

It was a misty, chilly, late December night in Elgin, North Dakota It was 4 days before Christmas and people were starting their winter vacations visiting families and friends. While I was stuck in my bedroom grounded for another 2 weeks. All I could technically do at that moment was talk to my loyal boyfriend Adrien on the phone. Unlike everyone else who ditched me when I was grounded, Adrien would stay on the phone for hours talking to me; always keeping me company.

At first it was like any other night, until Adrien said something really strange, "I think there is someone following me?!" I could tell he was panicked.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. I started looking around cautiously as if I were the one being followed.

"A man keeps following me around in their car. I tried turning to different lanes several times but everything I do he mimics," Adrien replied back to me. I could tell he was concentrating hard on the road.

"How far are you from home?" I asked needing to know where he was.

"Almost there on the backroads around a few miles away.

"What does he look like?" I asked him panicking.

"To hard to tell from here, but he is driving a 2014 Silver Cadillac, Oh and He's wearin…" That was all Adrien told me before I heard a screech, and a bunch of loud bangs of something hard crashing.

"ADRIEN?!" I yelled at my phone, No answer. "Adrien!" I yelled again slightly quieter, still no answer. "Adrien…" I whispered quietly starting to cry. I listened for several minutes waiting for a whisper, a movement, even a breath.

The truth suddenly hit me, my love Adrien was gone. Ripped away from me by death. I whipped my tears away and ran down stairs as quick as I could, tears starting to enclose on me again. When my mom saw me from the kitchen, she yelled, "America Clare Edguine! I strictly remember I had forbidden you from coming down stairs till you apologize for yelling at your brother!"

When my mom saw my tears though her mad face was gone; replaced by a lovingly, warm embrace. "Shhh," my mom hummed sweetly to me.

"Tell mommy your worries," she whispered softly to me.

I nodded my head and told her I thought Adrien was dead She gasped and called his father.

Turns out his father said he still hadn't returned home. Adrien's dad Mr. Mane called the police department and they went to scout the whereabouts I reported, I had remembered Adrien told me he was on the back road towards his house.

The next day the police finally found his van in the frozen lake a 3 miles from his house. I prayed Adrien wasn't found dead in the Van, but my prayers weren't answered. They searched the van and they found his cold, dead, frozen body. The police told us there was no evidence another driver had been on that road, and he was probably just being paranoid. So the police came to the conclusion; that the road must've been really slippery and he 'accidently' curved into the lake, broke threw the ice and drowned. Everyone believed the police except for me. Unlike them I knew the truth, and I was going to find the culprit and get vengeance.

I thought about the future we were going to have; we had it all planned out. We were gonna get married, move to Arizona, have 2 cats, one dog and 3 beautiful children one day.

I grabbed an old picture of me and Adrien going on our first date. We had gone to the park and watched the big firework show. I thought back on the first promise we made, that promised happened to be that we would love each other till the end of time. Well I guess he kept his promise... he would love me till the end of his time.

Well if you’ve noticed prologue for me are really short sorry.

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