' he thought as he observed teenagers carrying weapons around.

'I suppose in every world children fighting for their lives are a common occurence.' He thought, somberly.

'When will the world have peace in order for children to live without having to fight?'


So, what do you think of the new story?

For clarifications, the four hokages are

1) In their peak/prime and are at the strongest and fullest of their potential, except for a few changes which we will go over in the following chapters.


2 )  They brought back at at the age of 18-19 similar to the respective ages of the main characters of RWBY in season one. BUT, they look like they are in their middle/early twenties because of the stress and lifestyle they had, which is at wartime.

Comment and , vote if you like the story!

Also sorry for the LONG Hiatus.

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