

This is not the story of the Princess who found her Prince, got saved from the highest tower, fell in love and lived happily ever after. Rather this the story of the untold, the hidden and forgotten.

With no memories of her past, Scia struggles to place herself in Luminous Pack, the pack that found her unconscious in the woods covered by grass as if it cocoons her for protection. Years later, she had realized the one thing she's good at, to fight, well not verbally that's for sure because she likes to keep to herself and hide her emotions even though she doesn't know it herself why she's like that. With years of hard work in training she tried to repay the pack that saves and accepted her, the pack that gave her hope to live by serving and becoming one of the most elite warrior they have.

But what happens when she found out she's in love with their future Alpha? And that's not the problem. The said Alpha already found his mate! And that mate is not her!

Join our little heroine as she try to fight for her heart even though fate is against it. Will she be able to maintain her calm as she try to get what she believes her man or will she discover new emotions along the way?