
The Great Betrayal

chapter one the great betrail

Clang chink clang

as two warriors separate staring at each other intently, one warrior looks resplendent, regal and full of pride, the other is firm with out faulter and straightforward.

The first one says" let me pass Michael, there is no reason for you to interfere"

Michael responds without any change in his emotions, "you know very well that I cannot relinquish my post nor do I desire to. Lutias , you should stop this madness before it is to late."

Lutias' face contorts and yells "I SHOULD BE THE ONE BECAUSE I AM THE MOST BEAUTIFUL."

(W)with a heavy sigh Michael says "I see it is to late for you now. I must adhere to the command given to me".

Suddenly Michael moves at an unreal speed seemingly blinking before Lutias swings his sword while also stepping to the side of Lutias.

Lutias startled by the sudden movement barely dodges the attack and with a furry he turns and swings his sword.

CLANG CLING CLANG Clang cling cling,

a flurry of strikes were sent with not one strike hitting their intended target. Lutias looks at Michael in complete confusion, unable to comprehend how Michael could block every strike with ease.

With another sigh Michael asks "why... we were like brothers. So why would you throw it all away?"

Lutias arrogantly looks at Michael and with the most condescending voice says "how can I remain a brother to those I should rule?"

Michael: how much pride can one have, surely you have the fullness of such folly. Our Lord,The High King will never relinquish what is rightfully his, you will only find judgement.

Lutias glowers at Michael with complete hatred and he speaks in a rage filled, lowered voice "How dare you say that name in front of me and how dare you compare him to me. I am the only one who should rule over all."

After what seemed to be an eternity both streaked towards each other and began the assault again.


meanwhile at the Great Castle of the High King

Beloved Son: Father why would they betray us, have we not been kind and generous towards them?

High King: Pride my son is the beginning of all folly.

Beloved Son: I see, then how much longer until you pass judgement on them?

High King: In time my son, in time.


Withth the sounds of war all over the high plane, the battle between Micheal and Lutias raged on.

Michael: Give up Lutias, you know you can't beat me since we were first brought into this existence. I have always been a warrior and you were made to be in the presence of the Holy One our High King. So give up

After hearing this, a darkness began to spread over Lutias, the darkness was sinister, so sinister and evil that it felt like there was nothing more evil than the being known as Lutias. A crazed look appeared on Lutias face, he smiled with a smile that was below zero. He became the exact opposite of holy. He became the incarnate of all evil.

A meniacle laugh began to come out of Lutias.

As Michael heard this, he steeled himself for the coming battle.

Lutias: from this day forward I shall abandon the name Lutias and henceforth (will) be called the Great Dark Overlord.

As he anounced this , there was a look of great pride on the being formerly known as Lutias. The Great Dark Overlord began to step toward the great Castle as he ignored Michael altogether.

Michael went to intercept The Great Dark Overlord and was suddenly stopped


Inside the great Castle

High King: it looks to be about time for a conversation.

Beloved Son: what do you mean Father?

At that moment an incredibly dark sinister presence was felt.

Beloved Son: Father what was that?

With a heavy sigh

High King: that was Lutias throwing away the last of his humility.

As the Beloved Son looked at his Father he saw a tear fall from his eyes accompanied by a look of betrayal. A look as if a Master craftsman was being attacked by his own creation.

At that moment The High King sent a telapathic message to Michael"Let him by".


Elsewhere in the High plane...

Random Royal Guard Captain: Hold them men, the High King will make his move soon.

The fallen one leading the attack stopped and his appearance began to change. It began to darken and carry an evilness to it. As the fallen leader noticed this, he looked around to see all of his fallen comrades that were having the same changes. An evil smile spread across their faces as they refocused on their enemy accross from them.

Random Royal Guard Captain: What in the High Plane is going on?! ATTACK!

simultaneously the fallen leader screamed "ATTACK" and the two sides collide and complete mayhem ensued. The sounds of war echoed through out all of The High Plane. The beginning of an end of an era of peace had arrived, all because of the Great Betrayal. As some of the non combatants were watching this they began to wonder "what is going to happen now?". They knew that The High King would do something, they just didn't know what.


In front of the Great Castle

Receiving the telepathic message Michael steps aside. Slightly confused but trusting The High King's order and seeing this the Great Dark Overlord swelled up even more before saying "I knew you would be afraid, hahahaha, you will always be a dog before me."

Michael hearing this twitched a little out of anger

but he remained calm and said nothing in return.

With a look of slight dissatisfaction The Great Dark Overlord continued and muttered to himself why didn't he even react to that?

As The Great Dark Overlord continued, he entered into the Great Castle it's grandeur was incomparable to any other that has ever existed. The beauty evident with the walls made by gold so pure it was clear. There was every kind of jewel ever known imbedded in the gold brick adding to the array of color seen, yet nothing was over the top. There was a perfect balance of color and a subtle perfection to everything in sight.

Finally The Great Dark Overlord approached The Throne Room, he enters and hears

High King: hello Lutias

Next chapter