

"Hahahahaha served her right!" Derek laughed so hard that his stomach ached as he pounded his hands on the floor.

They arrived at Hui Yin's apartment an hour ago when he asked what the commotion was all about, making Hui Yin tell it to him in detail.

"It's a good thing I wasn't there to see it, if I had maybe she wouldn't be able to get away with just that." he continued

"mmm well come on and help me bake some brownies"

Ingredients for the brownies were set atop of Hui Yin's kitchen counter, measured and set. She had done so while she told him of what happened. Derek got up from her couch and helped her up in the kitchen.

Derek added dutch powder and espresso powder in the chopped up chocolate before pouring melted butter into the mixing bowl, making a ganache while Hui Yin prepared the egg batter, beating sugar and eggs creating a thick looking pancake batter.

They combined both batters and poured it into baking pans and let it bake in the oven, after everything was done, all they had to do was to wait and of course, clean up the mess.

"D, you handle the flour while I clean up the egg shells k?"

"sure thing Yin-er"

"take the endearment out please, you sound like my dad"

Hui Yin's backed faced him, making him think of the flour and her. With a malicious grin he called her out, a handful of flour on his hands

"Yin look!"

"what is---!!!" right away her face was filled with flour and she wiped it off in haste

"oh look! a human snowman!!" Derek laughed

"you!!!! come here!" Hui Yin threw a pack of sugar on top of him and it spilled on his hair. Derek fought back by assaulting her hair with eggs but it didn't stop there

Soon the kitchen became a mess and the two competitors were sticky and wet, laughing their hearts out

"Hey Yin, all you have to do now is put both of us in the oven too!"

"Ha! I'll do so one day when in your reincarnation" then, Hui Yin sighed calming down from all the excitement that happened. "all right, this time we've really got to clean the kitchen before we clean outselves yeah?"



Spick and span were the right words to describe everything in Hui Yin's kitchen, well, everything except the both of them.

Derek took off his shirt and tossed it at her

"go bathe first, you stink like a rotten pig!" he smirked

"alright, don't eat the brownies ahead of me or I'll chop your head off"


Hui Yin walked to the bathroom and gave herself a warm bath. The eggs that got stuck by the strands of her hair had dried and needed to be treated. It took her an hour before her hair went back to it's smooth and silky nature.

Once she went out to get changed though, she heard Derek calling after her

"Hey Anna, Mr. Cheng is here for you!"

Her thoughts? Well, it was two words

'Oh sh*t''

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