
Locked Features

In the Jiang Clan Manor, all of the people was in a state of panic as they tried to find their Young Master who have not return from his walk since yesterday.

The servants, the guards, and everybody else was being ordered by the Jiang Clan patriarch to search for his one and only son. The patriarch of the Jiang Clan was a well-known protector of his son, no matter what his son had done he would without a doubt come running to mediate.

He loved his son and since he was his remaining family since his wife died, his protectiveness skyrocketed. So when he learned that his beloved son had not been home for the night he was bothered. He had been monitoring the way his son live and considering the strength of Jiang Tian made him even more bothered.

The talent of his son was not all that great, this he knew so when Jiang Tian was going out he would usually take one or two guards with him. But these past months Jiang Tian had cases of him going out without anyone with him, but he would still go home after a day and would never go his way and let the night pass.

But this time it was different, Jiang Tian had not been home for a day and a night causing him to be worried, not only him the servant and the guards was also worried because the patriarch was about to go crazy and was on the edge to force his troops inside the other clans just to find his son.

So they were actually also at the edge some were even planning to secretly check the other clans if they have the young master.

"Where is the young master? Have you check the Green field restaurant that he frequent?"

"Of course I did, I even checked three times to confirm, not only that I even checked the red light district."

Amidst all of this commotion everybody was on edge to the point that their thinking was slightly clouded. Then someone came running to the people who were arguing.

"Reporting, the young master have been found and he is on his way home." A guard spoke with his hands cup in front of him.

"Really? He was found already? Where did you find him?" Someone ask in a haste.

"Leader I was informed that the young master was seen in the woods with someone, it was also reported that the young master was hurt." The guard spoke to the man in front of him with utmost respect.

"Hurt? This is bad, the patriarch will not like this at all. That little brat goes out and cause trouble like this. Who did he mess with now?" With that said the leader of the guards took a horse and went towards the direction the gates to see Jiang Tian.

But before he could even reach the entrance of Jiang Clan estate he already saw Jiang Tian walking towards his direction, and him was a short statured man that that look rather familiar to hi but he was still let to nothing when he tried to recall who that person was.

Seeing that Jiang Tian was there now was a thorn out of his back but when he saw the blood on Jiang Tian's left shoulder he became a little restless, urging the horse to move faster the leader of the guards quickly made his way to Jiang Tian.

He got down from the horse and said "Young Master how you got this wound? Oh my god the bleeding is still not stopping... seems like the ointment was applied here, what are you doing getting yourself hurt like this you little brat. Brat quickly come with me to get treated immediately or else when your father see this he will lose it."

Jiang Tian the way the leader of the guards was acting making him smile "Don't worry about it Uncle Jiang Yi, this wound is nothing it will heal so don't worry about it, oh yeah this is Mu he was the one who help me earlier when I was in danger."

Jiang Yi looked at the Jiang Mu who was a half a head shorter than him and said "I thank you mister Mu for your help. If you didn't help the young master of my household we just might be not be able to see him ever again."

Mu was silent even when Jiang Yi spoke to him, in the eyes of Jiang Yi, Mu looked as if he was not alive like he was just there. Feeling the strangeness when he looked at Mu Jiang Yi was rather suspicious for he truly was.

Noticing that Jiang yi was acting all vigilant Jiang Tian suddenly announce "Uncle Yi don't you have to report to Father? I will go to and get myself treated go to Father right away so it would be for the best if you go and talk to him about me being home already."

Jiang Yi was awoken from his contemplation when he heard what Jiang Tian had just said, after saying some instruction to Jiang Tian he made his way towards the study of the Patriarch.


In the candlelit room of Jiang Tian there were two silhouette that could be seen, but after a moment the other silhouette vanish into thin air.

Jiang Tian stood there with a blue colored ball on his left hand "This soul piece thing is actually this useful, I got out of that situation rather easily now I just have to say something about giving the guy who save reward and it would be perfect."

While he was talking the soul piece that was on his hand was actually dissipating into the air, little by little it flickered like a flame until it went completely out just like a fire when it is out of wood to burn.

Ding Ding

"The soul piece is now destroyed after usage, host must first unlock the whole function of the system to make the soul piece a part of your household and make it into an animate object or a living being." The system voice was heard in the head of Jiang Tian the moment the soul piece completely disappeared.

"System, why are there so many locks in you? Aren't I suppose to access you in your full functionality? According to the instructions in the past, the system wouldn't have any kind of restriction." Jiang Tian spoke in his head as he converse with the System about the locks that was currently in it.

According to what was originally supposed to happen when he merge with the Heavenly Monarch System he would be able to gain the ability to build his own forces and many more things, but right now according to the system voice these functions were all actually lock and needed corresponding equipment or materials to unlock them.

The only that he was left with was the levelling system, the skill assimilation feature, and the soul piece absorption and temporary manipulation.

"There are reasons for these host please understand, when we were in the process of merging there were problems that suddenly occurred and I was left to lock the system. If I was not to lock the system the life of host would have been lost and because of these I was force to lock the other features."

The system gave a proper response to Jiang Tian's question without any problem. It was all because of the sudden merging process that made the system automatically lock of these features as not to overload the exhausted body of Jiang Tian.

The one percent earlier was not a lie, he truly only had a one percent chance rate of survival that is if he were to completely merge with the system. And because the system was also a part of Jiang Tian it made the decision to lock the other features, this action of the system shows that if he were to die the system will die along with him.

But Jiang Tian was still not the kind of man that will give up to attain a treasure when it was in front of him "Then can't you just unlock now that my body is able to cope with the pressure?"

"Negative, the features have already been lock and the only way to unlock them is to collect the items that are listed in it or to meet some kind of requirement." The system answered.

When Jiang Tian heard what the system had said his heart suddenly ache from pain, his heart was bleeding from the pain of seeing the items needed to unlock the current lock features.

Currently he was only able to see three features that was lock, when he ask the system about why there were only three lock features, the system replied with "host is still weak" and "host is not able to unlock it unless you meet certain requirements."

But don't underestimate the three unlockable features, just because it was the first three that was unlockable doesn't technically mean that it was the weakest part of the three, and not only that the items needed to unlock it was also not something to laugh at.

Inside Jiang Tian's head there was a four jade boards that was floating in the air, the two jade boards had "mission board" and "Unlockable" written on them correspondingly, and as for the other two it was just black.

Jiang Tian went to the mission board first and check what was written on them, he walked up to it and so one thing written on it "Kill the two pursuers" and beside those words there were a stomp that was place on top of it that said "Completed"

Seeing that there weren't any mission that was written on it anymore Jiang Tian went to the other jade board on the right, he observed the three of words that was written in it.

From top to bottom it said

"Household Accumulation lock: needs three Ice Scale Serpent soul in order to be unlock."

"Soul Integration lock: needs Soul Crystal from the Dark Empire in order to be unlock."

"Spiritual Sense lock: needs level fifty in order to be unlock."

Jiang Tian was in a lost for a word when he saw this list, the fact that he needed another forty-six level just to unlock something was hard already, but what made his heart ached more was the other two items listed in there.

"That Ice Scale Serpent soul is something that I can never even dreamed of before, that Spirit beast is already at the Soul Control realm, and when I consider the fact that I am having a hard time beating even a level three body refinement realm getting three souls of that Ice Scale Serpent soul is only but a dream.

"And not to mention the other one, that Soul Crystal is something that the Dark Empire holds as their national treasure so how am I supposed to get that thing. I can't very well walk in there and said to the emperor "Give me your national" can i?"

Jiang Tian didn't know where to start, there weren't any kind of cheat in the system as it was already a cheat in their world and even everywhere underneath the heaven. He also wasn't able to complain to the system about it locking the other features as it did it to save his life.

Left without any plan to achieve his goal Jiang Tian threw the two requirements that he had and focused on only the thing that was currently beyond his reach and that was reaching level fifty to unlock the spiritual sense that belong to Spirit Manipulation Realm.

Then as he was thinking on how he would be able to do that he heard.

Ding Ding

"Host a mission have been triggered, achieve level fifty in half a month or the system will make the levelling system twice as slow."

Jiang Tian was left with his mouth open

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