
Regret for the B*tch

"who was that? ah could it be...your sugar daddy?"

her words made Hui Yin's eyebrows scrunch down in disgust. She washed her hands by the sink and looked at Veronica at the mirror.

"I suggest you speak more politely to me from now Ms. Veronica, I am your superior after all"

"ah?...hahahahahahaha" Veronica cackled, her voice pitched high "I'm soo scared~"

Hui Yin raised her eyebrow

this woman doesn't seem to know her place

"so, what really is between you and Mr. Cheng?" she giggled while retouching her make up.

"hmm?" Hui Yin looked at her, confusion written on her face.

"what did you do to seduce Mr. Cheng?"

"Mr. Cheng is my boss, I have no relationship with him other than that"

"ehhh.. come on Lin~~ you gotta tell me" her sickly sweet voice echoed. 'the woman was starting to irritate her, clearly she did more than just stay by his side to keep her job yet she didn't plan on telling her at all.'she thought

Hui Yin frowned, "I'm sorry Veronica, but you're mistaken" she didn't want trouble on the first day they met. Hui Yin was the type of woman who would avoid being in trouble but it didn't mean she would back out in a fight, especially with one she didn't start.

"Really? I don't believe you Lin, you must have done something to gain his favor?" she probed further. This time, Hui Yin felt her lip twitch and her eyebrow raise, she didn't like the way Veronica spoke.

"Ms. Dashington, I guess the fruit really doesn't fall far off from the tree. Your father would be pleased to have you home early today, with nothing else to do, you should go visit him. If you have nothing else to say, then do me a favor and tell them I went home early. Goodbye" with that, Hui Yin went out of the bathroom stall and was nowhere to be found

"ah-??" Veronica was stumped for words, she wasn't able to react instantly. She really didn't think that this woman would use her status to shut her up. Neither did she think that Hui Yin would be able to talk back to her as she thought she was merely a meek and shy girl.

Wait...does she know? No....she's merely a secretary, there's nothing she can know about me....right..?

hmph! so what if you're in a status higher than I am?? B**ch!!


"Yin!! I thought you'd be home late?" Hui Yin

"something came up"

"have you eaten dinner?"

"yeah, I'll be working. Just call me when you need me"

"don't work too hard!!"

Hui Yin walked into the other room and closed the door. She laid her laptop on the desk and typed away. In a few minutes she was able to dig up all the information she needed about Veronica. After that was done, she logged into her company's address and checked the CCTV cameras. As she expected, her dad was nowhere to be seen. She knew something was up as he always found time everyday to visit the company but a few weeks after she left, he stopped coming. She thought it wasn't serious at first but a strange feeling came upon her, making her anxious....

Where are you daddy??

She hacked through all the records she knew and searched for the whereabouts of her father but none could be seen

You knew didn't you....dad?.... but why? For what reason are you hiding from me?.... I guess I'll just have to wait for you to tell me huh?

She sighed as she stared at the ceiling. Her eyes now held a plethora of emotions one couldn't understand. Hours later, it was 4 in the morning. She had been staring at the ceiling too long for her to realize that time flew by so quickly. She took her phone from her desk drawer and checked for notifications or even messages from her dad but as she concluded that it would do her no good to keep doing so and should just put her phone back, her phone rang. It was a call from Mr. Cheng.

"Greetings Mr. Cheng. Do you have anything you would need me for?"

"have you seen the tabloids in the internet?"

"No Mr. Cheng, I'm checking it now" she scrolled through the latest news and saw the reports

"pay no heed to it"

"would you like for me to block these Mr. Cheng?"

"No need. I was just checking up on you" his deep voice was laced with concern and this calmed Hui Yin to a degree she didn't even know herself

"I'm fine Mr. Cheng. Do you need me for anything?" confused as she was on why he said so, she still didn't ask him and talked to him as she should.


"should I report to you the company's current situation?"

On the other line of the call, Cheng Ming-hùa was standing on the balcony in his suite. He didn't know why he felt that he needed to call her after he saw the news, but somehow he felt as though he needed to explain to her. Seeing that she didn't mind it, he sighed in relief.



"very well. The company's stocks has risen the past few weeks...." as she continued to talk, Cheng Ming-hùa listened as her soft, sweet voice sounded on the phone. He liked her voice, it was as if warm petals were falling in the spring breeze. Truly he saw it that way but in reality, Hui Yin was really just talking professionally cold. He didn't care about what was happening in the company because he, for some reason, knew that she was more than capable enough to handle it with him gone.

"Mr. Cheng?"

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