
Chapter 12: Dealing with Team Guy

"As I said, I made a deal with Iruka to let me gain access to the genin-library, but it has a condition."

"What's the condition?"

"Well, the condition is, that I only gain access with permission from a Jonin. So, I know I won't get it from Kakashi. So I went to the only Jonin I know other than Kakashi. And that's you. So, I came to earn your permission."

"Ah, so you do know you can't have it, without having to earn it. But that can't be the only reason?"

"Well, outside the permission, I was wondering if it would be possible that I get to train with your team or if that's not possible. A bit of your time to make a training program to follow."

"That's not what I accepted. I taught you only came to me to get an easy pass."

"No, I didn't think that way. Your one-off the only Jonin that trains the body. I've found out that my training is lacking. My stamina is the only thing I have working for me, but while that can continue, I've found out that my body can't follow it. it's like it works against my stamina."

"Well, that's normal. The Senju have the same problem in their young years, and I remember a particular Uzumaki who also has this problem. The problem is that your mind can continue, your chakra can continue, but your body can't do anything anymore. and any further training will actually be bad for you. because you will overtrain your muscles. even destroy them in the long run."

"I didn't know that. now I really need to find help."

"Why, I can help with that."

"But, That would mean..."

"Yes, I would let you train with my team. It will show them how ahead they are against nonclan members. You get to hang out with your old friends. and if I find it appropriate, I will allow you to enter the Library."

"You mean it, Sensei." "Yes, a normal person who trains with us." "Yes, more training."

Team Guy was pleased with Raven joining their training.

"Yes, I will allow you to train with us. But when there are missions, you can't come. those are for genin, understand."

"Oh yes, Guy. I don't want to be a problem for your team and the missions. those are for shinobi. I can wait until I get my headband." Raven said proudly.

"Well, that's great that you understand. Its Youth. Now, you actually came at the perfect time I was going to go back to the village for supplies. now you can join and we can get a physical on you at the hospital. then I can find out what training course I need you to do."

"YES, CIVILISATIONS. Thank u so much Raven for coming. We are here for 5 weeks already. I want to sleep on a bed again."

"Tenten was only getting back for supplies and Raven's physical, then it's back here for training."

"NOOOOOOO, My bed." Tenten was going to start to cry.

Raven got closer to Tenten, "When at the village I'm at the physical you could get a bed in a storage scroll. You're there for supplies anyway."

Tenten looks at Raven with eyes that said she could kiss him.

Neji said," Can I stop by at my clan for a moment. I wish to ask some questions about something I'm stuck with. and maybe inform myself a bit what's going on in the village we were away.?"

"Youth, sure. When we get back. You're all free thill 5 in the afternoon. then meet back at the hospital. the physical will be don then. But don't forget about the supplies. we are staying another month on the training grounds. Then we will start with missions. Agreed."

"HAI," everybody answered.


On the way back Raven talks with Neji, Tenten, and a little with Lee. Because he started again with a strange training exercise. Even Guy joined with Lee. Then Tenten and Neji were telling him their sympathies about what he will have in store. and how of an idiot they that he was by asking to be trained by Guy.


When they entered Konoha again, the team split. Raven followed Guy to the hospital.

He then made an appointment for a full checkup. So then when Raven got to his physical, Guy went to find his eternal rival.

When he found him at the memorial, "Dynamic Entry"

Kakashi Body flickered away from his spot.

"Ah, your back Guy. wouldn't you be training for another month? Well, my peace is gone it seems."

"Yes, normally I would be training them for another month. but something happened and we came back for an afternoon, then we'll go back for another month."

"Oh, what happened?"

"I met one of your failed students and heard the craziest tail."

"Oh, you came back because one of them came to complain about me. well, I don't really care. Strange you do."

"Complain about you? no, he didn't do that. they normally do but he didn't he even agreed with your decision to send him back."

Kakashi turns to look at Guy, 'What the hell, a student actually agreed with my judgment to send him back.'

"That is not possible. But even if he agreed, that doesn't explain the reason for your comeback?"

"Well, it's more about his teammates."

"Ah, so the teammates were the problem. I told you it always ..."

"HEY, let me finish. Even a team like that is not a team. Blackmail, threats, that's not a team."

"What do you mean?"

"You already forgot. I thought it would have stuck in your memory. with your respect for teams and the disrespect for people who don't act like a team."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You really don't know. Raven's team test. What do you remember."

Then Kakashi remembers. "Ah, you talking about those idiots that don't even deserve to be called human. trying to kill your teammate, sacrificing him without care and even not telling him. that is not a shinobi that is a hypocrite and a murderer."

"Well, we shinobi are murderers."

"Yes, to the enemy not to people of the same village. which prick came to you?"

"Raven," Guy answered.

Then Kakashi calmed down, "Ah, him. the unlucky one. Even with shuts a team he actually tried his best to make it work. but the gap between students and the genin was too big. he only knows the thing trained at school. I know it's not his fault. but he should go back and get to know some more stuff. Next year he would be a great genin. But if he didn't come to rant about the unfairness of the test. Why was he coming to you?"

"He didn't rant about the test, he even agreed with your assessment. he knows that he's lagging behind. that's the reason why he came to me. he came for help. Help to close the gap, he even got his teacher to give him access to the genin library. Well under conditions. And it surprises me, you price him highly. Kakashi are you ill?"

"Shut up. Did he come to you, why? I was his Jonin, why come to you?"

"I'm more awesome than u, that's why."

"Yeah right, the real reason?"

"You did fail him, send him to the academy without any explanation. even if he understands afterward it would have been nice to hear it from the one who did it. but did you?"

"yes, that is right. I should have explained. so what will you do?"

"well, he is having his physical right now. then after that and gathering supplies, he's coming with me and the team for a month."

"You're taking him with you? and a training exercise?"

"Yes, and he asked for training. remember u about someone with such drive."

"It really does, hope he can do the same and more."

"I hope it too. so I get your permission?"

"How do you mean? he isn't my student."

"Ok, then I'll train him. next time he will beat you as I beat you."

"Yeah, right. Who is still winning in our competitions?"

"Oh look at the time, I have to pick him up from the Hospital, youth"

And Guy went away, Kakashi taught, 'hihi, he ran again. Luckily he doesn't challenge me now. That explosion that bastard Raven set off, still gave me a stupid burn wound. Well, it's a funny thing I get revenge through Guy's training. hi, you even went to ask for training from him, hihi.'

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