
chapter 10 - hidden love

as it was a new year and new class each didn't know who they where with for science so they all just set of one by one instead of all together. when they reach the rooms did they see who they where with in S1 their was Lilly and Ray, Lilly was over the moon just as much as Ray was, knowing they where together was like a magnet as just met it's other half. in S2 their was summer and max, even thou they wasn't as close they where happy that they where in a room because they know who each other was and know that they arnt alone. S3 their was Crystal and rubie, they both where over the moon to be together as they where sister they can talk and won't had to worry about what has been said and are able to help and understand each other. in S4 their was lain and Zane, they classed each other as brothers because of how close they where they would always tell each other their secrets and tell each other is they need it so they where happy that they where together for science and glad they wasn't alone. the time it (1:00pm) which was time for each other them to go in and get ready for the lesson, of course each one of them sat with the people they know inorder to feel comfterble during the lesson. the teacher walked in and started on the lesson, biology lessons where planned by the science department as it was an easy start for the students and then they can upgrade to chemistry and physics. in S1 it was clear that Lilly and Ray was flirting, they would always complement each other's work or talk about how cute they look to day which made Ray think to him self ' I'm going to ask her ... No no not yet ... No I'm going to ask her' with this playing over and over in his head he finally says " Lilly as you know we flirt all the time I compliment you and that's because" for a moment he paused taking a deep breath he tough ' what if I say the next part and she doesn't like me in that way she just doing it to be friendly' to end his speech he continues " it's because of how much of a great and close friend you are to me" Lilly smiled and became redder them ever and replied " awwww thank you, you know I feel the same about you to" after that they both faced their books and continued their work. in the other class S2 their was summer and max they didn't really talk much and if they did it was mostly about the questions on the sheet, but deep summer may seem distance on the out side but on the inside she wanted to get close to max as they where the same, they were both cold on the outside but on the inside all they wanted was to feel each other trust and love but yet wouldn't dare to show that as they where the rocks in the group who never backed down and always stuck up for there friends but if they was to show their soft parts people would take this for granted and shoot the down with every chance they got, so to stop that from happening they build a fake cold wall to create a face to the other people.

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