

Han Lian Ai called the maids, she ordered them to prepare her a bath.

It had been two months since Hui Lei's soul entered Lian Ai's body.

It was shocking and unbelievable at first. It almost drove Hui Lei crazy. But, he didn't feel like dying twice, so he tried to adapt.

She grew accustomed to it little by little. She didn't need to do much, actually. The maids helped her wear the complex hanfu, helped her brush her long hair, helped her in everything she did. Which was pretty convenient for her.

The maids came with a purple wooden bathtub full of tepid water.

"Haa..." Han Lian Ai relieved her stress and relaxed as she soaked her body inside the warm and calming water full of flower petals. Her maids were on both side of her body, scrubbing and messaging her. "Someone, get me the red wooden scroll on top of the table."

A maid got up and heeded her command.

Han Lian Ai read the wooden scroll while the maids washed her hair.

She glanced up to rest her eyes when she saw Xia standing by the door, looking at her with a grim expression.

Lian Ai was not aware of his presence when she looked back at her scroll Then, she looked back again at the door and gulped.

"..." Lian Ai wanted to scream like a scared virgin.

The boy looked at Hui Lei inside Han Lian Ai with disgust. He squinted his phoenix eyes and frowned.

The atmosphere became weird and tense.

Han Wu Xia raised a brow and asked.

"Why are you naked?"

"I'm bathing, duh. Anyhow, how come you can freely get in? Did the maids outside not stop you?"

"Of course not." Han Wu Xia scoffed, a lofty tone in his voice as he replied.

"What?! Why?"

"I am the esteemed Crown Prince, remember?"

"..." Lian Ai's mouth twitched and veins popped on her forehead.

Maybe I should just let someone else steal his 'esteemed' position.

"Don't you feel shame? You are peeping on a teenage girl bathing…"

"No, not really." Han Wu Xia lifted his shoulders. He waved his hand. He was signaling the maids to get out of the room. The maids bowed and left swiftly

"What? Wait! I haven't finished bathing yet!"

Wu Xia closed the wooden sliding door-screen and approached Han Lian Ai. He grabbed Lian Ai's head and squashed it. "Ouch Stop, stop it!"

"No!" He had a devilish smile on his face when he said. "You pervert! To think that you have been looking at my sister's body every day for the last two months! I should be the one to ask you whether you have shame or not, right?"

It felt like there's thunder behind him. Lian Ai blinked twice. The esteemed Crown Prince had some good points.

While it was exciting at first. He grew ignorant of it because it has become his body. Like… Hui Lei couldn't do much to it since he was no longer a man.

"Sigh… Then, what do you want me to do? Close my eyes everytime I bath?"

"Yes! From now on, cover your eyes with this every time you get naked."

Han Lian Ai raised a confused eyebrow when Han Wu Xia handed her a piece of clothing.

"That kid..." Han Lian Ai looked at the black piece of cloth and her eyes widened. "Oh, yeah! The clothing store!"

Han Lian Ai immediately rinsed and put on some clothes. She ran and chased after Han Wu Xia. The moon was a bit high and she was worried that it would be too late.

"Xia! Xia, wait up!"

"Huh?" Han Wu Xia halted as he saw Han Lian Ai catching her breath, he frowned. "What is it?"

Han Lian Ai looked around and lead Han Wu Xia to a nearby room.

"Xia, do you know any trusted clothing shops that can help us? You know that I lied about the clothes, right? We can not brazenly storm into a store and reveal our identity."

Han Wu Xia blinked a few times. He then put his hand on his chin, thinking.

"Hmm... there is one. The finest boutique in the capital, I went there a lot."

"You went there a lot?"

"The finest clothing store in the capital does not accept servant who come and buy directly. At the very least, the servant can only do as much as order a cloth. So I go there if there is an emergency."

Han Lian Ai frowned. "Seems like we have no choice."


"Xia, we can not waste any time. Let's go there right away!" Han Lian Ai opened the red wooden door and stormed out of the room in a hurry.

"Eh, ah, wait up!" Han Wu Xia chased.

Han Lian Ai ran out and took a left turn to her room. She ransacked the golden clothing chest inside her room. Her chest was beside the changing screen.

"Xia, do Han Lian Ai have a normal looking cloth? I mean, less flashy and less royal-like?"

"Sure, she has." Han Wu Xia walked up to the golden chest and got out some clothes.

"Perfect! Now, all I need to do is change-" Han Lian Ai said while she pulled the sash around her waist. Before she could open her robes and expose her flawless shoulders, her wrist was held by Han Wu Xia.

"... Xia?"

Han Wu Xia had a dark face. He stared straight into her eyes with a gloomy expression.

"Hui Lei, don't tell me... You rinsed and put your clothes on without closing your eyes?" He said as he pointed to the piece of black clothes that was tossed beside the bathtub.

"Uh, oh, that..."

Han Lian Ai could feel Han Wu Xia's grip getting stronger.

"Ouch, Xia, stop..."

"Hui Lei, you perverted jerk! How dare you!"

"Oh, come on, Xia! Seriously, how do you expect me to change my clothes while my eyes are closed?"

"Hmph! I will call the maids and tell them to help you." Han Wu Xia turned his back.

"What? Don't! If you call them, our disguise will be blown out. Those maids are new, we can not trust them for this yet."

Han Wu Xia stopped in front of the red wooden door which had purple decorations hanging. He frowned.

"Then, what do we do?"

"..." Han Lian Ai looked intently at Han Wu Xia and the black cloth. He smirked. "I have an idea."


A few mistakes later...

"Puahahah! You should look at that red face just then, Xia! You have no problem seeing your sister's body, but when you start to touch it, you tremble like a rabbit!"

"Tch! Quit it!"

Lian Ai muffled her laughter. She could still feel Xia's hands trembling while he dressed her up. That was adorable!

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