

Sweat and the sweet scent of alcohol mixed in the air as people danced around accompanied with the loud beat of music.

In the innermost part of the club, four men huddled around a corner to secretly talk about the personal assistant of the most feared person in the whole world of business.

"so, who's Anna Lin?"

"shh! he'll hear you!"

"I don't care....I just wanna know..who is she really?"

"can I go back to drinking? brother, you didn't have to drag me with you"

"hush! tell us now bro Chen, who is she?"

"ahh fine fine..Anna Lin is..."


They simultaneously turned their heads, meeting eye to eye with Cheng Ming-hùa or rather, his glare

"Chen, come"

With his command, Chenire Gallings cooperatively stood up and walked towards him, he gulped in fear

"b..bro Cheng...what's w..wrong?"

"hmm?" Cheng Ming-hùa met his eyes amd smiled lightly, but that smile of his was akin to a lion watching a mouse in Chen's eyes.

"I...I..uhh" he was unable to speak properly. Cofusion laced in his eyes until he finally grasped the reason of Cheng Ming-hùa's injunction

"aherm..I promise not to leak imformation about miss Lin so can...can you let go of me now brother?" he casted a pitiful look which disgusted Ming-hùa. In matters of survival against this man? Certainly, Chenire gallings was shameless.


He was saved!

"ahhhh thank you!! I love you bro Cheng! let me kiss you!"

Smooch! The only thing Chenire Gallings was able to kiss was the glass of vodka blocking his way.



At the same time, while the five parties were uh..partying..Derek was looking at Hui Yin's tearful face.

"Did he do anything to you?"


"hmm so..did you do anything to him?"

"ah? I...I don't know D.. I must've angered him somehow"

"so why cry when you don't even know the reason ?"

"It..I..my.." sigh...she didn't even know the reason herself. Crying over a man? Moreso just because of his words?


"Ha..haha..hahahaha" she laughed

"Pathetic ah!! I've become pathetic!"

"eh?" now, it confused Derek even more

"that's right! How could I be hurt so easily by his words?? Darn that Cheng Ming-hùa!" much to Hui Yin's chagrin, she laughed. Derek was right! There was no reason to cry at all, he may have said hurtful words but those were nothing but words ah!

"Derek, today you have my thanks"

"eh? ah? what?"

Hui Yin smiled happily. This was the first time she felt so embarrassed! Ahhhh...this sensation...

She was sure never to forget it

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