

Yueling walked from her car towards the big hospital in front her. Hospital, no matter what time it is , such place is a very hectic one. She strode quickly going from one department to another with a mission in her mind. Now in front of her is a room,that inside there is a person, who she wish she could strangle him to death. But being a polite lady she is, she asked for a familiar nurse if the doctor inside is having any patient. She had been to this hospital for quite number of times, so the nurses at the hospital kinda know her.

"Miss Zhu." A nurse greeted her. She nodded and they talked for a few seconds before she said she's in rush to meet that certain doctor. Since he is not engage with any patient, she didn't bother to knock and straightly pushed the door. He was reviewing one of his patient's lab test result when suddenly he heard someone slammed the door. 'Trouble!'

He was trying to regain his composure from the noise and wanted to stand up to greet that cute lady in front of him, but the lady simply came across his chair and pulled his hair. "Aaaaa! What's gotten into you?". He tried to pull the lady's hand from gripping his hair but she's somewhat mad.

Suddenly she loosen her grip and hold the arm rest of the chair. He was relieved on the seat for a moment but then, she is still not finish. She pushed the chair with all her might pushing her brother towards the other end of the room. She took the phone on his desk and dialled for a number.

"Oi, Xia xia. This is my brother's number. You can 'try' him, you know? Bye." She smiled. Satisfied.

"Now, brother. Explain." She stood by the table. Yueming put a sly smile on his face. He understood now. 'Why is that I'm doing a good thing but end up with getting myself in trouble?' He sighed internally.

"Sis, he was a fine man. Polite. And you are single. I think.." He looked up to her. Hoho, that death starring gaze is not a good sign. "Okay, I am sorry. I won't bother anymore." He put on his innocent smile and put his hand together. Then, he saw her smile. "Well, brother. It's okay now. Xia xia likes you, you know?" His innocent smile was gone now.

How could he not know? That girl had crush on him since he was 17. Yueming met her few times when she had come to their house. It was during the his school holiday. Then suddenly, after he graduated from his high school, that little girl confessed to him. For god sake, he was surprised and it was the first time he got a confession. She was twelve and where did the courage came? That must be his sister who advised that poor girl.

Of course, he declined. They are too young after all. When he went abroad, he never heard of this girl anymore. Weird enough her sister paired them up again.

"You do know that I hate someone meddling in my private life. Especially, to be a matchmaker. Anyway, mum called me yesterday. Are you coming home for new year? Because I won't if you won't."

"Of course,I.."

"Aaa, Xia xia is at the town too. She teaches there. Text me your decision tonight. Bye." She waved her hand and left. 'Ruthless. Even her friend can be used to threat me now!'

Yueling knew her brother well enough to bet that he want to be single until 35 at least. So for now, he might avoid to go back to their hometown. But deep inside, she really hope that Xia xia can be her sister-in-law.

When she exited her brother's room, she caught a glimpse of that man whom she saved few days back. Well, she don't save him but literally she did involved too. He saw her too and she swore that his grin was getting larger. She kept walking straight as if she didn't know him. However, the next few steps, she was blocked. "Hi!"

She cursed silently.

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