
Chapter 32: Home

Two days later and the main gate of Konoha can be seen on the Horizon. They check in with the two guards. Anko had to vouch for Saph to give her entry. The first thing they had to do was go to the Hokage's office anyway. They had to report in, so they could as well register Saph as a citizen of Konoha. Saph was looking around with curious eyes. Anko promised to guide her around after the boring stuff was out the way.


They arrived at the Hokage's office. Anko asked if the Hokage was free, the receptionist nodes.

"Old man, Is the paperwork done yet?"

"Bwa, no I'm ... Anko you damn woman, you scared me."

"Hahaha, I'm got you there, old man." then Anko threw a scroll to the Hokage." Here are the rest of the missions we completed this month. All signed and finished. No more paperwork, nice right."

"Yeah, right. I still have to file everything and check if everything was completed. Ahr, I hate paperwork."

"Then retire, old man. Just find another to sit on the chair."

"If it was just that easy, but let's leave it. Who is the new girl you brought with you?"

Anko then turned around and before Saph could escape. She was grabbed in a hug by Anko. While hugging her, Anko turned to the Hokage, "Old man, this cutie is Saph. A person we saved on our last mission. She will become a resident from Konoha and be cared for by me."

"You, take care of her? You're kidding right?"

"Hé, old man."

"Just kidding, Anko. So this girl is named Saph. Hello Saph, I'm the Hokage from Konoha. Are you sure that you want to stay here?"

"Yes, sir-Hokage."

"Well, if the paperwork is in order, I don't see a problem. You do know o protocol, right Anko?"

"Yes, yes, we already told her. That R&I has to have a talk with her. She doesn't have a problem with it."

"Then I have no..."

"Also I want her in the ninja academy."

"Anko, that's not how it works. You know that. After observation then she can apply for the ninja academy. Those are the rules."

"She's going to be the oldest in her class then. No, I request she is put in this year's academy."

"How would that work? She's behind not only by so much, and you want to put her in the class of this year."

"I and Raven will help her with the classes and the training. We only have to put her in this year. If she can't graduate this year, she has next year to catch up. It's not that much of a problem then?"

"You and your idea's Anko. This would mean you and Raven would not be leaving the village this year?"

"Yeah, I have to train Raven in the next course of my torture... hum training plan. So during that, we can teach Saph as well. And some of the missions in the village can be done by Raven."

"Oh, that's then a great opportunity. Because I need you at the end of the year."

"What you mean, old man?"

"You forgot at the end of the year, we are hosting the Chunin exams."


"You were selected to oversee the second task."

"Really, how did you get that past the council?"

"Well, it was a cooperation between me and Ibiki Morino. I think he wants to make a record by be the first Chunin exam with none becoming Chunin."

"Well then, I'm in. I'll talk with him when I drop of Saph. Ok, that's settled. Let's go."

Anko was making an attempt to leave.

"ANKO, are you not forgetting something?"

"Crap, well I tried. You want the Kubikiribōchō?"

"Yes, I thought the message was clear."

"Yes Hokage, I know. But I have a problem with it?"

"What? You didn't lose it did you?"

"Of course not, Old man. What do you take me for? No, I don't know want in return for it. Because I don't really need anything and my student is just started training as a shinobi, so I'm at a loss."

"Why do you think you will get anything in return. Its village property..."

"OH NO YOU DON'T OLD MAN, none of this council crap. It was my student that had a great idea to take it. If it was up to that cyclops, he would have... I don't know, use it as a gravestone. If not for my student storing it, you wouldn't even know about it. So it's my student who has something for the village. So the village will have to give something in return. It's always been this way, HOKAGE. IT'S THE RULES, as you say. So what do you have to offer???"

The Hokage was speechless because Anko was telling the truth. If the report of team 7 didn't mention that Raven stored the Kubikiribōchō, then we wouldn't have known about it. Ah, what a headache. But what can I offer? Sealing scrolls, no he just started. Jutsu, no again because he's only been a genin for seven months. I can't let him keep it, because the council will nag my ears off. And then Danzo... he will try to get it himself. Ah, the headache. Then there is only that I can give. Hope it will do.

After a silence, "Yes, Anko you're correct, the village owes Raven something, but like you said. Even I don't know what I can offer, except for a decree. With this he can make one request to the village, it will have my personal seal on it? So nobody can be denied the request." The Hokage then looks at Raven, "Raven, this will also be a great burden, because you can ask anything, from forbidden Jutsu to changing a law. So be careful with the request."

Then the Hokage took out a special scroll and signed it with a personal Chakra seal.

"This will be kept in the vault when you're ready to make the request. You can ask anytime. The reason I don't give it to you is that people will try to get it or manipulated you to use it for their gain."

"I understand, Hokage. I'll train hard so I get to use it sooner than later."

"Great lad. Now that I have given my end, Anko?"

"Here you go, old man." She thews a scroll on his desk.

The Hokage summoned an ANBU. "Go test it." The ANBU left with the scroll.

"It's like you don't trust me, Old man. I'm hurt."

"Better be sure than sorry. It wouldn't be the first time you tried something."

The ANBU returned with the scroll and reported that the sword was tested and it was the Kubikiribōchō. Then the ANBU left.

"See, old man."

"Yes, Anko. But I had to check. Now, do you need anything else?"

"No, the registration form to the academy I'll get from after the interrogation. So that's all. See you later old man."

Anko, Saph, and Raven left the office. The Hokage summoned an ANBU, "you will shadow Saph." "Yes, Hokage." en the ANBU left. The Hokage started again on his mountain of paperwork.


The interrogation of Saph went without a problem. Then the group went on a tour around the village. They even went shopping for Saph. Bad luck for Raven. In the end, they went to the academy. To show Saph the way and to pick up Yukino. At the gate, they saw a girl running, when she saw the group. She tackled Raven.

"RAVEN!!! you're back."

"Hi, Yukino. Yes, I'm back. Missed me?"

"No, I missed Anko."

"Yeah, right. I missed you to Yukino."

Yukino smiled at that, she then turned to Anko and an unknown girl. The girl was hiding behind Anko.

"Big sis Anko, your back. Who is the new face?" She asked.

"Oh, Yukino, you mist me more than Raven," Anko grabbed Yukino for a hug. "I missed you too." Putting Yukino down. "I want to introduce you too, Saph. Saph this is Yukino. My somewhat little sister and friend of Raven. Yukino, tomorrow she will start in your class at the academy."

"Nice to meet you Saph."

"Nice to meet sis Yukino"

"Ah, cute. Yes, from this moment we're sisters."

"Yeah, sis."

"But Anko, start at the academy, now? But we're halfway through the year?"

"It's already been arranged. We will help after the academy, to teach and train her. So that this year she graduated together with you."

"Does that mean you're staying for the year?"

"Yes, that means that my team stays in the village for a year."

"YEAH, THAT'S GREAT. Sis Saph, I'll join you in training after my job's done in the hospital."

"Hospital? You sick, sis. No, you can't be sick..."

"No, silly. I work at the hospital. I'm an apprentice medical-nin."

Wiping the starting tears away, " Thank god, I don't want to lose my new sis."

After some more small talk and Saph and Yukino were best friends and sisters. At the house of Anko, did she also introduced Kurenai to her new adopted? First Kurenai was mad, but it didn't take long before she was sold by Saph. It seems that Saph is just too cute in her young years. How would she be if she grows up a little? Raven did mention that girls and women should think about finding a bigger place. Because the house they live in now is too small. But that screwed him over because he forgot that the house next to the house of him and Yukino is big enough to house everybody. So the plans for the next day we're decided quickly. Kurenai and Anko were moving to next Raven's house.


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