
Chapter 22: training

The next day Raven went to meet his Sensei at training ground 44.

"Ah, you're here on time. I did hope that the habit of cyclops didn't stick."

"What you mean? Ah, that. I already know that secret."


"What you don't know? Kakashi can't read a clock."


Anko started laughing so hard she started crying.

"Sensei, you ok."

"haha, never heard that before. haha. How did you find that out?"

"What else could it be? He keeps being late. There are like a dozen clocks over the village. he's still late."

"He can explain why he is late, no?"

"Oh, please. Don't get me started on his explanations. the black cat, we looked for 3 hours, I DIDN'T FIND THE CAT. The granny he helps with groceries, he forgot where she lives. But he still keeps helping her. If it were me, I send ANBU after her, because she can fool Jonin to help her but he can't even remember where she lives. And a few days later, he does it again. ANBU should have her in jail or interrogation already. And his detours, I asked Guy he doesn't do a detour. Because Guy runs circles around Konoha with Lee every morning. they never saw him. They are just excuses for one reason only. HE CAN'T READ A CLOCK.

Anko couldn't stop laughing with the explanations Raven was giving. 'They actually fit. And she was having a blast. And next meeting he's late for and he brings up that granny. she's going after her with ANBU. I wonder what he'll do then.'


After Anko was done laughing.

"Ok, I didn't think I would be laughing this much in the morning. But now back to business, your training and missions. We will talk about training first. We will change the training exercise from guy to be more oriented to flexibility because you're too stiff in battle. Yes, your fast to react, but your reaction to a new action needs work. Even during the fight with my pets, you couldn't do a lot because your body couldn't react. Flexibility will help you a lot. Second, next month you'll be going to have to focus on one thing, survive. because you are going through a poison course. Because you can't be my student if a stupid poison can take you out. I as your Sensei am greatly immune to poisons, so will you. Don't give me that face. It will be fine. Were even helping your girlfriend have experience with curing poisons, so a lot of fun, no?"

Raven was really thinking if it wouldn't have been better to have another Sensei.

"Then with that and you recovering for two weeks. You can study those scrolls in two weeks because you will not be allowed to leave the bed. Your body will need the rest, hehe. Then after the two weeks, you will have a month of survival training inside the Forest of death here behind me. No worry, I asked the Hokage. And after all that, we will start doing missions. I even have some idea's special for you, hehe."

"Sensei, is it too late to go back to the academy?"



After three months of torture... training, we find Raven waking up in the hospital. Where else would he be if you have seen his training schedule? the door opens and Yukino walks in.

"Wake up, sleepyhead. You being released today, so get out of bed."

"Oh, no I'm not. I hit my head against the door. I will have to stay for a week longer."

"Funny, very funny. I don't see anything wrong. So you being released. And don't make me drag you out of this hospital."

Raven got up quickly because he thought he saw an oni appear behind Yukino.

"That's better. Well get dressed, Sis Anko is waiting for you."


"She said she was sorry. How long are you going to let this go on?"

"Well, she was the great immune poison master was she not. How would you feel when she started going after you because she got infected by an aphrodisiac spore. She hunted me down through the village."

"Yes, that was amazing. Never seen you move that quickly or see her move that fast? she was like a cat on the prowl."

"More a cat on heat, luckily Kurenai and Yugao stop her."

"Well, it wasn't her fault, so forgive her. ok, for me?"

"I already have, the moment she was conscious. The only thing I'm regretting was that she got me with her Hidden Shadow Snake Hands Jutsu in the end. That's also the reason I'm in here again."

"Yeah, you were our regular customer in the hospital. Thanks to you, I have been promoted to junior medical-nin. So I thank you and big sis Anko."

"Great, something did come out of me being hurt then. Well, let's go see my torturer... Sensei then. See you either at home or in the hospital again."

He kissed Yukino on the head and walked to the entrance.

"See you later." 'Baka Raven...'


There she was, standing at the entrance, eating a Dango.

"Couldn't you wait until after I got out of the hospital? now I'm hungry."

"Great, then we will get some more Dango"

"You'll get fat if you keep eating only Dango."

"I WON'T, you are colluding with sis Kurenai, aren't you?"

"Let's get some barbeque. I want some meat after that survival training."

"Ok, that's great too."

"Let go to Yakiniku Q, Choji keeps promoting it when I see him."


After eating their fill, they started talking.

"You know I'm sorry right?"

"Sensei, I already have forgiven you. And am really flattered that you see me as a mate."

"Cheeky brat, but thanks. Now the reason I was looking for you that day."

"Ok, let hear it, Sensei."

"Well, you know that because your the only person in the team we can't do D-missions."


"Well, there are a few D-missions that actually can be done alone, but most just don't do it."

"Oh, what are the missions then??"

"Well,... The missions available to you are garbage disposal, test dummies, collection, and blacksmithing. So what you think?"

"Well, garbage disposal, denied. let the genin teams do that. Test dummies? Hell no, I'm already your test dummy, no more."

"hahaha," Anko laughed.

"Collection, that doesn't seem bad and then the last blacksmithing? What does that entail?"

"Well, I'll talk about blacksmithing first. Thes missions are making specific ingots or weapons. but that can only be if you start learning for a blacksmith. but there are also missions as collecting ores from places where wild animals or bandits are. the collection missions are the same in that sort. sometimes collecting payment or some information. Maybe some info collection for another mission. So are you interested?"

"Yes, I am."

"Which ones?"


"What, why both? the collection I understand. but come on Blacksmithing? Your training plate is already full enough no?"

"Well, yes it is, but I don't want to be a blacksmith. Well, maybe later, but it's more to be in hot surroundings. Remember?"

"Ok, but you still have a long time, so let's live a little. Because I want to go out of the village already."

"So, you too. I thought you liked to stay here?"

"I like it here but sometimes you have to let loose. You understand. I can't do that here. So let's finish up here and let get a mission, ok?"

"Let's go,..."


Next chapter