

The next morning, Korra, Kang, and his siblings stood next to each other as they were waiting for Mako, Bolin, and Asami to arrive at the island. The Ikki and Jinora were very excited to see Asami as the two haven't seen her for two years. Meelo on the other hand didn't remember her as the last time he saw her was when he was almost three years old.

As a boat approached the dock, Ikki waved at them.

"You're finally here!" Ikki said excitedly.

"Hey guys," Kang said.

"Welcome to Air Temple Island. Your new home," Ikki said excitedly.

"Yes, welcome to my domain!" Meelo said, using his thumbs to point at himself.

"Well, aren't you a sweet little monk child," Bolin said smiling and Pabu jumped off of Bolin's shoulder and went for Naga the two sniffed each other as they started to play around.

"What's that fuzzy creature?" Meelo asked, looking at Pabu.

"That is a fire ferret, Meelo," Kang said.

"It's an arboreal mammal common to the bamboo forests of the central Earth Kingdom," Jinora said, adding information to her brother's answer.

"He's CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE!" Ikki shouted excitedly while running past Jinora who covers her ears from her sister's shouting while Kang laughs as Ikki tries to run for Pabu who hisses and runs away from the excited Airbender.

Just then Meelo Airbends himself on Naga.

"Yip, yip. Fly sky bison, fly!" Meelo said, pulling the polar bear-dog's ears making Kang chuckle at Meelo's buffoonery.

"Thanks for sending the Air Acolytes to help us with the move," Mako said to Korra and Kang.

"Yes, they've been amazing. Such tireless workers," Asami said as they watched the Air Acolytes carrying too many bags off the boat. Kang's eyes widened as he spot-checked the two acolytes.

"I thought you were bringing a few things," Korra said.

"I guess it would've been worse," Kang said, guessing that the luggages would've been more loaded.

"Well, anyway, everyone here wants you to feel welcome," Korra said.

"Let's go folks," Kang said as they all started to walk into the main area of the island. Kang was leading them while Ikki was humming. Asami was looking ahead and looked down to Meelo had a smile on his face.

"You're pretty. Can I have some of your hair?" Meelo asked, making Mako laugh at this.

"Looks like I have some competition." Mako said in a joking manner.

"Better keep up, my little brother has style," Kang said, adding onto Mako's joke.

Mako smirked at Kang, "He clearly has your charms."

The two chuckled at each other as Ikki started to give a quick tour.

"And now for the grand tour. The flying bison sleep in the caves down there. That's the temple Grandpa Aang built. And that's the greenhouse where we grow vegetables we eat." Ikki said showing the right where the caves are, the buildings, and to the left for the greenhouse.

"Any questions folks?" Kang asked.

"I have a couple of questions. Is this an all vegetarian island? Is that where you train Airbending? Do we have to wear Air Acolyte clothes? Do we each get our own sky bison? And the final question, how many trees are on this island?" Bolin asked.

"Yes, yes, no, no, 10,552." Ikki answered all the questions, making everyone except for Kang shocked.

"So, where are we gonna be staying?" Mako asked.

"You're a boy. Boys have to stay on the boy's side," Meelo said.

"I'll be happy to take you to the men's dormitory," Jinora said.

"I'm a boy," Bolin said.

Jinora walked off with the brothers and Kang looked to his younger brother, "Meelo, come with us so we can help Mako and Bolin settle in after Jinora is done showing them around."

"We shall meet again soon, beautiful woman." Meelo said, leaving with his big brother. He jumped on Kang's shoulders and pulled on the collars as they started walking off.

"Ikki and I will be happy to take you to your room this way." Korra said as she started leading Asami.

Korra, Asami, and Ikki are walking down the corridor of the woman's side and everything is quiet.

"Asami, did you know Korra likes Mako?" Ikki asked, making the Avatar have a shocked face while thunder roars and explosions occur in the background behind Korra.

"Oh, uh... No. I was completely unaware of that." Asami said.

"Well, let's move on!" Korra said, grabbing Asami by her arm and they go down the halls while opening the doors to a different room allowing Asami to enter first and then follows her in and before Ikki could come in Korra quickly slams the doors in the Airbender's face.

"Hey!" Ikki yelled.

"Run along, Ikki!" Korra yelled through the doors making Ikki become angry as her eyes become comically white and begins growling and snarling and clawing like a cat but then pouts and walks off.

In the room and they look around it.

"So… this is your new room. I know it's a little rustic compared to what you're used to." Korra said.

"I've been here before when Kang and I were together, I have always told him that I found this place to be charming. And the best part about it… nothing here reminds me of my father," Asami said, "Thanks for yours and Kang's hospitality."

"Of course." Korra said and just then there was a knock on the door. "Ikki, I swear, if you don't leave us alone, I'm gonna..." Korra cuts herself off as Tenzin and his oldest son, Kang enter the room, making the Avatar shocked and embarrassed. "Uhhh, hey you two. Come right in." Korra said, trying to regain her composure.

"Good day, ladies. Asami, welcome back to the island," Tenzin said, "It has been years since we last had you here."

Tenzin looked to Korra, "Korra, Beifong's replacement, Saikhan is going to be inducted as the new chief of police later. I think we should both be there." Tenzin said.

Kang and Asami started to walk out of her room as they started to walk to the bison caves.


Kang and Asami were at the caves, hanging out with the bison. Asami and Kang were sitting together, "When was the last time we hung out like this?" Asami asked.

"When things didn't become a shitshow..." Kang said with a chuckle. Asami giggled at this and sighed, "You're right about that."

Asami was petting a small bison calf while Kang was tending to his bison, Kujo.

"Thank you," Asami said.

Kang looked at her with a bewildered expression, "What did I do?"

"You've been there for me ever since Mom died and have looked out for me," Asami said, "You were there when I cried, when I needed comfort, everything. Although it was for a short time, I really appreciated it."

"Sounds like you prefer me over Mako, when it comes to who is or was the better boyfriend," Kang said with a chuckle, making Asami giggle at his comment, "I almost forgot why we broke up," Asami said.

"Well, it's obvious," Kang said, "with the Agni Kai incident, my parents sent me off to the United Forces. As time went on, I grew distant. And soon I joined the Hidden Ones, I kind of found my finding. As a nonbender, I learned that I didn't have to be a bender to just maintain the balance in the world. I could maintain peace in the world while not having to be under my grandfather's shadow."

He sighed as he looked out towards Yue bay with a hint of sadness.

"And with your Dad with allegiance with the equalists," Kang said, "I feel like killing 20 Agni Kai Triad members was for nothing. I did it not just for you, but for your Dad who couldn't do anything."

Asami put a hand on his shoulder as he just continued looking out to the ocean.

"Do you think if you and I-"

"Don't think about it," Kang interrupted Asami, "I don't think about what could've happened if we stayed together. Just look at us now. I'm doing my own thing and you're doing your own and you have a boyfriend, a good one for a matter of fact. I personally think he's better than I was when we were together."

Before Asami could speak, she heard a voice call out for them.

"Ooooo," they looked to see Ikki teasing them, "Kang and Asami, you two are so cute together!"

"Get lost, now!" Kang told his sister, making her giggle as she skipped away. When Ikki was gone, Kang and Asami looked at each other and started to laugh as they were looking outside toward the statue of Grandpa Aang.


At Republic City and outside the police headquarters a large crowd is standing in front of the new chief Saikhan who is standing near a podium and with him is Tarrlok.

"It was an honor serving under Chief Beifong for so many years and I wish her a speedy recovery. It is with great humility that I take her place as the new Chief of Police. Republic City is facing a threat like none the world has ever seen, but there is one man who's been effective against Amon's revolution, Councilman Tarrlok. That is why for all matters involving the Equalists, I will report directly to him. The police department will lend any and all available resources to the councilman and his task force, until we quell this insurgency." Saikhan announced slamming his fist down on the podium.

"What is that weasel-snake Tarrlok up to now?" Korra asked, looking at Tarrlok with disdain.

After the announcement the crowd starts to disperse and Tenzin walks toward Tarrlok who is shaking hands with the Fire Nation Councilman.

"Tarrlok, I don't know what you did to get Chief Saikhan in your pocket, but I highly doubt it was legal." Tenzin said.

"Oh, Tenzin. Always a conspiracy theorist. Did you ever consider that Saikhan simply recognizes my talents and wants what is best for this city?" Tarrlok asked, making the Airbender grunt in disgust as Korra glared at Tarrlok with hate. "Well, Avatar Korra. Long time, no see. Now that your little pro-bending distractions are over, I look forward to your return to my task force." Tarrlok said.

"Ha! Forget it! There's NO way I'm rejoining your vanity project." Korra said, crossing her arms.

"That is unfortunate to hear. I'm sure you'll come to your senses as you have in the past." Tarrlok said.

"Like I said, forget it, bub. You know, Tenzin's been right about you all along. You played me, you played Beifong, and now you're playing the new chief too. Well, I got news for you. You need me, but I DON'T need you! I'm the Avatar!" Korra said.

"You're not, in fact, the Avatar. You are merely a half-baked Avatar in training. That reminds me, how is your Airbending going? Made any significant progress?" Tarrlok asked and Korra looked down with no answer. "I didn't think so."

Later Korra and Tenzin are riding on Oogi through the city with Tenzin piloting the sky bison while Korra is sitting on the saddle.

"I don't understand what's wrong with me. I've memorized nearly all the practice forms, but I still can't produce a single measly puff of air! I'm a failure." Korra said.

"No, you're not. You just need to work through this Airbending block." Tenzin said.

"Amazing advice. I'll get right on that." Korra said sarcastically.

"I wasn't finished yet. You see, Aang not only has his bending teachers, but also his past lives to call upon for guidance. Have you ever made contact with your past lives?" Tenzin asked.

"No, of course I haven't. Didn't you get the memo from the White Lotus? I'm a spiritual failure too." Korra said.

"You may have made a connection without realizing it. Perhaps something you mistook for a dream?" Tenzin asked.

"Maybe. I had a few weird hallucinations, but I hardly remember them." Korra said.

"And did you see any previous Avatars in these visions?" Tenzin asked.

"I saw Aang. It seemed like he was in trouble, but you know what really surprised me was that all of this started that night after Amon ambushed me and knocked me out. Maybe he even helped trigger the visions in some way." Korra said.

"I urge you to meditate on these visions. I believe Aang's spirit must be trying to tell you something." Tenzin said, stroking his beard.


Kang, Asami, Mako, and Bolin who had Pabu on his shoulder were walking to find Korra as she was nowhere to be seen.

"Korra! Are you out here?" Mako asked.

"I think she's here," Kang said as he tried to look around for her.

"KOOOORRRA!" Bolin called as Pabu got off his shoulder, leading them to follow the Fire Ferret. They followed it and saw that she was sulking about something.

"There you are, kid," Kang said.

"Are you okay?" Bolin asked.

"I'm fine," Korra answered.

"Come on, what's wrong? You can tell us." Mako said.

"How am I supposed to save the city when I can't even learn Airbending? I'm the WORST Avatar ever! I feel so…" Korra was cut off.

"Just stop," Kang said, "I get that you're alone, but look at me. I am the grandson of Aang, Katara, and Toph. I was known to be an Airbender and as I got older, it was all down the drain. I was bullied for being a nonbender, and it led to a darker path. I learned to chi-block illegally and it led to me beating up all those who wronged me. I was a lot more rageful, and I was more quick to violence. So take it from me, a guy who's father and mother are benders and turns out to not be one. You're not a failure kid, you are amazing and you're better qualified to carry on my grandfather's legacy."

"He's right. Korra, you're amazing," Asami said.

"Yeah and remember, Aang hadn't mastered all the four elements when he was out battling the Fire Nation. He was just a little kid," Mako said.

"And he wasn't alone either," Kang said.

"Yeah. His friends helped him. Look, the arena might be shut down, but we're still a team. The new Team Avatar," Bolin said he later looked to Kang, "with you to be the leader."

"Why me?" Kang asked.

"It's obvious, you are the grandson of Aang, Katara, and Toph. You have been through the most out of everybody in this group, it would make sense for you to be our leader," Asami said.

"I'm with her," Korra said, "you are the living blood of three members of Aang's team including Aang himself."

Kang looked to his friends and sighed, "Well we can't turn our backs now. We've come this far already since we first met and it's time we keep it going," Kang said, "Fine, I'll be the leader."

"Yeah! We've got your back, Kang! We can save this city together!" Mako said and they all got into a circle and placed their hands in the circle.

"Let's do it!" Korra said, placing her hand on the others.

Just then Meelo comes flying down while passing gas in their hands.

"Yeah, let's do it! What are we doing?" Meelo asked.

"Well that was just disgusting," Kang said to his brother, laughing with everyone else.


Everyone gathers looking at the city.

"Get ready, Republic City. You're about to be patrolled by Team Avatar!" Bolin said.

Just then Asami comes in wearing her driving outfit and wearing an Equalist glove.

"Asami, you know how to accessorize with your outfits." Mako said.

"I figured one way to fight Equalists is to use an Equalist weapon," Asami said, making electricity from the glove.

Kang walked out with black robes that had the same red accents as his white one. He also had a pouch of arrows and bow that was holstered sideways on his back. He extended his hidden blade on his left hand and it was working.

"You're looking good, Kang," Bolin said.

He pulled out a whistle to blow in it and Kujo came, "Let's roll guys," Kang called, having the rest of the four come and sit on the passenger's saddle.

"Kujo, let's go buddy," Kang said as he snapped the reins and the bison flew them all to a garage in Republic City.

The bison landed on the driveway of the garage. Kang Asami got in the garage and turned on the light. It showed a black satomobile which had a red interior. As Asami got in, Kangas was amazed at how amazing this satomobile looked.

"There's a motorcycle for you, wanna ride it?" Asami asked.

Kang snapped out of his thoughts as he hopped onto the motorcycle that was next to the satomobile. Asami drives out in a sleek Satomobile while Kang drives his motorcycle out. "Think this'll do?" Asami asks and Korra, Mako, and Bolin get in.

"Let's go!" Korra said as Asami drives the Satomobile following Kang.

The new team Avatar begins patrolling the city and keeping their eyes open for any Equalists and they're listening to the radio with police reports.

"My dad had police scanners installed in all of his cars. I guess I know why," Asami said.

"Calling all units, level 4 alert! Jailbreak a headquarters, officers down, electrocuted, chi-blockers and Equalists are still at large armed and dangerous! Last seen heading east!" The radio said.

"Alright kids, listen up," Kang said, "Mako, shoot lightning at one of the motorcycles.

Mako nodded as he shot lightning to one of the three motorcycles which popped the tire.

"Korra and Bolin, ramp me!" Kang shouted.

Korra and Bolin obeyed as they used Earthbending to create a ramp for Kang and as he flew off his motorcycle, he took out what seemed like seven arrows as he shot two side wheels of the bigger satomobile and the back wheels of three motorcycles.

Soon the press were present to take photos of the dispatched equalists and arrested convicts.

A siren was heard as Kang looked back and had a smug smile on his face. Tarrlok and his task force had arrived only for them to see captured equalists.

"Beifong?! What are you and the Avatar doing?!" Tarrlok asked angrily as he approached the nonbender.

"Oh, hey, Tarrlok. Nice of you to show up finally. Here, we captured the escaped convicts for you," Korra said.

"Now that's just hilarious," Kang said while chuckling, "I didn't see your task force of the cops the whole time."

"If it wasn't for us, they would have gotten away," Korra said, as she inspected her nails, she and Kang exchanged a high-five.

"Preach it sister," Kang said.

"This is your final warning, Beifong!" Tarrlok threatened the taller nonbender who didn't seem intimidated at the very least, "You and the Avatar's friends need to stay out of the way!"

As he left, Kang decided to flip Tarrlok off while the councilman's back was turned towards him.

"Fucking wimp," Kang said.

"I couldn't agree more," Korra said.


The next day at city hall all the Councils are having a meeting.

"Republic City stands as a beacon of freedom, but the Equalists are using that freedom to tear it down. The law I have proposed would make it illegal for anyone to be a member of the Equalists or even be associated with them. It also puts into effect a curfew, ensuring all nonbenders are in their homes by nightfall." Tarrlok announced making Tenzin flabbergasted.

"This is going too far, Tarrlok! You can't punish all nonbenders for the actions of a few!" Tenzin protested, he also was thinking on the behalf of his oldest son as he is a nonbender as well.

"That kind of cowardice will cause our city to fall into Amon's hands. We must pass this law. All in favor?" Tarrlok asks, raising his hand first and the rest of the council agree while Tenzin sighs in anger and Tarrlok smirks and slams his gavel.

Unknowingly to them, Kang who had his hood on was watching the whole meeting from the window. He dropped down to ground level and met with Korra and their friends in an alleyway.

"What did you hear?" Korra asked.

"Tarrlok just implemented another unhinged law," Kang said, "and it went through to the council with Dad being the only one who didn't vote."

"What was it?" Asami asked.

"All nonbender are put into a curfew," Kang said, "Tarrlok's reasoning was that this would make it illegal for any nonbender to be a member of the Equalists or be associated with them."

"He's too far gone!" Korra said.

Kang nodded in agreement as he said, "Let's not worry about it right now. Let's just keep doing what we're doing and we'll be fine."

"What about the law?" Korra asked.

"Screw the law," Kang said, "remember what I said days ago?"

"Rules are meant to be broken," Korra answered, leading Kang to nod with a smile on his face.


Later at night Team Avatar continues patrolling the city and they later stop at a bakery and are having dumplings but just then the radio starts going off.

"All available units please respond to the 56 hundred block of Dragon Flats Burol! Equalists have taken to the streets, consider them armed and dangerous and proceed with caution." The radio said.

"Finally, something to do." Kang said, eating his dumpling. After he finished his dumping, he hopped onto his motorcycle as everyone else went for the satomobile.

As Bolin jumped for the front seat, "After you." Mako said, opening the back car door.

"What a gentleman. Thanks." Korra said, getting in the car and sitting at the back seat and Mako sits next to her making Asami watch this through her rearview mirror and has visible jealousy and then starts driving the car.

They arrive at a neighborhood that's cut off from electricity and all the houses are dark and nobody's home.

"Why is the power out?" Korra asked.

Kang narrowed his eyes as he got out of his motorcycle, "You guys go, I'll investigate further."

Asami looked at Kang with uncertainty, "Are you sure?"

"Positive," Kang said.

Everyone else drove off while Kang decided to explore the darkened area of the city. He kept his senses at a high as he started to walk around. He soon saw a silhouette around the corner of an alleyway as right as he entered, he suddenly blacked out.

As Kang fell down three Triad members dropped to the ground and tied up the unconscious Kang and put a sack over his face.

"Take him to HQ," the Triad member said, "Dreadful Dai will be pleased."


Tarrlok was in his tent as he phoned someone.

"Did you get him?" Tarrlok asked.

"Yes we did," the person from the other line said, "I, Dreadful Dai, head of the Agni Kai Triad, is in debt to you Tarrlok."

"Don't worry about it," Tarrlok said with an evil smile, "think of it as a mutual opportunity. I need to get rid of Beifong and you guys want him punished for killing Dao, we're even."


A/N: Holy snap! Tarrlok just sold Kang out to the Agni Kai Triad.

Next chapter