
chapter 13 - reunited

eventually the bell went for the students to go to their next lesson, each class was dismiss at (1:55pm) to give student five minutes to get to their next lesson. Liam and Zane looked at their time table to see where each other where lucky for them the seen that they were together for geography so they began to walk to G6 which was their geography class, when they sat down the sat together in far right corner which was dim and dark which was how the boys liked it.

rubie, Crystal, Lilly, ray ,max, summer all walked one by one to the next lesson on their own, not know they was all together for geography. after the boys sat down and relaxed rubie walked in, the sun from the left window shone straight into her eyes making her blind and not able to see who was in the room, so she move to the right side out of the sun to see Liam and Zane sat they, she smiled and said " oooh hey nice to see you two in here haha" with laughter the door slowly closed then opened Lilly and summer walked in with a couple of people they didn't know, Lilly solted rubie and said " rubie I'm I glad to see you in here hahah" and then she seen the boys " hey Liam, hey Zane" and then she sat down next to rubie, summer sat infront of he sun to get warm. the door talk and and max and Ray walked in talking about they hope everyone's in her and their they where " yesss where all together" the boys where reunited for geography but their was no Crystal, looking around the room and said " where Crystal" rubie turned to look around the room but their were no Crystal " she might be in a diffrent class" summer replied looking towards the others at the end of the table. just then a sent of roses and Barry's came in by the door, everyone looked towards the door and Crystal walked in with a peace of paper resting in her finger and a confused face "where all actually together for the first time hahahaha" after Crystal started laughing everyone laughed with her and then ending with a smile, Crystal made her way to the table and sat down infront of Zane. smiles, chatter and warmth filled the room. when every one was finally relaxed the geography teacher walked in the great her new class with a smile, as the geography teacher Mrs greenbug walk3d in with big black glasses and a purple suite she seen smiles on the students face which made her feel greeted by the students. she sits down at her desk me start the lesson. each one of the students where taken notes and concentrated on the tasks and power point the teacher was showing. the tasks where passed on tectonic plates which was fairly easy much very confusing so the teacher allowed everyone to work together to help one another.

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