
Chapter 1 – An unfortunate event

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I sluggishly reach out to the alarm clock to turn it off, "6:00 am huh, I guess it's time to wake up".

Waking up nowadays is only getting harder for me, I almost never get enough sleep and I don't really feel like going to school anymore. Anyways, after getting ready and putting on my Uniform I walk down to the kitchen, and an oh-so-familiar note was waiting there, on the kitchen table for me.

"(Good Morning Kenta, I bought you some Instant ramen before going out for work, remember, don't be late for school! – Dad)"

"I guess I'll eat this real quick and go to school, it's getting late."

The walk to school is always the hardest for me, first of all, it's pretty exhausting, and second, I hate seeing all of the other students walking together and having a good time, what is there to be happy about before school anyways?

No matter, I wouldn't be able to hold up a conversation, I can't remember when the last time was that I actually spoke to someone other than dad.

Anyways, the walk to school was uneventful, like pretty much always, after coming to school I change my shoes and go up to the classroom.

I sit at the end of the class, so no one pays attention to me, but I think it's better that way, I'd rather look out of the window for the most part, "Arakaki-San, Arakaki-San" I suddenly hear my teacher's voice, "Do you know the equation to this question?"

I guess it is my turn to answer the question on the board, I stand up and begin walking towards the chalkboard when I suddenly hear some girls giggle when I pass them by, no doubt they were laughing about my fat body, I was always the laughingstock of the class and always will be.

The teacher's question wasn't that hard, but the fact that others always laugh quietly about me every time they see me is pretty hurtful, "That's correct Arakaki-San, you may go back to your seat."

The rest of the class went by quickly, I just stared out of the window and wrote anything that I thought would be important for the test.

Today I will do something that will determine my future, even though I have to muster up all of my courage I want to ask a certain girl out, I walk out of the classroom and began walking towards her, "H-hey, Uyehara-San, could you come up to the rooftop after classes?"

I feel anxious, I close my eyes and await the rejection.

"Sure, I will come."

Huh? Did I hear her correctly? She will come? "Y-you'll come?"

"Yeah, after school, right? I'll be waiting for you."

I did it! Now I just have to get through the rest of my classes, and after that, I can tell Uyehara-San that I like her. I guess this day will not be as bad as the rest of them.

The rest of the day has gone by quickly, I packed up and started walking to the stairs leading up to the rooftop area.

After opening the door I saw two people waiting for me, one of them was Uyehara-San, but there also was a guy standing next to her, I have no idea who he could be.

"Hey, I heard you've been talking to my Kaoru, is that right?"

His Kaoru? What does he mean? Don't tell me he's Uyehara-San's boyfriend?

"Hey, dude, answer me, have you been talking to Kaoru or not?"

"I-It's not what you're thinking- really I only wanted to talk to her about… school" I am afraid, not only is the guy much taller than me, but he's also buff, most likely someone from the school's Baseball team.

"Who said that you can talk to her at all?" He seemed mad, I'm pretty much screwed now.

"It seems that I have to deal with you before you can get any funny ideas about her."

Yep, I'm screwed, he started running towards me, I guess he wants to beat me up so I'll stay away from Uyehara-San.

It only took one good punch from him to make me go unconscious, I really hate my life, I can't even get one chance, not even one… I hate this world…

"Ugh, my head hurts like crazy," I look around but the only thing that I can see is a vast, white space with nothing in sight.

"Hello? Is anyone here? Where is this place?" No response, I guess that I'm stuck here, nothing that I can do.

How much time has passed anyway? I feel like I've been stuck here forever, but that can't be.

"So, I've heard that you're sick and tired of your current life and world, is that so?"

What was that voice? "Hello? Who are you?"

"That's of no importance right now, ah also sorry for being late, but could you answer my question?"

I guess I've got no choice, there's nowhere for me to go in here anyway. "I guess so, what is it to you?"

"Hmm, luckily for you, I can change your current situation, you've actually died, I didn't expect you to die from a punch to the gut, but oh well."

What? Did I die? That would explain the place, "So you're God then?"

"Something like that boy, anyways I have a proposition for you, I can let you get reborn here on earth and you'll get an ordinary life, a second chance so to say, or…"

"Or what?"

"Or I can let you get reborn in a new world, you'll get reborn in your current body though. Don't worry, as compensation you'll receive a special skill from me."

That certainly sounds interesting, I wonder if it would be like one of the fantasy worlds in video games.

"I choose the second option, please let me reincarnate in another world."

"Very well my child, I can't say what kind of skill you'll get from me, but you'll also possess the ability to understand any of the languages that are spoken there, as a kind bonus from me."

"Now, close your eyes and I'll transport you there."

I close my eyes and a short while after I feel a sharp pain in my head, I must've lost consciousness once again…

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