
Random Storytelling #2

[ In the Era of Ash there was a Hero who just like the ones before him saved his country but because of jealousy ultimately betrayed by the ones they fought for and that's when the hero came back to life distraught and vengeful became a what he set out to eradicate he became a demon king.]

[When the Hero finally got his revenge he having nothing to cloud his vision anymore looked at himself disgusted with what he saw he sought to kill himself but when at the last moment a new Hero walked through the door the hero said "demon king Aguduri your life I shall take" the demon king finally understanding the laugh the demon king he fought gave him he sighed for he couldn't even muster up the will to fight so he said "Kill me 'Hero' take my life as I took so many others" the Hero just like him except one thing instead of killing him the Hero made a unexpected choice he chose to let the demon king go so confused the demon king asked "Hero why didn't you just kill me it would have been much better than leaving me alive." The hero looked at the demon king and said "your sins are something you cannot get rid of easily so I will force you to always care for lives of others and if that's not enough I shall turn you into a slave in which you shall always always be a slave till everything turns back to nothingness around you but I shall curse you to never be able to harm yourself nor others so long as you are a alive and I will curse you with eternal life so you can repent on your sins."]

[ A hundred years later the hero returned old and frail the hero looked at the demon king and laughed "Demon King let's talk you shall serve my grandchildren and their kids my children are to corrupt to handle anything serious.] the demon king responded with "Hero why did you spare me I know I'm atoning for my sins but hero have a family why put someone like me near your family?" to which the hero replied "you are just like me only you strayed from the path of good you weren't giving a direction you were are farmers boy Demon King Aguduri you are just like the rest that came before you angry at the world or just tired of fighting a losing battle. Demon King Aguduri or should I say Aguduri the Black Hero"]

(fuck I messed up on the plot but I won't fix it cause I'm just not having this stuck in my drafts all week just to make the plot deeper oh and if you already haven't commented please point out grammer mistakes there's gotta be a lot thank you but if you don't like it review the book and one star this price of crap)