1 Chapter 1: Introduction

In the country of Helios-the country of the Sun- every year each school sends one person(known as a Genius) to what is known as the Helos War, famously known as the most gruesome thing one has experienced in their life having being paired with a random person. Each school has different standards on picking these geniuses. However it is mainly dependent on their knowledge of different subjects, and also their powers.

These powers can be very weak or be quite powerful. However they are categorized by different kinds of magic. For example, most of the population has some type of elemental magic power. When they reach 16 years old, they receive a grimoire. At a magical place called the Grand Library, where all the grimoires are kept, waiting to find a owner, matching with the element they contain in their bodies. There also have been artifacts, relics, and weapons to help aid users in battle, this also includes special abilities unique to each person. But there have been some exceptions to this, once in 8 millennium(or 8 thousand years) there will be someone with a different power...
