
Blood Dog Conquest of the Mary Sue Goddess (3)

In the story plot that Wu KeLi had received, there doesn't seem to be such a big brother character in the harem though? This big brother was actually quite good looking, his status in the harem shouldn't have been too low?

Never less, Wu KeLi wasn't exactly against this pairing, in fact, this might be a golden opportunity. Both of them live so close to each other, isn't this perfect for cultivating feelings?

Of course, there's no guarantee that the Goddess would fall in love with this big brother just because of his "future harem member" status. After all, all men were eligible to enter the Goddess's harem, don't tell me that the goddess was in love with all of them?!

After the unexpected encounter, Wu KeLi went to the kitchen to pick up some refreshments for tea. Thankfully a noble's kitchen was always well stocked with various treats. The chef gave her some assortments of light biscuits and cookies as well as mini cakes that were artfully made. There was too much to carry at once so Wu KeLi had to make several trips up and down the stairs to carry them all to Rohesia's room.

"My lady, tea had been set up. Would you like to taste some?"

The tea she had to make herself. The kitchen only provided her with the tea leaves. Wu KeLi doesn't know if her tea making skills would be lacking compared to the average maid of nobles but this should be the goddess' first time drinking human tea, even if the taste was a bit lacking, she wouldn't realize.

Rohesia was delighted by the assortment of sweets. She picked a piece of cake that was decorated with smooth dark chocolates and dug into it with a fork. Upon her first bite, her eyes went completely wide. This tastes amazing! Her tongue came alive with her first taste of sugary sweetness. The dark chocolate melted in her mouth with the soft cake and cream, immediately she put more into her mouth, her soft cheeks puffing up like a chipmunk. Delicious!

Grace held her hand over her heart and bent over slightly like she had just been dealt critical damage. Ah! Why is our lady so adorable?

Wu KeLi also found the sight quite pleasing to the eye. The goddess doesn't seem like a bad apple, she just need some proper human guidance so she doesn't end up f*cking over the world.

Rohesia leisurely enjoyed her tea, occasionally making small talks to Grace and Wu KeLi. When she was done eating, Wu KeLi was preparing to clean up when a knock sounded at the door.

"Dearest daughter, may I enter?"

Upon hearing the Marquess's voice, Rohesia immediately went to open the door and threw herself playfully into the Marquess's arms. "Father!"

"En." The Marquess's eyes warmed up several degrees more upon hearing the word father.

Peeking out from the Marquess's arms, Rohesia saw that there was another man standing by the side. She had never seen him before so she asked, "Father, who is this?"

"He's your big brother, Vin. He had been busy outside the house and had just come back so father took him to meet you."

"Hello, sister." Vin's voice was on the low side, the kind that would make young maiden's ears blush upon hearing. Vin resembled the Marquess's in his youth with his tall stature, black hair, and serious expression but he had also inherited the Marchioness' fair skin and emerald eyes.

Vin had inherited the best of both of his parents and was handsome enough to make most noble lady's heart throb with a single glance. However, the beauty standards of gods and goddesses were just too different from normal human standards. In Rohesia eyes, Vin's feature wasn't anything especially memorable. Her expression remained unchanged as she greeted obediently, "Big brother!"

Though Rohesia remained unchanged, Vin's expression evidently became more gentle.

Wu KeLi stood to the side watching all of this unfold. Hmm…

"Dearest daughter how are you settling in so far. Is everything comfortable?"

Rohesia nodded lovably. "I like this room a lot, I also like the cakes and cookies. They were so yummy."

Rohesia looked as if she was still reminiscing the taste.

The Marquess laughed. "If you like it, Father will hire the finest patissier to make all sorts of delicious sweets for you. It definitely won't be any worse than what they have in the royal palace."

"Thank you father!"

"As long as my daughter is happy." The Marquess then motioned towards Wu KeLi and Grace. "In two days, a banquet will be held in honor of my daughter. Make sure the lady is fully prepared for it."

Grace curtsied and replied, "Yes my lord."

This fully matched with her plan to take the lady shopping so Grace secretly pumped her fists.

Having delivered his message, the Marquess made a few more small chit chats with Rohesia before finally leaving.

Vin stayed behind a bit longer. He took out a small dark blue box with silver patterns and set it in Rohesia's hand. "A welcoming gift from big brother."

Rohesia curiously opened the delicate blue box. Inside was a single brooch that was carefully designed to resemble blooming flowers. The flowers outwards the edge were crystal blue that fades into sapphire, then midnight blue. As it gets closer towards the center, the flower that was the centerpiece of the brooch was entirely pitch black. However, when held in the light, it seems to glow in a soft blue light.

Rohesia picked it up and pinned it to her dress. How pretty.

Wu KeLi, upon a closer look, saw that the flowers were actually Forget me not.

Wow, is big brother professing his love already???

"Do you like it?" Vin showed an incredibly pleased expression when Rohesia had pinned the brooch to her dress.

Rohesia nodded in response. "Yes, a lot!"

Vin reached out a hand and gently stroked Rohesia's golden hair, his eyes smiling.

"Then make sure to wear it lots alright?"

That night, Grace was in charge of assisting Rohesia in bathing. Freshly out of the bath, Rohesia's cheeks were slightly flushed, looking even more tender and rosy. Wu KeLi grabbed a comb and began to gently brush through Rohesia's silky hair.

Rohesia was still holding the brooch that Vin had given her. For some inexplicable reason, she just liked the brooch a lot and didn't want to let go of it. Rohesia fiddled around with it, feeling the smooth and cold surface of the gem flowers.

The wheels in Wu KeLi's mind were churning. The goddess was staring so intensely at the brooch. What does this mean? Is she thinking of the brooch or is she thinking of its gifter?

Wu KeLi decided to test the waters, "My lady sure like the brooch huh?" Wu KeLi made sure to use a joking and subservient tone when speaking as to not offend anyone.

Rohesia absentmindedly spoke, "Hm? Oh yes, this brooch is rather pretty…"

"Young Master Vin have rather good taste, to pick something that my lady likes this much on the first try." Wu KeLi continued in a teasing tone.

Rohesia made a sound in agreement.

Wu KeLi observed Rohesia's reflection in the mirror closely. At the mention of Vin, the goddess doesn't seem to have any visible reaction.

Wu KeLi mused. Although she can't tell the kind of gems that the brooch was made of, the flowers that they were made to resemble are definitely Forget me not flowers. A symbol of true and undying love ah!

But Wu KeLi found it to be a little strange. Vin had just returned to the manor not long ago and their meeting just now was definitely their first. Even if the goddess's charm level were to the max and Vin fell for her at first sight, it still doesn't make sense for him to have the brooch prepared beforehand. Unless he didn't know the meanings of these flowers and just happened to pick this brooch as a gift? After all, this was a different world, if there was a difference in knowledge it was perfectly normal.

Wu KeLi justified it like this in her mind and didn't think any further about this matter.

"My lady, I suggest that an early bedtime should be set today. After all, we are going to be setting out with a full schedule tomorrow."

Grace had already diligently set out the quilts and drawn in the drapes.

Rohesia was reluctant to sleep but after a round of gentle coaxing from Grace, she settled into the soft bed and was enveloped in warm quilts that were fluffy and smelled faintly of sunshine.

A bout of sleepiness fell on Rohesia as she laid there, a foreign but not unpleasant feeling.

When Rohesia's breathing evened out, the gas lamps were lowered to an even lower setting, casting the rooms into shadows. Grace and Wu KeLi moved about the room quietly to finish their last bits of work before walking out of the room and silently closing the door behind them.

During the night, the hallways of the mansion were pitch black with no lightings at all except for the dim moonlight that creeps in from the window. The moonlight was barely enough for anyone to see anything in the dark corridor so Grace had brought out with her a candle.

The light from the candle was far from bright but it served its purpose.

Grace slightly stretched her back and arms. "Well Alina, let's head back to our resting quarters. I'm ready for a good rest, tomorrow will be a busy day indeed!"

Wu KeLi took a while to react before she remembered that 'Alina' referred to her. She amiably chatted with Grace as they walked towards the maid's resting quarters.

The servants living quarter was on the second floor of the mansion. From what Wu KeLi could tell so far, the first floor of the mansion was for greeting and hosting guests while the second floor was where the kitchen, laundry room, and servant living quarters were. The third floor was where the Marquess and Marchioness live, the fourth floor was for Rohesia, and the fifth floor was for Vin, the eldest son of the family.

Sigh, Rohesia lamented on how rich the Marquess was. Really, a floor for each child, that's what you call luxurious.

The maid's living quarters weren't bad too. The house's servants reflect back on the employer. The Marquess was actually quite the kind master so the servant's living conditions weren't bad.

It was similar to a school dorm where there were five to six maids living in a room. Even though the bed was small and there were multiple people living in the room, the living quarter still gave Wu KeLi a luxurious impression due to the Victorian style visage.

Of course, the head maid Corinne has her own room. Being the head maid comes with its according benefits.

Wu KeLi and Grace didn't live in the same room so they had to part ways. Grace's room was before her's so Grace had given her the candle before going into her room.

When Wu KeLi had finally reached her own room, she opened the door and saw that there were already people inside. There were two other maids, one was doing needlework by candlelight while the other had already gone to sleep. The other four beds were empty, one of them belonged to her while the others probably belonged to maids who still haven't come back yet.

The beds in the room were arranged so there were three beds on each side of the room. Using her body's memory, Wu KeLi found her way to the middle bed on the left side of the room. The woman that was doing needlework was on the bed just left of hers.

Wu KeLi wasn't tired yet so she began to mindlessly read a book that she had found underneath her bed. Flipping through it, Wu KeLi saw that it was a collection of romantic poems and disinterestedly flipped through a few pages, skimming through the content.

"You're very skilled at embroidery, are those Forget me not flowers?" Wu KeLi eyes wandered to the woman on her left and the beautiful picture that was taking form under her weaving needles.

The woman blushed slightly from Wu KeLi's compliment, her straight brown bangs hung over her eyes as she lowered her head bashfully. "Oh stop teasing me Alina, I'm average at best. But I'm surprised Alina, you know what these flowers are?"

Wu KeLi raised a brow and asked, "What are these flowers rare?"

"Well I'm not sure but I've certainly never seen them around. I was only stitching the symbol of the God of love. In the temple, you'll always see him carrying such a flower in his hand." The woman blushed and said, "I was preparing to stitch it onto a handkerchief to give to my sweetheart."

Wu KeLi's eyes went wide. What do you know, Vin WAS confessing his love??? But he hand it prepared beforehand, what's the meaning of this?

Wu KeLi had a head full of questions but no one to ask it to so she turned to the system.

System, I'm so confused right now.

{Cheer up Host, maybe it's just platonic love.╮( ̄▽ ̄"")╭}

Wu KeLi had a face full of 'I don't believe you'.

Seeing that the host wasn't in a good mood, the system promptly went into service.

{Host ya relax, how about I play a movie or some songs?}

Wu KeLi's cloudy face lighten up a bit, her interest piqued. "You can do that?"

The system puffed up its chest. {Of course, I even have movies that's not from your earth. (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))}

"Oh? Lemme see." Wu KeLi temporarily tossed the unhappy matters to the back of her mind and immersed herself in her virtual mind space.

Wu KeLi picked an action movie that seemed interesting and settled down to watch it with the system. Surprisingly the system made a really good conversation partner as she laughed and chatted with it.

Damn, whoever made the system must have intelligence that's off the chart.

As a human and a system passed through the night like this, Wu KeLi's mood have risen considerably as she enjoyed herself. Unknowingly when, but she had fallen into a deep and very pleasant sleep.