
The heroic tale of a girl who never wavered

The history of our world is adorned with anecdotes of several brave, admirable women who have been inspiring us for generations. This is a tale of one such woman, who, with her sheer will power, waded through storms to save her people.

vikas20 · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Unnatural Cave system

Sarcony and co. reached an inn that had a shed to place the wolves. They retired into a single room (Mark), a double room (Sarcony and Mo'er) and a triple room (the rest).

The next day,

The team all went on their separate ways to search for clues and gather information regarding the statue and its supposed guardian. They promised to gather at the inn at dusk.

Sarcony sat in her room meditating, gathering information via sense expansion, one of the primary skills of an eternal. She sent waves of Chakra radiating outwards. They brought back information by resonating with the words spoken by the people in the search radius and echoing back to her.

Mo'er went to the Adventurers' office and put a direct inquiry request on the whereabouts of the mysterious cave system in the Kai kingdom.

Maria and Mark went to the local market to mingle with the town folk and gather all kinds of gossips and rumors regarding unnatural occurrences in the vicinity.

Lily went to the Border Patrol office to inquire about the history of Mantle sama(?), the guardian of the Kai Kingdom and make a report on it.

Sakura and the wolves roamed in the icy jungles surrounding the kingdom to find clues regarding the cave system and any other events that are not natural.

" Captain, we were able to narrow the number of unnatural cave systems to three. " Mark reported his work.

" Captain, I gathered information on the people who explored the three said caves. Here's the report. " Maria gave her report to the captain.

" Here is the report of the history of the Kai kingdom, along with the reason why Mantle sama stays here as the guardian, captain. " Lily barged into the conversation.

" Onee chan, my report on the sightings of some kind of monster that eats humans. The border patrol told us we were lucky to have not encountered it. " Sakura chimed in.

<<Onee sama, the Adventurers' office told me that the petitioned request will be completed within three days. I guess I can only wait.>>

" I found many things about this kingdom and this border town from the amusing conversations of the adventurers and the regulars who visit the bar below. " Sarcony gave her thoughts.

They discussed the details they gathered so far deep into the night.

The next day, armed to the teeth, they left the inn towards one of the cave systems that was frequented by the adventurers of the Kai kingdom.

Named 'Unnatural Cave system', aptly so, is a dungeon/labyrinth that served as both a treasure house and a mass grave for the adventurers.