
Chapter 2

After running into the school trying to outrun the late bell, I finally got around to sitting; in my cozy 1st period chair. My seat is on the first row and third column to the door. I loved sitting in the front. When I was in the front; I could see everything. All the details on the board, the posters that gave inspirational messages, and the desk which had all handiwork of something that was homemade. About 5 seconds after I sat down, Mr.Pan my English teacher walked in. Mr.Pan is an adorable chubby, short 5'4 old man, that is 68 years old, he's pale, and has the hair of a new fresh blanket of snow. Mr.Pan wore a very formal black suit with white tie, which he loves to wear. I've never understood why he loves that tie so much; it was after all extremely plain. I studied the tie really close; trying to see if maybe a little detail made it different from all the rest. Only to have not a spec of luck, it was just a generic tie.

"Class, today we'll be learning how to write an argumentative essay." Mr. Pan looked at us, grabbing his ruler and pointing to the board. I could hear behind me a group of students starting to moan. We've learned how to write essays every year' only each year there's something new. More strategies, plagiarism checks, or an occasional lesson on correct grammar. Mr. Pan gave the class a stern glare before grabbing a small chalk piece; that's been worn over the past month of constant use. He then started writing a two letter word… N.O. After writing that he looked back at us before writing another longer word… G.R.O.A.N.I.N.G. Mr. Pan then continuously started writing info on the essay we were about to learn.

I didn't have to practice for ACT till later today after lunch so until then I'll be having a normal learning day till this afternoon. I tried to pay my best attention in Mr. Pan's class but my mind kept wandering off into its own oasis. Eventually I fell asleep, everything went dark, my mind my mind completely shutting down. "Anerica…" That voice, it's so familiar I opened my eyes. I was expecting to see Mr. Pan standing over me. Ready to lecture me on misbehavior, only to find myself in an open space instead. I was laying down and slowly lifted myself of the ground; Evaluating my surroundings. Above me was a clear ongoing sky that never seemed to end, with patterns of clouds here and there; That all seemed to have a story to tell. While below me I was standing on water; that perfectly reflected the sky above. This was the most beautiful place I'd ever seen and I almost didn't want to leave.

For a moment, just a moment all was peaceful. That moment was only a second tho, for as soon as it started it left. Something had appeared in the distance snapping me out of a time of total balance. I was now alert and curious. What could that thing possibly be. I started running towards it; I was running so fast I almost seemed to fly. "HEY!' I called out my voice echoing, breaking the silence this place seemed to alway have. That thing turned around to reveal someone I haven't seen in what seems like forever… Adrien, He faced me his emerald eyes still shining as bright as they were the day he died. His platinum hair still all mangled and long, and his clothes; a white and pure long robe with golden laces and lining to make it pop.

As I approached him I started to cry, "Adrien… Your here… with me," He continued to smile and opened his mouth as if to speak before shutting it again. He seemed to be trying to determine whether or not he was going to speak. For a millisecond he was like that. That passed tho and he opened his mouth again this time speaking,

"America… Your here." He seemed rather confused and concerned by my appearance.

"Where is here?" I asked looking at him curiosity filling me.

"Afraid I can't answer that… you can't be here though. It's not safe, this place is beyond you." Adrien stopped short cutting himself off so he couldn't say anything more.

"Why not? your here and if your here…" I paused thinking for a second, "than I belong here with you."

Adrien sighed and took a step towards me. He was now right in front of me. We were so close we were almost touching. "You shouldn't be here, you belong away from here… In a world without me." He looked down at me his words sounding so forced. As if he didn't want them to be true.

"America… Listen the longer your here the easier it is for the dar…" He stopped abruptly staring off into the distance. Before I could turn around and see what Adrien could possibly be staring at, he quickly pulled me into a warm embrace and whispered in my ear, "I love you Ace, never forget that." He kissed me on the cheek and pulled away. I noticed he used my nickname only once and America on all the others as if to say this meeting was professional not causal.

I looked in his line of sight and could see now only around 100 yards away was a dark figure running toward us. It was fast and slick not making a noise as it approached. The figure resembled one of a neko, with the cat ears, human like body, and glowing white eyes.

Adrien now had his eyes closed taking a deep breath out; before opening his eyes again and smiling. It was a small but subtle smile, and he looked at me with tinder sad loving eyes. As the creature was now behind him it jumped up as if to attack him, only to be stopped by the rising of Adrien's hand; stopping it abruptly. Adrien looked at the figure and shook his head and grabbed the figure throwing it a football field away.

Adrien then looked back at me and raised his hand right at me. I was scared did he plan to do what he did to that figure to me? I was about to scream out no when Adrien spoke, "It's time to send you back home… Love." I looked at him tears starting to drop; I didn't want to leave him. Adrien closed his eyes and a blinding light came out of his hand. I started swaying I felt like I was spinning, I was starting to get dizzy. Eventually I fell to the ground. I felt like I was dying my breath getting shallow. I could see out of my remaining eye sight, Adrien running towards the figure. Before I could see anything else my world went dark.

"Beep... Beep... Beep." I opened my eyes. I once again expected to be in the classroom, my teacher hovering over me angry at my laziness. I still wasn't in the classroom tho I was at some doctors office. I looked around. I could see an IV in my arm, a heart monitor checking me heart rate, and a nurse at the left corner of the room. I blinked and coughed loudly getting the nurse's attention. "Oh your awake!" The nurse exclaimed her voice lighting up. I yawned and waited for her to explain. The nurse stopped speaking she then went back to doing her job.

I realized she wasn't going to tell me what had happened so I spoke up, "Where am I? What happened?" The nurse finally acknowledged I was confused and obviously didn't know why or where I was.

"When you were in class you fainted. The teacher tried to wake you up but you wouldn't even budge. Your school nurse then came and checked you pulse to find it extremely low. They immediately called an ambulance and here you are. You've been out for around an hour. Your father and older brother is waiting outside this room; while your mother is in the cafeteria feeding your cousin and other siblings." The nurse spoke fast not hesitating at all. When I came here my mom and dad must have picked my siblings and cousin up from school early taking them to the hospital.

Shortly after the nurse had told me what had happened she opened the door and allowed my father and Kim to enter. Kim looked like he had been crying; while my father was still crying. I smiled at them as they rushed in arms open wide. My dad came to me first, "Ace…" He sobbed, "I was so worried I thought you were never gonna wake up.

I laughed nervously, "Papa! I was only out for an hour!" My dad looked at me and hugged me tighter.

My father barely spoke his next words, "Don't you ever do that again…" I looked over at Kim who was wiping a tear from his face. My father looked at Kim too and he smiled, stepped away from me and spoke, "Kim you probably want to see Ace too."

Kim nodded and walked over and hugged me tight. "Hey sis." I smiled and patted him on the back.

"Kim! Your gonna squeeze my to death!" I laughed trying to make my brother feel better. Kim looked at me his face full of worry. Maybe I shouldn't have said that right after my family quite literally thought I was gonna die. I smiled and apologized to Kim, "sorry Kim, I was just trying to crack a joke." After kim got that I wasn't being serious he smiled and started laughing.

"Ooooh… Well in that case maybe I should've squeezed tighter!" Kim replied us both breaking out laughing.

"Kids! Stop laughing this is serious! Ace you could've died!" My father yelled upset at Kim and my happier manner about the situation. When my father had gotten upset Kim stopped laughing and turned towards me again.

"Dad's right… We shouldn't be laughing and cracking jokes. You could've died and... " Kim paused a tear starting to roll down his cheek. "I don't know what I would've done if I lost my sister." Kim whispered; I smiled I knew Kim was worried I am after all his only sister. Even if he was just my adopted brother, Kim had always cared for me like I was his actual sister. When Megan or Samantha (who used to actually be Kim's crush) had bullied me at school; he would go up and tell them off ready to fight if necessary.

Adrien on the other hand was never much of fighter and never agreed to fight anyone no matter how rude. He always tried a more calmer approach and only fought if necessary. So on those rare few occasions that it did come down to a fight, well let's just say Adrien and Kim dominated the other side.

I smiled thinking back on the time Kim almost "killed" Adrien.

It was around a year ago when Adrien and I were officially a couple. My mom was going to have Levin soon, and we'd recently adopted Kim and Andrew a 6 months before. Adrien had come to pick me up for our first date when Kim had a "dad" talk. My father had been away from the house at his bakery; so that made Kim feel like he had to be the dad of the night.

"Adrien I know you're my friend, and you're a good boy; but if your gonna date my sister you need to be questioned." Kim looked at Adrien staring him down. Adrien was confused and obviously uncomfortable. My stomach lurched as he sat Adrien down and started his quiz. "What are your intentions with my sister?" Kim asked awaiting Adrien's Reply.

"To take her to movies, and then home by 10:15 sharp." Adrien replied his voice full of confidence.

Kim nodded approvingly before asking Adrien another question, "How do you feel about before marriage sex?" I gasped that my brother had asked that it was totally rude and off topic.

Adrien took a deep breath and replied calmly, "if your gonna have sex before getting married then you should always where protection and be totally confident in who you want to share that experience with. It's none of my business or concern when other people have it, the only time it matters to me is if it's me." He waited for Kim's approval and squeezed my hand tight giving me slight reassurance at his answers.

"Okay, those are really the only two questions I have so... have fun on your date." Kim quickly slammed the door leaving us in the dark. Right before we were about to leave. Kim opened the door again and started to say something, "oh yeah forgot to mention, Adrien" My brother put his hand on Adrien's shoulder looking him directly in the eyes. "If you break my sisters heart I will end you!" Then Kim smiled and waved goodbye leaving Adriens face in complete shock.

Thinking back to that I loved the fact that my brother was willing to have a dad talk even if he wasn't a dad. He's amazing and big bro I could ask for. In fact all my siblings are amazing (even my cousin but I consider her to be my sister). I yawned and looked back over at my dad and brother shooting them out. "Well it was great talking, but I'm really not wanting to get up; yet so plz just let me sleep some more."

My dad and brother nodded walking out and allowing me to sleep in peace some more. I knew with my mom knowing I had officially woken up, that sleep would end very soon.

Well that was an intriguing chapter wasn’t it wonder what’ll happen next ?

CatoTOONScreators' thoughts