
The Hidden Queen of Adernia

Isabella had always knew that she was different from her sisters but couldn't figure out why she was always kept hidden while her sisters were showcased as the kings most treasured ones. In a bit to find herself and unlock the secrets within her ,she finds love with Alex , unknown to her , he happens to be the son to her father's enemy. Would their love stand and would she be able to find out why she had always been hidden?

Ebube_Blessing · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 5: The Queen's Revelation

After Isabella's daring act to protect her father, Queen Emilia, her mother, calls her into her private chambers. Isabella enters, still shaken from the events at the ball, and finds her mother waiting for her with a solemn expression.

"Isabella, my dear," Queen Emilia begins, her voice filled with a mix of concern and pride. "There is much we need to discuss."

Curiosity and a touch of fear mingle in Isabella's eyes as she takes a seat opposite her mother. She knew that she lacked some connection with her mother which was unknown to her and she was very eager to know what the call was for.

She waits for Queen Emilia to continue, her heart pounding in anticipation.

"Your gift, my dear," the queen says, her voice softening. "The ability to read minds has been passed down through generations of our family. It is a rare and powerful gift that sets us apart from others."

Isabella's eyes widen in surprise. She had always felt different, but to learn that her gift was a part of her lineage was both astonishing and comforting.

"You must understand, Isabella," Queen Emilia continues, her tone grave. "Your gift comes with great responsibility. It can be a source of strength, but it can also bring chaos if misused. It was believed that we had lost the gift forever when the last carrier was murdered about 80 years ago, but when you were born , there were signs of this gift , so we thought it best to keep you hidden ,until the right time.

Isabella nods, absorbing her mother's words. The weight of her gift becomes more apparent to her with each passing moment.

"There is something else, my dear," the queen adds, her voice tinged with a touch of sadness. "Until you are claimed on your 25th birthday, you must guard your heart. Anyone who posses this gift , is automatically crowned the ruler of Adernia and would only find love after being claimed. Falling in love with a man before that time could have dire consequences for our kingdom."

Isabella's heart sinks at the mention of love. She had already felt a strong connection with Prince Alexander, and now the queen's warning adds an extra layer of complexity to their growing bond.

"I understand, Mother," Isabella says, her voice filled with determination. "I will do whatever it takes to protect our kingdom and fulfill my destiny."

Queen Emilia reaches out and places a hand on Isabella's, offering her support and reassurance. "I believe in you, my dear. You are destined for greatness, and I know you will make us proud."

Isabella's resolve strengthens as she looks into her mother's eyes. She knows that her path is not an easy one, but she is ready to embrace her gift, her responsibilities, and the sacrifices she must make.

With the queen's blessing and guidance, Isabella leaves the private chambers, her heart filled with a newfound sense of purpose. She knows that the road ahead will be challenging, but she is determined to navigate it with grace and courage.

Little does Isabella know that her encounter with Queen Emilia marks the beginning of a journey that will test her loyalty, challenge her abilities, and lead her closer to her ultimate destiny as the hidden queen of Adernia.

In the days that follow, Isabella finds herself contemplating her mother's words about being claimed and the consequences of falling in love before her 25th birthday. She was only 18 years and still had a long way to go, Prince Alexander might get married to Victoria before she turns 25.

Her curiosity grows, and she yearns for a deeper understanding of her destiny. Seeking answers, she seeks an audience with Queen Emilia once more.

"Mother," Isabella begins, her voice filled with both eagerness and apprehension. "You spoke of being claimed on my 25th birthday. What does it really mean? And what are these additional powers you mentioned?"

Queen Emilia's gaze softens as she looks at her daughter, recognizing the hunger for knowledge in her eyes. She gestures for Isabella to take a seat beside her.

"To be claimed, my dear, is a sacred ritual that will bind your gift and destiny to the throne of Adernia," the queen explains. "On your 25th birthday, a special ceremony will take place, where you will receive five additional powers, each representing a different aspect of rulership."

Isabella's eyes widen with awe and anticipation. She can barely contain her excitement as she envisions the possibilities.

"These powers," Queen Emilia continues, "will enhance your abilities as a leader, granting you the strength, wisdom, and insight needed to protect and guide our kingdom."

Isabella listens intently, her mind spinning with images of what these powers might be and how they will shape her future.

"However," the queen's voice turns somber, "if you were to come into contact with a man before that time, the gift would be lost. It is a precaution to ensure that your heart remains free from distractions, allowing you to fully embrace your destiny."

A mixture of longing and fear tugs at Isabella's heart. She ponders the sacrifices she must make and the weight of the responsibilities that lie ahead.

"But, Mother," Isabella hesitates, her voice trembling slightly. "What if I meet someone, someone who truly understands me, someone who could support me on this journey? Would it be wrong to allow myself to feel something for him?"

Queen Emilia's eyes fill with empathy as she takes Isabella's hands in hers. "My dear, love is a powerful force, and it can be both a blessing and a curse. To protect our kingdom, you must guard your heart until the time is right. It is a sacrifice, but it is one that must be made."

Isabella takes a deep breath, finding solace in her mother's words. She understands the weight of her duty and the importance of putting the kingdom's well-being before her personal desires.

"Thank you, Mother," Isabella says, her voice filled with determination. "I will honor your teachings and embrace my destiny with courage and resilience."

Queen Emilia smiles warmly, her pride shining through. "I have no doubt that you will, my dear. You possess a strength and grace beyond your years. I am proud to call you my daughter."

As Isabella leaves her mother's presence, she carries with her a newfound sense of purpose and acceptance. She knows that her journey will be filled with challenges and sacrifices, but she is ready to embrace her role as the hidden queen of Adernia and wield the powers that await her on her 25th birthday.

With her mother's guidance and the knowledge of what lies ahead, Isabella begins to prepare herself mentally, emotionally, and spiritually for the remarkable destiny that awaits her.

Isabella delves deeper into her search for more knowledge on the claiming process and gifts, she becomes increasingly curious about the additional powers she will receive. She seeks counsel from the kingdom's wise seer, Lady Seraphina, who holds ancient knowledge of Adernia's history and the powers bestowed upon the hidden queen.

In the secluded chambers of Lady Seraphina's mystical sanctuary, Isabella finds herself surrounded by ancient tomes and artifacts. The air crackles with an otherworldly energy as Lady Seraphina begins to reveal the nature of the five gifts Isabella will receive.

"The first gift, my dear," Lady Seraphina says, her voice filled with reverence, "is the power of healing. You will possess the ability to mend wounds, both physical and emotional, bringing comfort and restoration to those in need."

Isabella's heart swells with compassion as she envisions the countless lives she could touch with this gift. She understands the importance of healing, not just for the body, but also for the spirit and the heart.

"The second gift," Lady Seraphina continues, her eyes glowing with wisdom, "is the power of empathy. You will be able to feel and understand the emotions of others, allowing you to foster harmony, resolve conflicts, and bring people together."

Isabella's mind races with the possibilities of using empathy as a force for unity and understanding within the kingdom. She recognizes the power of connection and the importance of compassion in her role as a leader.

"The third gift," Lady Seraphina reveals, her voice tinged with awe, "is the power of elemental control. You will command the forces of nature, bending them to your will. With this gift, you will have mastery over the earth, water, air, and fire."

Isabella's eyes widen with wonder as she envisions herself harnessing the elements to protect her kingdom. She understands that this power comes with great responsibility and the need for balance in wielding such forces.

"The fourth gift," Lady Seraphina continues, her voice carrying a note of solemnity, "is the power of foresight. You will be granted visions of the future, glimpses into the paths that lie ahead. With this gift, you will be able to make wise decisions and guide Adernia with foresight and clarity."

Isabella's mind buzzes with anticipation as she envisions herself peering into the unknown, using her visions to safeguard the kingdom and make choices that will shape its destiny. She understands the weight of such knowledge and the need to use it judiciously.

"The fifth and final gift," Lady Seraphina reveals, her voice filled with reverence, "is the power of unity. You will possess the ability to unite people from all walks of life, to inspire loyalty and forge strong alliances. Your presence alone will ignite hope and unite the hearts of your subjects."

Isabella's heart swells with a sense of purpose as she contemplates the power of unity. She understands the significance of leading with compassion, bringing people together, and creating a harmonious kingdom where all can thrive.

As Isabella absorbs the knowledge of her future gifts, she feels a deep sense of responsibility settle upon her shoulders. She knows that these powers come with great sacrifices and challenges, but she is caught between the determination to wield them for the betterment of her kingdom and her growing love for Alexander.