
Marriage Proposal

"Haha, your Highness Long really likes to joke around." Li Feng chuckled with a warm and friendly smile on his face.

The beautiful woman beside Li Feng almost tripped when she heard the way Li Feng was referred to.

"Why are you here, the one surnamed Li?" Long Wu asked indifferently as he stroked his goatee in a thoughtful manner.

"You see the reason I'm here today is to propose a marriage between our families, the young seventh master of your Long family with our fourth miss, who was also recently born on the day of the sign from the heaven, the gathering of the thunder and lightning." Li Feng said in one breath politely as he bowed to Long Wu.

"What do the thunder and lightning have anything to do with the birth of your granddaughter..." A scar crossed man mumbled in the far corner as he spectated the situation before him with a glass of wine in his hand.

But there were obviously a lot of powerful figures attending the banquet as they had clearly heard what the mumbling scar crossed face man said.

They turned their heads in the direction of the mumbling scar crossed man, with an intrigued face, Long Wu obviously hated when people interrupted his conversations and they were looking forward to seeing what would happen next.

"Long Bao, care to repeat yourself?" Long Wu asked in an indifferent tone as he looked at the far right corner in the banquet hall.

Li Feng also had an intrigued and curious smile on his face as he looked at Long Bao and waited for his response.

"I have nothing to say..." Long Bao rolled his eyes as he grabbed his wine and silently left the banquet hall.

Long Wu didn't look at him anymore as he turned his head in Li Feng's direction again. The powerful figures in the banquet hall were disappointed as they saw Long Bao take his leave.

"You were saying that you would like an arranged marriage between our families, right?" Long Wu asked again as if he really wanted to confirm Li Feng's Intentions.

"Father." A quiet voice entered Long Wu's ears as he side glanced at the frail and beautiful daughter of his who had disappointed him tremendously.

"Indeed." Li Feng calmly answered as he reconfirmed his former proposal.

"Hoho, Alright! that's what we would do then! Now enjoy the feast! This is a joyous event, what's with all the tensed faces." Long Wu laughed as he stroked his long goatee in an indifferent manner.

The party went on for three days straight as the guest finally decided to leave the third mountain peak.

The days went by quietly as the baby Long Cheng tried to look around the place curiously.

"Why did you agree to the marriage proposal? Father?" Long Xie asked in an annoyed tone as she threw a tantrum on her parents.

"Why not? I'm his grandfather! I know what's best for my grandchild!" Long Wu said calmly as he played with his goatee.

"Sigh... You have actually done it again, old man!" Zhi Rou sighed as she massaged her forehead softly.

"What are talking about? Rou'er?" Long Wu asked curiously when he saw his wife sighing and massaging her forehead in an annoyed manner.

"What!? Don't tell me you don't remember? Let me refresh your memory! She is my daughter! I know what's best for her." Zhi Rou said in a displeased and irritated tone. Long Wu had actually arranged a marriage with the fourth miss of the Li family without talking to the family again, this both annoyed and Irritated Zhi Rou tremendously.

"Is that what happened?" Long Wu said calmly as he thought back to the events back in the days.

"Hoho, you might actually be right." Long Wu continued as he half-laughed at the funny coincidence.

"This is not a laughing matter! Long Wu! This is your grand child's life that you're messing around with!" Zhi Rou continued in an infuriated voice as she saw Long Wu Indifferent attitude.

"Don't worry, everything's going to be fine." Long Wu said calmly as he kept stroking his goatee thoughtfully. The Li family was actually one of the strong families in the world as they currently possess a Saint Way realm expert as patriarch, but they obviously weren't a match for the Long family.

"Dada" A sweet childish voice entered the ears of everyone in the room as the whole room suddenly became extremely quiet.

"What?" Long Xie rose up from her seat in an exaggerated manner as she grabbed Long Cheng and placed him in her bosom.

"Say it again, please." Long Xie sweetly begged Long Cheng as she swung him left and right.

"Mama." Long Cheng said while giggling, enjoying the playful faces of Long Xie.

"Did you guys hear that?" Long Xie screamed excitedly as she hugged Long Cheng tightly in her bosom.

"Let me hold him, Xie'er!" Zhi Rou asked sweetly as she took Long Cheng from Long Xie's grasp and played around with him for a while.

'He's not even one month old and he can already talk?' Long Wu thought silently as he stroked his goatee while looking deeply at Long Cheng with piercing eyes that scanned his entire being.

Wah Wah!

Long Cheng cries echoed in the room as Long Xie and Zhi Rou both turned their heads in Long Wu's direction furiously.

"Hoho, I'm leaving, I'm leaving." Long Wu said half-joking as he raised his hands up in a defeated manner and the took one last look at Long Cheng as he got up from his seat and placed both hands behind his back and slowly walked out of the room, but his soul powers still lingered around Long Cheng small body and scanned him from top to bottom.

'Hmm, something doesn't feel right here, how can a baby have that much soul power in the infant stage?' Long Wu closed his eyes as he finally left the room.

"Say, mama!" Long Xie's sweet voice vibrated throughout the stronghold while Zhi Rou also tried to make Long Cheng talk.

"Say, grandma!" Zhi Rou said excitedly as if Long Cheng would recognize her already.

"What, grandma!? You really think he can say that already?" Long Xie grabbed Long Cheng from Zhi Rou's hands as she placed him in her own arms again and rocked him back and forth.

"No, he has to say, grandma!" Zhi Rou couldn't give up as she tried to make Long Cheng say her title.


Author's note:

I want to see if anyone is actually reading this novel I'm writing so please comment down below if your reading this. XD

Thanks for reading!

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