
Prologue: Ray's P.o.v

The dreaded silence between me and my partner Drake Helber was like a gloomy funeral. We have been on the force together for twelve years, but he was currently mad and not wanting to talk, mostly because we had to work late due to the fact that there were many reports of break-ins in the neighborhood. We would usually sit during our shift. It was only a block from his own house where his wife was home with their sixteen year old daughter and newborn twins. I was about to say something to cheer him up when the radio buzzed to life. The entire message was unclear because my mind drew a blank as Drake's address came over it. His face went white as I answered the radio, turning on the sirens as I drove toward his home. We pulled up to the house in dead silence. The lights were all off, but the door was ajar. Drake flew from the car and I followed him up the driveway.

"Anna!", Drake shouted his wife's name as he opened the door further, he tried the light switch to find it broken. His breaths quickened, clearly in a panic he ran back to the car, returning with a flashlight. The house seemed normal as we walked in, but we went down the hall into the kitchen to find blood splattered on wall, and there was a thick trail of it leading behind the island counter. We found Lizzie, Drake's older daughter, laying behind the counter with many stab wounds in her stomach, her hand loosely wrapped around her phone. She had no pulse Drake began to cry, and I continued down the hall to the first door. I could see the edge of a crib, blood dripping down it. Fearing the worst, I pushed open the door. Anna was on the floor in a growing pool of blood, Her hands clutching the knife in her chest.

"We need a bus!" I shouted into my radio and to Drake, who rushed in, dropping to his knees at the sight of his wife. He carefully lifted his wife's head into his lap, wrapping his over shirt into a ball and pressing it firmly to her chest to try and stop the bleeding.

"H-he t-to-took them." She sputtered, gripping her husband's hand.

"Shh, I'll get them back baby just stay with me okay." He whimpered.

"I-I love you drake…I-I l-love y-y…Y-you." she said with a soft voice, her eyes rolling as she drifted in and out of consciousness.

"I love you too baby — just stay with me. Stay awake baby. Anna! Please stay with me!" He cried. The paramedics finally rushed in. Drake and I were pushed out of the room as they rushed to her. Anna was taken out of the house in a body bag. More officers had arrived and searched the house.

"We need another bus!" One shouted, rushing up the basement steps. Drake ran down, and I followed. The basement was mostly empty and in the center there was a big pentagram in drawn in blood, where Drake's two infant twins lay crying, both lay bleeding freely from the pentagrams carved into their chests and hands. Drake dove forward, lifting them one in each arm carrying them out of the basement. The murder of his wife and oldest daughter was never solved, and he dropped out of the force, moving into a new house across town. That was sixteen years ago.