
First Day

Waking up at 4 o'clock in the morning, Hui Yin made herself some tea and then went down the gym located in the building to work out. She found a new car which she guessed was the one she asked for. After working out, she checked her watch for the time before preparing herself.

By the time she went out of her apartment, she became a completely different self. Her long adorned golden hair had become a straight jetblack one, her eyes were now in the shade of grey almost black, and she had her old gold rimmed spectacles back.

Not that she was scared that someone might notice her, but it was better to be safe than sorry.


The bold words 'CHENG CORP'. greeted the entrance of the building. This was the first time she entered the place. It was unlike any other company she had seen. Golden linings engraved the windows, the walls were in the shade of grey and black. A decency in color was found mixed in the surroundings. Every floor tile was shrouded in black diamonds making it sparkle in the dancing light of the building.

'he must've used a whole lot of money for this'

She showed her I.D and entered the parking lot which had visible glass walls separating each car. She toured around the parking lot before finally parking her car and getting inside the building.

"Greetings Ms. Lin, welcome to Cheng Corp. I am Cassandra.This way please" Hui Yin smiled politely at the former secretary who greeted her at the entrance.

"As you can see, I sorted out all the things which needs to be tended to. This is a pager, whenever it rings, that would mean the president is calling for you. Well, that is all, any questions?" Cassandra's imposing voice hinted her not to ask any at all but she didn't mind

"what are the president's preferences in food?"

"he hates celery, any other than that, I have not taken note of. I advice you not to flirt with him if you want to keep your job, I've only lasted a month here myself. But I guess you'll be fine here, you don't seem friendly anyway" she said with a grimace

"mmm, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you"

"good luck"

When the door was shut, she sighed. She never thought that secretaries would also flirt with the president, she found is disdainful.

'I guess I'd have to take not of what he likes and dislikes then.' With that in thought she immersed herself in the stockpile of paperwork. When she was with Cassandra earlier, she thought that the files would be sorted out properly and in order. Who would've thought that it was a mess that she had to sort herself? But well, it was a good start for her to do on her first day.

In 2 hours time, she finished encoding valuable information in the computer. She was surprised by the amount of stocks raised by the Cheng Corp. it made her admiration and respect for the certain CEO increase by a bit. Her work was detailed and quick with a typing speed was 1200 words per minute. She stretched her arms and stood up to arrange the files she had printed for profiling. Just as she was planning to walk around to familiarize herself with the lay out of the building


her pager rang.

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