
Fly Hunt

Catherine and Alexander walked out of a passage, which led to the out of the underground and to village. It was night and the moon was already high in the sky. If you are listening carefully, you would hear the wolfs howl. The village was horrific quiet, you could even hear your own steps and breath.

"Why do want to learn from me how to raise a Child?"

"You seem to know how to raise a Child."

"You have no reason to raise a Child."

"I have no reason to live too."


Seeing that she didn't response, he spoke further.

"We all have no reason to live."


An air of melancholy started to spread and some memory resurfaced.

"Some say he has one, but is this real a reason? In front of time, all the reasons will decay to ash and will leave nothing behind! At the end, we all fight for a momentary satisfaction of our own desires. Pride, greed, rage, lust, gluttony, jealousy, laziness are just existing for the satisfactions of our own desires. We are deeming them as bad, but are they really that terrible? Aren't the seven virtue just the same as these sins? They are all just the same, there to satisfy our own desires."

In his speech he started walking faster and faster until he overtook Catherine, while Catherine already stopped walking. He turned around and smiled at her weakly. For one moment she thought this young adult was just like an old sage, who was through the high and downs of life, but immediately discarded the idea again, after a short thought.

"If it is all for the momentary pleasure, do we really need a reason, to do something?"

She stared at Alexander for a while, before she once again walked. Alexander just shook his head, seeing that she refused to answer, and followed her. For the rest of the way no one spoke a single word.

Her house was a bit secluded from the rest of the village. There was a small river. On one side was a farm, while on the other side was the cattle. Her house was on the right side. It wasn't big, but it wasn't to small to, a kitchen and three bedrooms.

"You can sleep here."

She showed a room with a wardrobe, a bed and a crib. She carefully placed the baby in the crib and walked into her own room. As it was already late, he too began sleeping.

As always punctually, the cock screamed with the rising sun. A bit later a new scream followed the cock with the morning ritual. It was the baby. Shortly after the door was opened and Catherine walked in. She frowned, as she saw Alexander in his bed. Without a hesitation, she kicked him out of his dreams and the bed.

"Haven't slept enough?"

She harrumphed and feed the baby.

"Next time before you go to sleep, prepare a bottle of milk! And wake immediately up, if your Child cry!"


He rubbed his head, as he stood up.

"Wash up by the river, and change your clothes!"

"I have no other clothes."

"Haven't you shown in the wardrobe?"

Without answering back, he opened his wardrobe. There was some coarse clothes-set for peasant. As he caught sight of the peasant clothes, he stiffened. Catherine glanced at him and could almost not hold back her laughter.

"Do you have some problems with the clothes?"

"Ah, no."

He grabbed a set of clothes, rushed to the river and washed himself up. With no break he changed his clothes and rushed back. Afterwards he shoved his clothes in the wardrobe and forcefully closed it.


"What is wrong?"

She opened the wardrobe and the old clothes mixed with some coarse clothes spilled out. She pointed at the clothes and commanded.

"Fold all the clothes!"

"Isn't this unnecessary?"

"No! It is for my pleasure, so I don't need a reason for that!"

He smiled wryly at that answer, while she smiled smugly. At the end he folded all the clothes.

"Thanks for the hard work."

Just as he finished all the folding, Catherine came again and threw him a piece of bread.

"And now go play with your Son."

Just after she has taken a step, she turned around again.

"By the way, how is your Child called?"

"Name? I haven't thought about that."

"Do know what?"


"You are a pretty careless Father!"

With no argument no retort, he could just laugh hollow.

The child was on the field. It was crawling to a flower. Suddenly a fly flew out of the flower and landed on his face. He fell on his back, tears flowed out his eyes, and he cried. A warm arm suddenly heaved it up and it cried even louder. The arm swayed and soothing voice placated it.

"Don't cry. Don't cry. It is all good."

Slowly the Baby stopped crying and stared at Alexander. At the border of the baby's view it saw that evil fly. It pointed at that fly and made some incomprehensible words.

"Hmm…. A fly."

Alexander caught the fly and presented it to the baby. Without hesitation the baby happily crushed the fly.

"Your name shall be Beelzebub!"

At this declaration Beelzebub just stared at his fingers. The place where the fly died.

"Do you want more flies?"

It seems that Beelzebub understood him and nodded relentless his little head.

In just one morning all the flies surrounding the farm meet their nemesis, Beelzebub.

As the Beelzebub finally fell unworried asleep, worries started to appear in Alexander's head. He gazed at the baby's hand and then the small heap of fly corpses. He sighed.

"It is pretty hard to play with kids."

Beside the river he washed his Son, afterwards he walked back home with Beelzebub.

"Catherine, I am back."

"What did you play?"

"Fly Hunt!"


She immediately rushed to him and snatched the baby away. Only when she was completely sure, that the baby was fine, did she calm down a bit. But even then, she shouted with no restrain.

"How can you play something like this?"

Next chapter