
Chapter 4: Memories Part 4

"Because of you, the doors were closed to a life of women, luxury and money... you will pay damn" -said the hooded man with hatred, as he climbed the stairs-

He went up one floor higher, he got tired of his bad physical condition.

"Damn it, why does this place have so many stairs ?!" - The hooded man said tiredly and with hatred- "I can't ... leave my revenge ... for another day ... but ... maybe ... rest for a while ... it's not a bad idea" -Said the hooded man tiredly, sitting on the floor of the corridor- "Just wait Rodrigo "-said the hooded man with hatred-

-Lightning strikes-

"Rodrigo, Rodrigo, Rodrigo, wake up!" -Said a young woman in an accelerated way-

The young woman was Rose, who went to wake up Rodrigo by order of her tutor, since the day's classes had already finished. Rodrigo wakes up slightly and says not to bother him, due to his clumsiness he extends his hand in the direction of Rose's chest, but a hand stops him a few centimeters before touching Rose, the hand was Alice's, and with a threatening aura she looked to Rodrigo.

"Ro-dri-go" -said Alice annoyed with a fake smile-

"Yes?!" -Rodrigo answered scared-

"What were you going to do to my dear friend Rose with your hand Rodrigo?" -Alice said annoyed with a fake smile-

"Eee, I wasn't going to do anything to Rose" -Rodrigo answered scared and nervous-

" You weren't going to do anything to Rose? I think I saw your hand going to her chest" -Alice said annoyed with a fake smile-

"Eeee, yes, but ..." -Rodrigo answered scared and nervous-

"Well, so you admit that your hand was directed to his chest" -said Alice annoyed with a fake smile, grabbing a metal ruler- "You better have a good explanation for that" -said Alice annoyed with a fake smile, hitting the metal ruler with the palm of his hand-

"A ... a ... Alice, calm down please" -Rodrigo answered scared and nervous- "Girls, help me" -said Rodrigo going towards Rose and Ana-

"I don't like dealing with an angry Alice, you know" - Rose said as she looked away-

"You are alone this time Mr. Pervert, let's get out of here Rose" -said Ana as she left the classroom with Rose-

Now Alice and Rodrigo were the only ones in the classroom.

"Girls, please don't go away" -said Rodrigo-

"Rodrigo ..." Alice said annoyed and with her head bowed

Scared, Rodrigo turns around in fear and sees Alice with the metal ruler in hand.

"The only girl you can touch her chest is me!" Alice shouted something blushing as she was going to hit Rodrigo with the ruler-

Rodrigo, after hearing what Alice said, quickly manages to grab her arms with his hands, avoiding the blow, causing Alice to release the ruler.

"Wait, what did you just say?" -Said Rodrigo seriously-

"No ... nothing, forget it" -Alice said blushing after remembering what she said-

"I think I heard that I could only touch your chest" -said Rodrigo seriously and confidently-

"Aaa ... I ..." -Responded Alice blushing-

"So I can do it now?" -Said Rodrigo confidently-

"Eee ... no, you can't" -Responded Alice blushing, releasing Rodrigo-

"Heee? But you said yes "-Said Rodrigo confidently-

"Eee ... that was ... they were just words that I said without meaning to, nothing more" -Alice said nervous and blushing-

"Well, well" -said Rodrigo while he thought- "haha, I think I bothered she enough, it will be better to stop"

"But ... if you want ..." -Alice said blushing and nervous, as she lowered her head-

"Eee?" -Said Rodrigo, leaving his thoughts-

"I said ... that if you want ... there would be no problem" -Alice said blushing and nervous, while she lowered her head-

"Wait Alice, this is sudden and ... we haven't reached that level yet"

"You have done it many times before ..."

"Yes, but they were accidents, not because I wanted to"

Alice lowered her head and sat on a chair. Silence overwhelmed the classroom

" ... Alice?" -Said Rodrigo-

"All the times… they were accidents, right? ... none because you wanted, right? "- Alice said somewhat disappointed-

"Yes…" -Said Rodrigo-

"… Stupid…" -Said Alice-

"I? And now why?"

"Because you don't see me in a perverted way"

" Is that a bad thing? "

"Yes! ... Before we were a couple, I used to listen to you talking perverted things with boys

"Hey, well, it's what healthy high school boys do."

"I don't judge you for that, but they mentioned several very pretty girls, from our grade and from higher grades. They have bigger chest than me, have better physical and mental characteristics than mine… you did too."

"I ... well ..."

"Kind and sweet girls, you even said you loved some of them, and that makes me wonder ... if there are girls prettier than me, if there are girls less violent than me ... if there are girls better than me ... Why are you with me?" -Alice said something sad-

"Alice ..." -Said Rodrigo in a low voice while thinking- "For a moment I thought that Alice was throwing a simple tantrum because I almost touched Rose ... but she's not sure of how I feel about her ... although for a somewhat strange reason ... but that does not mean that it is not important to her "

Rodrigo moves a chair next to Alice to then sit and hug her.

"Eee? ... what ... what, what are you doing ...?" -Said Alice nervous-

"You know ... you're right ... there are girls better than you" -said Rodrigo seriously.

Alice's heart was about to break immediately when she heard that, she was with tears in her eyes.

"But ... they don't interest me" -said Rodrigo looking at Alice-

Alice still with tears, she looks at Rodrigo.

"Maybe there are girls worse than you, also girls better than you, but they don't interest me, maybe some of them I loved at the time, but not now ... because the girl I love is you Alice, never doubt it ... "-Said Rodrigo confidently and blushing-

Alice could only nod her head crying in relief, while Rodrigo hugged her. Outside the classroom, Rose and Ana had heard everything, and Ana with a smile told Rose to really leave now since everything was fine, to which Rose follows her.

Minutes later Alice calms down a bit and she was still being hugged by Rodrigo.

"Hey… do you really only love me? ... "-Alice said blushing and with her head bowed-

"Yes Alice, I only love you" -Rodrigo answered calmly-

"You don't lie to me?... Right? ... "-Alice said blushing and with her head bowed-

"I'm not lying to you ... and if I don't see you in a perverted way, it's because I don't want you to think of me that way, it's too much for Ana to call me Mr. Pervert and I wouldn't like my girlfriend to have that image of me" - Rodrigo says-

"I ... I see ..." -Alice said blushing- "Close your eyes for a moment ..."

"He? What for?" -Said Rodrigo-

"It doesn't matter what for, just do it" -said Alice blushing, letting go of Rodrigo's embrace-

"It's fine" -said Rodrigo, and then close his eyes-

Alice approaches Rodrigo's right ear.

"Just as you said, I will not doubt that you love me ... you also do not doubt my feelings, because I also ... love you" -Alice says and then kisses Rodrigo on the cheek and takes a few steps away-

"Alice ..." -Says Rodrigo-

"Well ... let's go now, it's getting late" -said Alice blushing-

Alice and Rodrigo left the classroom, when they are at the entrance, they say goodbye with a smile and Alice gets into the limo that was waiting for her to take her to her house.

On Alice's side

"You didn't consider what I told you, Right daughter?" -A lady of about 44 years told Alice. She was her mother-

"No mother, I will not break with him" -Said Alice seriously-

"I see" -said the mother-

On Rodrigo's side

"Well, it seems that things went well today, I did not think that Alice had insecurities in our relationship, I must pay more attention if I do not want to damage her, but hey, things worked out today, it was really another day fantastic at school… yes…"-said Rodrigo, bowing his head at the end, while he walked home-

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