
Chapter 19: The Hokage office

The Jonin Sensei were gathered in the Hokage office.

"It seems everybody is here."


"Well except for Anko, but she sent a message that she will be a little later. So let's see the new teams that passed. team 1, how did they do?"


"Oh too bad, team 2?



The Hokage was getting disappointed at the failures.

"Team 7?" he already lost hope, because he knew this was Kakashi's team.


the room went silent. the Hokage was surprised, he looked up at Kakashi.

"They passed?"

"Yes, they passed. They didn't pass the first test, but the do-over they passed."

"That's the first time that you passed on someone."

"We will see if they can keep it up."

"Ok, next team 8?"


"Oh, that's great. team 9?"


"Team 10?"


"Oh, great the Ino-Shiko-Cho this generation passed as well. then there is only ..."

Just when he was going to speak about the last team. Anko came through the window.

"Yo, Losers. It is I, your sexy, Single but Beautiful Anko. Here to give her report."

"There is a door you know, Anko."

"Ah didn't see the need. So when is it my turn for the report?"

"I was just getting to it. So how did Raven do?"

"Well, there is a lot that has to be fixed, but he passed. We will start fixing his mistakes when he comes back from the hospital in a week."

"Ah, great so he passed... Hospital? week? why is Raven in the Hospital?"

"He is getting healed up, for surviving my survival training. What is no other student in the hospital from the tests?"

"No, they are at home."

"WHAT?!! What have ass test did you give them? I bet even half of them didn't even fight."

"Well, more than half the teams failed, so the test should have been heavy as well."

The Hokage commented but when he looked at the room the Jonin was trying to hide their disappointed faces, their students failed not because the test was hard, they failed because they were weak and stupid.

"Hahahahaha," Anko started laughing and pointed at the Jonin. You al were dissing me because you didn't think I could be a good Sensei. look at you now, all off you failed your genin team of three, while I have a team of one and he passed."

A Jonin couldn't take it, "Well, your test would be weaker than ours. because you only had one student."

Before the Hokage could intervene.

"YOU SAY WHAT??!! You think I gave a half-ass test because I had only one genin. that's what you all are thinking right?" she looked around the room, most Jonin were thinking that. Only Asuma, Kakashi, and Kurenai weren't thinking that, because they know Anko. They knew how badly she wanted to be a Sensei for a team. So they knew she was not going to slack. And with the next answer, everybody in the room was going to know that.

"Do YOU know what he had to do for the test? Hé, Do YOU? I'll tell he had to survive for six to seven hours against not me, but 4 snake summons to begin with. After each snake was defeated or killed I would summon double back. after one hour I would start joining in with kunai and shurikens, to keep him on his tows. after three hours the summons would include smaller snakes with poison. Then for the last hour, a tank snake would be added. NOW TELL ME CAN YOUR TEAMS HANDLE THAT? CAN YOU HANDLE THAT? COME ON, TELL ME DID I GO EASY ON MY GENIN? TELL ME?"

the room was silent, no Jonin could answer that. because even the passed teams would have problems passing that test. The Jonin had to give it to Anko she really didn't take the easy way out. And their sympathies went out to Raven. Because now they know how he ended up in the Hospital. And also more for the reason that he has her as a Sensei.

"Ok, let's get back to the point. So only teams 7, 8, 10, and 11 passed?"

"Yes, Hokage," the respected Sensei's answered.

"Ok, I'll make the paperwork is in order for them being an official genin. The Sensei that of the failed teams are dismissed."

When the failed sensei left, the Hokage sigh.

"The times have changed, I remember the time where only one team a year failed. the times fly by."

"Old man, it's not the times but the teaching at the academy that dropped."

"That can't be."

"No father, it's true. just look at the team that passed. they are only from the children from the clans of Konoha, the civilians can't even measure up. they are too lagging behind."

"Yes, but Raven ..."

"OLD MAN, he could have only passed because of the extra year and Kakashi. And that just barely."

"I have to give this to Anko. Without my help and the help from Guy, I won't say with guarantee that he would pass today."

"You all really think the problem lays in the academy?"

"I don't speak for everybody, but the teachings have dropped from the time when we were at war. They don't even teach how to control their chakra at the academy anymore. Even we all learned it then."

"It would seem that the curriculum of the academy did have a drop-in content, maybe have to look it through. But let's leave it for another time. How are your prospects to your genin teams? Anything you need?"

"No Hokage, nothing is necessary. We only got to know them. Anything we need will have to be in the future after some training."

"So all, are in agreement, ok then ..."

"HOLD it old man, I just doze off for a moment. I still have some requests."

"Oh, what are they Anko?"

"hehe, One I want to borrow the forest of Death next to training ground 44, two ..."

"WHAT?!! Why do you need that? and two? there more requests?"

"Hé, I was getting to that. And why I need the forest, how else can I train him? on a training ground with nothing around. Nononono, no genin off mine will get trained is so boring way. No, I'm going to train him in a dangerous environment. So that he trains his dangerous sense. he will also get to learn how to deal with poison this way. And I will be there, so no problem no? Now getting to two, I want a Medic-nin on standby. He's going to need it."

The Hokage and the other Sensei all thought, 'Raven, good luck with you. You're going to need it.'

the thoughts of Hiruzen went a little further,' Maybe it was a bad idea to make Anko a Sensei.'

"And last, is something he requested but I don't see the point, but hell I'm here anyway. I want the Fuinjutsu teaching scrolls."

"He wants to learn Fuinjutsu? I don't know..."

"Hokage, I would also ask that he gets permission to start with Fuinjutsu."

"Kakashi, why do you also request this? Anko, I understand. And I know you taught him, but ...

"Hey, Cyclops. I can fight for my own student. I don't need your help. And I'm only polite to the Old man. Even if he disagrees I will get him the learning scrolls. I'm still his teacher. Me asking was just a formality, so the old man doesn't get a heart attack later when my student surprises him. Now that I think about it, maybe I shouldn't have said anything. Would be funny," Anko was gone in her daydream.

Hiruzen sighed again, "Luckily you did. Sure, why the hell not, you have my permission for all your requests. Just don't kill him, ok"

"Thanks, old man, there is a reason I like you." She then gave him a kiss on the cheek, then she leaped out the window. She had what she wanted, so didn't see any reason why she had to stay.

"DAMN, woman, Learn how to use a door!!"

"Well, I think we can wrap it up here. If there is anything else just ask, else I will see you tomorrow when you come for the D-missions."

"Yes, Hokage," and the 3 sensei left.

The Hokage sunk back in his chair,' Anko you crazy woman. Raven my good wishes are with you. hope you survive, hehe...'

And Hiruzen had to start his neverending battle with paperwork again.


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