
The day that changed everything (2/2)

Max slowly forced himself from the floor and made his way towards his mirror on the the other side of the room, his movement felt extremely off to him, if he had to describe it, it would be as if he had gained a large amount of weight suddenly.

He slogged his way over to his mirror, when he got their he nearly fainted in surprise, he had gained a large amount of muscle mass in his arms and legs. He hoped that this would increase his speed once he got used to having the extra muscles, the second most shocking change that max noticed is that one of his eyes had changed from the normal blue colour to that of a deep crimson instead, he also gained a crimson stripe through his white hair.

While he was checking himself for more physical changes the cold voice came back into his head saying" The system is ready for the host to use. The system will have four main uses for now, more will unlock as you progress and complete system given quests. Speaking of quests, the user will be assigned quests by the system that you can complete for rewards. There are three types of quests, main quests which you will have to complete or you will face major consequences, side quests which are optional and hidden quests that you may complete as you go on your journey."

"The second thing the system can do is monitor your stats and levels as well as your progress in any given profession. To access this at anytime please say stats in side your mind and the system will display them for you.The system will also store any data on spells, abilities and skills you pick up on your travels and display them for you when you ask for a status update. The system will now display your status for you."

Host's status

Name: Max Shadeglade

Title: Heartbreaker

Professions: Aspiring Knight (Lvl 1) Novice Mage (Lvl 1)

Attributes: Strength 10 Agility 12 Magic 10 Charisma 40 Intelligence 10 Willpower 35

Magical Affinity: Anti-Magic (Lvl 1) and Flame Magic (Lvl 1)

Abilities: Unyielding Strike (Lvl 1)

Spells: Magic Vacuum (Lvl 1) Flame tornado (Lvl 1)

Passive Skills: Ladies Man (Lvl 1)

Explanation of Host's powers.

Unyielding strike- The ability must be activated and for a portion of the host's stamina, the host can make one strike that can't be blocked by the defender unless they have an ability that stops all incoming damage.

Magic Vacuum- This spell lasts as long as the Host is able to channel it with at least one hand, the spell allows the host to absorb incoming magic based attacks and render them useless. At later levels the Host can choose to mutate this spell into a domain that can activate and deactivate using the host's thoughts.

Flame Tornado- The spell allows the host to summon a vortex of fire that engulfs and burns the host's enemies alive. The spell requires the host to summon it with both hands, once activated the spell no longer needs the host's input.

Ladies Man- The host has an easier time convincing woman to see his point of view and accept his ideas. The more the ability levels up the more influence the host will have over the fairer sex.

Max smiled and said" So I'm finally able to use magic, it doesn't matter either way now I guess as I will be going to the knight's order regardless. It is nice to know however that I can stop other mage's magic and my natural charisma seems to be off the charts, that will help me going forwards. System what are the other two features that you have for me to use?"

"The next two play into quest rewards that you may get going forwards, the first of these is the shop feature, this will allow you to spend points you earn from completing quests on items and powers that you may need. The second feature is a lottery service where you use a ticket or buy one. The lottery service gives you a random reward from everything that the system can possible give you."

Max smiled at the systems descriptions but before he could respond to it a shout came from the courtyard of the castle" Young master Max, the Patriarch has arrived, the ceremony is about to begin. Please hurry to the throne room in the castle so we may begin." The voice belonged to Max's personal attendant, Arthur.

Arthur and Max had a rocky relationship at best due to Max's constant disregard for anything Arthur or the Patriarch ordered Max to do. Max walked towards the throne room, wondering how best to announce that he was essentially disowning his family to pursue his own interests. As he walked into the room he froze when the voice of the system announced his first quest...

*Make the 7th Princess fall in love with you before you leave. Reward: Stat boost, Exp and 3 lottery tickets. Failure: The host dies or the Princess hates you when you leave. Punishments for failure: Losing the ability to reproduce, losing the power of the system and an early death.*

Second chapter, hope you enjoyed and have a good day :)

Bananaman12creators' thoughts