

They say that learning a skill or two is amazing but learning everything and doing it well is perfection.

In a field that overlooked the mountains, trimmed grass gently swayed with the wind. Hui Yin and was walking beside Ming-hùa, who was dressed in a pair of golf pants and a collared shirt. Indeed, Cheng Ming-hùa was playing golf with the councilor.

They had arrived here later than the councilor but was still greeted kindly with open arms. Only a fool would dare to scold the devil in front of him, so the councilor who had arrived and waited for three hours didn't dare say a word of complaint.

"look at us, Mr. Cheng" the councilor said as he walked alongside Ming-hùa to where the ball landed. "I am already old whereas you are still young. You can do a lot of things while mine are limited."


"I have a granddaughter about your age...she is the perfect housewife..." the councilor sensed Ming-hùa's sudden change in expression but he urged himself to continue "it would be good if you would meet, you see, not only will she be a great housewife, she is a very beautiful woman too"

"Mr. Lee, thank you for your concern"

"ahhh I know what you're talking about Mr. Cheng, but soon you will realize you'll need one" he looked at Ming-hùa righteously, as if he was giving a humble advice. "I hope you put what I said today to heart, well then, let us go our separate ways hmm?"

"good bye Mr. Lee"

Hui Yin politely bowed towards councilor Lee before trailing behind Ming-hùa who was clearly holding back his flaring temper.

If not for his close connections with grandpa Cheng, Mr. Lee would never be able to talk the way he did with Ming-hùa.


The car drove smoothly on the road, all this time Hui Yin didn't make a single sound nor did she try to talk to Ming-hùa and it was the same with him.

She wondered why Lai Lily wasn't with him today when she was supposed to be. Eventually, Hui Yin shrugged it off thinking it was none of her business.

The car came to an abrupt stop causing her body to sway forward before she regained control of herself, this was when she realized that Cheng Ming-hùa ordered for it to do so and not because they had arrived at the office

They were by the sidewalk and nothing seemed to be off with it that it made her wonder why they were here but she was given an answer almost right away.

Cheng Ming-hùa alighted from the car who was immediately followes by a quiet Hui Yin and walked towards a street beggar who was sitting wearily on a bench together with two kids, a boy and a girl. The beggar who sensed that he was walking towards him was suddenly panic-stricken that he acted frantically and by accident, grazed Ming-hùa's face.

This made Hui Yin react a bit but chose not to act on it because Ming-hùa told her to do so.

Normally when faced with such actions, people would feel great revulsion most especially when the said person is a socialite but instead of doing so, Cheng Ming-hùa smiled warmly at the beggar

"Mr... may I know..what's your name?"Cheng Ming-hùa asked

"ah..ah ah!" the beggar replied

"Uncle, my grandpa can't speak. He is mute" the little boy about the size of a 4 year old talked to him

"hmm..how old are you young man?"

"ahaha you're a silly one, uncle! I am still a boy..well..I am already 7 years old. My sister here is 4 and my grandfather is old....ummm..are you here to give us money uncle?" the little boy said, his eyes glimmered with hope and eagerness to receive money.

The old man who had now calmed down, cautiously looked at Cheng Ming-hùa as he beckoned his grandchildren closer to him.

For a 7 year old boy, he was truly underweight and malnourished. This was to be expected as they were mere beggars.

Instead of answering the little boy's question, he glanced at the old man then back at the boy.

"what's your grandfather's name?"

"I don't know uncle"

"what's your sister's name?"

"I don't know uncle"

"eh? then what's your name?"

"I also don't know uncle...Well..I think grandpa tried to tell us our names..you know, my grandpa knows how to read and write! oh but my sister and I can't read and write. I also tried to ask people to read it for me but everybody seemed to look at me like I'm a monster"

"then..where do you live?"

"..Hey uncle...are you stupid?"

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