
The High Draconic in danmachi

hi guys , this my first novel and english isn't my first language so take it easy on me by the way there will be no harem , two love interest only my mc will not join the anime route No system hope you guys enjoy the story the cover isn't mine if the original creatour want me to take it down just massage me and will remove it

Asura75 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Reaching Orario

" hello sir , are you going to Labyrinth City Orario "

carriage driver " yes do you want me to take you with me "

serra " yes please "

carriage driver " hop in "

serra " thanks "

in the carriage serra and the carriage driver who is named sam were talking about Orario city

sam " so you want to be an adventure "

serra " yeah , i want to live freely and have a great adventure "

serra ' also i want to reach the top , and it seems if i don't go hunt every day i will go crazy and start a mascara '

sam " i understand every one want to be an adventure , but aren't you young to be one how old are you , you now it's dangerous and you may die right "

serra " i'm 13 , and yeah i know it's dangerous but i want to become one , don't tell me i have to wait until i'm older to be able to become an adventurer and go to the dungeon "

sam " 13 huh , you can , from what i know you can register from 13 "

serra " ohhh , you got me scared there " ' i wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully without hunting '

sam " hahahaha , don't worry serra-kun you can become one , so do you have a Familia you want to join "

serra " hehehe , yeah i will be the strongest adventure known to all , hmmm actually i don't have a Familia in mind , can you tell me more on them if you know "

at that moment serra felt his senses warn him about something

sam " yeah i know a few things "

serra " wait sam-san , stop the carriage , there is something here "

sam " what are you talking about the road is clear "

kyaaaaak , at that moment 3 goblins came out of the bushes with clubs in hands

sam " shit goblins , we have to run "

serra " no need i will take care of them "

sam " how you don't even have a weapon "

serra taking out the gauntlets from his storage space and putting them on said " hahaha don't worry goblins are nothing for me "

well that's true with his sharingan and from his experience of fighting the three goblins from before they are nothing

jumping from the carriage serra run toward the goblins while they also run toward him when he was close to them he shot forward and graped one from the neck with his right hand as hard as he can cracking it immediately killing him and defending the the attack of the the other one with his left hand and kicking it in the stomach sending him flying back ward for a few meters

the third one was going toward sam but after seeing his freinds asses getting kicked he tried to attack serra from behind but serra already felt him coming so he dogged side ways and gave him a ground kick making the goblin fell down

at that moment serra stood near his face and gave the goblin a stomp with his right leg crashing his neck and then run toward the one he just kicked

the poor goblin who was kicked didn't even have time to understand what just happened as the moment he just stood up holding his stomach he saw serra legs in front of him which hit his face sending him flying back ward again but this time he couldn't even stand up as a stomp came at his neck crashing it

you have to understand that all this happened in 12 second , with serra sharingan and his dragonic transformation serra is powerful enough to fight 5 goblins at the same time with out sweating a lot

sam " wow serra- kun you are strong "

serra didn't answer sam but ran toward the bushes and jumped behind them and did a back kick kicking a goblin out of them , serra senses alerted him of something hiding in the bushes the moment he felt the goblins so he never let his gourd down , especially after that one almost ambushed him last time

killing the goblin it transformed to smoke leaving behind a crystal same as three before him , taking the crystals serra went to sam who was almost in tears as he thought he saw one of the best adventures in the future fight in front of him , little did he know that what he just saw was the back of Orario best adventure in the future

sam " serra-kun , that was awesome , you can be one of the best adventures in the future no you will definitely become one "

serra " thanks sam-san , i will be hehehe "

after the battle serra went to the back of the carriage to get some rest not that he needed it but sam said he must as they will take about two hours to reach the city

after one hour of rest serra went to the front of the carriage to set with sam

sam " did you get enough rest in just one hour "

serra " yeah , i rested will ' well my self recovery is really working wonders , and i wasn't tired from the start ' , by the way sam-san continue with what you were saying about the Familias "

sam " will you know how a god give their blessings to humans by giving them flana which help them store experience right "

serra " yeah "

sam " and those gods makes Familias with the human who they give their flana too , will not all of them there are some who give it to who ever want it for money and i don't advise you to go to one of them since they will make your life miserable "

serra " hmmm , you know a lot sam-san "

sam " yeah , hahaha , i'm a little knowledgeable about those staff "

serra " okay can you tell more about the Familias that work in the city "

sam " will first you have to chose what kind of Familia you want to join "

serra " i know a little so tell me more before i can know "

sam " well there are Familias that are known for exploring the dungeon , some for making items and potions , some for business and some for gambling , there is a monster taming Familia as will so what kind of Familia do you want to join "

serra " i want to join a Familia to explore the dungeon but i don't want one with a lot of people in it , i prefer to work alone and i don't like being with a lot of people " ' will i actually hate being with people as i can't trust them at all , after what they did to me '

serra distrust for people came from his last life as he got betrayed by a few friends and family members after he got sick with the unknown disease , making life hard on his parent and sister making him lose trust in people

sam " i understand what you want but their are no Familias who explore the dungeon with no people in it , then how about joining a Familia that don't explore the dungeon you will not find a lot of people in it but at the same time you won't find someone to train you and tell you about the dungeon in that case "

serra " that's ok i don't need someone to teach me do you have a Familia in mind "

sam " then you have a few option first there is Hephaestus-sama familia they are known for being a Blacksmiths familia so there are a lot of Blacksmiths there but no adventures "

serra ' i think i know who he is talking about it must be that beautiful one eyed goddess , but i don't want to join her familia ' " hmm do you know of others sam-san "

sam " will there are a few more but i will tell you only about who i know and heard from a lot of people are good gods "

serra " thank you sam-san , so who else "

sam " will you have Miach-sama who is known as a good god but he has about 8 people in his familia "

serra " sam-san that a lot , i prefer someone with less than 3 people "

sam " hahaha , ok i understand then the only options you have are two that I know "

serra " only two "

sam " well there are others with little numbers but they don't accept any one "

serra " i don't understand , what do you mean "

sam " well there are some gods who have preferences like Modi-sama who only accept Elfs , or

Magni-sama who only accept dwarves "

serra " ohhh i understand now "

sam " so do you want to know the two I was talking about serra-kun "

serra " tell me sam-san "

sam " those two are known for their kindness and goodness I know they will be good for you "

serra " then tell me what are you waiting for, if you know they will be good for me "

sam " will one of them just lost her familia members in the dungeon and was known to only accept females and the other one isn't an Exploration familia and only have two members in her familia "

serra " can you tell me more about them "

sam " ok first you have Astraea-sama who just lost her familia members 2 weeks ago , second you have Demeter-sama who is known as an agricultural goddess and from what i heard she only have two members in her familia and only one of them is an adventurer and seems that she doesn't stay at their manor or with them a lot "

serra " this is good information , so between the two who do think is better for me to join "

sam " i think for being an adventurer Astraea-sama is the best option but that only if she will accept you , i told you she only accept females "

serra " well i will try my luck if she doesn't accept me I will ask Demeter-sama "

sam " good luck , and by the way we almost reached the city you can see babel tower right there "

serra " ohh i can see it , finally i have reached Orario "