
Sociallite Stupidity

"Brother! grandpa! Look at me!!" Rebeca twirled around to let them see her pink, puffy dress that made her look like a doll "I look so pwetty!!"

"un, you do" the little boy said endearingly towards his little sister.

Looking towards them, Hui Yin was now able to see their appearances properly. Earlier on, the trio were covered in dirt from head to toe, it was an expected result from living in the streets but now they looked clean.

The little girl, although skinny from malnourishment, had beautiful strawberry-blonde hair, with almond eyes. Her nose was small and her lips were thin and pale but she had this beautiful smile planted on her face as though all grievances she experienced on the streets were nothing.

The boy had a long black hair and eyes with the same shade and color as his sister's. He looked sickly pale and skinny as well. It was the same with the old man who's hairs were greyish from the signs of aging.

They were brought to a hotel to bathe and change per Ming-hùa's request and was delighted to finally clean themselves up.

From all this, Hui Yin honestly was confused by his actions when she knew that everything he did always had a deeper reason but it seemed like she was wrong about this one fact about the devil she worked for. Although she was confused, she knew it was improper to question him about it so she kept to herself and did as she told.

Her gaze softened as she continued to observe the man who seemed joyful towards the three. Her grudge towards him mellowed down.

"Mr. Cheng-"

"Miss Anna"

The both of the said at the same time, surprising themselves

"you go first" they said again. Not wanting to further this way of speaking, Hui Yin sighed and placed a polite smile on her face

"Mr. Cheng, should I schedule an appointment to the hair salon?"

He inwardly smiled, they thought the same. "en"

The trip to the salon was short but nonetheless, fun, for the little ones. They were able to feel how it was being pampered for a day. Hui Yin observed the three of them get their hair done since Cheng Ming-hùa didn't come wtih them and when they finished, they were brought to a five-star restuarant to meet up with him.

"Mr. Peterson, we've arrived" Hui Yin alighted from the car and opened the door for them to get out. She then led them to a private room for breakfast.

She knocked three times before opening the door for them and helped them to their seats.

"Uncle!! Look at my hair! It soww smwoot and shiny"


"Uncle..Rebeca is hungwwyy" Rebeca rubbed her belly to emphasize her hunger and Ming-hùa smiled at her

"mm..wait a while, food will be served soon"

As he finished speaking, the door swung open and a trolley rolled into the room together with a waiters who immediately served their meal. It was a five course breakfast so after they had eaten, Rebeca, Alec, and Howard had bloated stomachs when they sighed contentedly.

Checking the time, Hui Yin bent down and whispered to Ming-hùa

"Mr. Cheng, the meeting starts in an hour. I'm afraid if we don't go now, we won't make it in time."

"push my schedule till later this afternoon"

"bu-...yes Mr. Cheng"

His decisive attitude was one to behold. It was his order after all, Hui Yin could not say no

She excused herself out to make the call while Cheng Ming-hùa used this opportunity to talk to Mr. Peterson.

No one knew what they were talking about except the people in the room, when Hui Yin came back, it was incredibly silent.

"Uncle" the little boy broke the iciness in the room and spoke first "thank you for today. Beca, say thank you"

"un! Thank you uncle for twooday!"



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