
The hidden lines

Their world is sick, despite their different genders. It is not about the strong over the weak, but also the weak dominate the weak, and sometimes the weak dominate the strong, but the matter varies from one person's strength to another. What will Shane do with these things and what will he discover after he loses himself in a curve that he should have gone through

ooh_reeta · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Reality or...?

Yohei, who insisted on not accepting the reality of Regis' death, was very tired from his fight with the old president, but he refused to give up despite all the injuries he sustained and his inability to move one of his hands, but he still insisted on taking that old man to the end

Although he knew his strength wouldn't match that old man's, he still tried hard to discover more of his weaknesses.

"That means you got rid of Regis because he didn't walk like you wanted, and that also means you saw us like string toys."

"Then I can tell you're planning to kill more of us and don't really care about the future of the Banshee or its users."

But that old man answered him with a long sigh and closed his eyes as if he had lost hope in what he saw in front of him, then he was silent for a few seconds and left Yohei staring at him too and then said to him

"Didn't I tell you that you would never understand what I meant, even if I explained it to you more than a million times, you wouldn't be able to understand what I'm saying, and one of the conditions of this is not to tell anyone about this until after choosing the right person who will come from After me, when I choose him, I will give him a complete book containing all the information he must know to run things after me, but all the other members must not know that, or else calamity will befall him.

Yuhei could never understand what the old man meant and what he was really interested in to understand. He knew that the old man would not tell them anything in the end and that's why he decided to just get rid of him, even though he knew his chance of getting rid of him was very slim.

'I have to find some way to get rid of him, I want to get rid of him, yes, I must, or it won't be good and no one can save that fat man, not even Regis who's about to die, and maybe he'll try to kill the others too.'

He was thinking a lot as he stared sharply at that old man biting his lower lip and just trying to find a way to get rid of him but he realized that the black dots would drain his energy and maybe if he could use them again it would hurt him even more.

"Okay then old man, tell me what's your next plan? Do you want to explode the black areas or are you just going to continue blasting the white areas?"

Yuhei sensed that something was going on around him, so he realized that the old man was planning to attack him, but what made him so alert was that he couldn't figure out from which direction he would be attacked.

He was trying to avoid the attack, as he was unable to respond to the attack due to weakness, but he could not comprehend the location of the attack.

"What the hell is this, what kind of trick is this?"

The old man smiled lightly while staring at the little mouse he saw in a cage, while Yohei was trying to get out and look around without touching the bars because he did not know what would happen if he touched them

"Just tell me now what will happen if I touch these bars?"

The old man approached to stand directly in front of him and wrapped his hands behind his back and surrounded them together

"Why should I tell you the secret of these bars? Would that be good for me...? No, that wouldn't be good for me, but you'd better sit down while I dispose of the trash that Regis brought here with him, and then I'll get rid of him." Also, then I will hide you from existence and no one will know you exist, but I will take good care of you, so don't worry."

The old man left with extremely slow steps, the room he had left filled with black spots of blood and Yuhei who had left him trapped inside those transparent black bars which Yuhee could not touch and could not risk it because he did not know what would happen to him if he grabbed it even if he touched it lightly since it was close to him So he couldn't have risked it.

"What am I going to do now, I don't even have enough Banshee to make a corda that I can get out of this cage, and I also don't know if the corda I'm going to use will protect me if the cage suddenly explodes."

Shane and Azev were in a very tired position, and Elias, who was standing rarely quietly and standing in front of him, Lyrera talking to him and moving her hands, but he was not looking at her and was not interested in her, and his thinking was elsewhere.

But he wanted to talk to her, so he spoke directly and interrupted her words without paying attention to what she was saying and asked her

"Lerera, what's going to happen now? What's going to happen to us?"

Lerira was disturbed by not listening to her and immediately disappeared from before his eyes, turning towards the sunrise without finding any trace of the sun yet, and said in a cold tone as the wind moved his hair.

"What a fuzzy future!"

He turned and stared at Aziv, who was trying to take care of Rogue with Seran and Gilio, who had lifted himself off the ground with difficulty and heavy steps to heal Shin, whose situation had become even more dire.

He was staring at everyone without seeing anyone even approaching him, but that was his last concern, so he went to Siran and stood behind him.

Siran got up without showing Elias the extent of the negativity on his face.

"What's up? What's wrong, are you okay? Are you injured somewhere?"

Siran was trying to ask Elias if he was okay or if he was injured anywhere in his body, but Elias raised his eyebrows quietly and mockingly and said to him

"Do you think I'm that weak? Besides, I want to ask you what's going to happen now? Didn't you come here to help us...or am I wrong?"

Siran did not know how to deal with Elias, so Rogue noticed that and Siran's inability to deal with Elias, so he got up from his place and headed towards Elias and grabbed his arm lightly after he stood by him and gave him a calm look and said to him

"Are you alright, Elias? Please calm down, because I know the situation we've been through was totally unexpected, and let me tell you too, no one will ever blame you because you brought us to this place, so we were all good to come here."

"It doesn't matter, Rogue, I don't regret coming to this place, and besides, I don't know why we've come to this point after we came here for that damned paper."

"We may have come here for a paper, but it looks like you came up with something bigger than it, am I not right, you bastard?!"

He hit his clinic and smiled and then laughed while thinking of words, which made Ayas talk to him a lot and return to normal.

Ceran who was standing between them noticed how difficult the conversation Rogue started with Elias was but realized that their relationship was much stronger for friends, Rogue was able to deal with Elias with ease and made him speak many words even though he didn't seem the type to like talk a lot

Siran did not know if Elias only liked dealing with his friends or something else he could not comprehend.

After a period of time, Shane's mother called his father, and he sent cars to pick them up in addition to ambulances to take them to the hospital, so Azev and Shane were taken to the hospital while Elias told them that he was fine and that he would only go home

He stared coldly at his two friends on the ambulance beds, so he turned and went to get into one of the police cars quietly, closed the door, and kept staring out the window at all that had happened, but he was not yet able to comprehend that what had happened to him was real.

"What about Pierre... where is he..."

Elias remembered his fat friend who had disappeared, and their name was never mentioned, and no one mentioned him since they got out of that place. Elias wanted to get out of the car, but the driver suddenly drove very fast without realizing that Elias wanted to get off. And Seran is busy talking to the police.

'We're not dreaming, are we? Lyrera and that place... Everything was real right?'

"It's all true, what's wrong with you, Elias?"


Elias was in a state of shock and disbelief in himself, to the point where he thought he had gone crazy or that what had happened wasn't real, but Lerira's voice inside his head brought him back to reality.

"Elias, are you okay? Tell me if you're suffering from something."

At this moment, she appeared in front of him in a miniature form. It was like a small game head, smaller than the size of a soccer ball.

"You're not delusional. Everything that happened is real but you need some time to live with it, and as you know it's been a month or more since you entered that place, that's why returning to normal life will not be easy, but don't worry. I'm with you and I will help you."

He nodded to her and said to her while talking to her telepathically because he didn't want anyone to hear what they were talking about

"I do not trust these two men, besides, Pierre is still with them in their place, which they call the farm."

"What can I tell you, but someone was hesitating that for this reason they refused to take you and Rog with them to the farm."

"what do u mean by that?"

"I mean, you might be able to see Pierre again."

"And what do you suggest?"

She came close to whisper in his ear in a low voice, although she could telepathize with him, but I heard her voice and said

"I mean we use the time and catch them before they escape."