
The heart of an unbreakable diamond

A true mother's heart is like a diamond and will be forever be cherish by the people they love.

My mother is a true mother. she let's me see what people we are and the beauty in this world. she teaches us dispite being tired. she works hard no matter how difficult the situation is, just for our sake.

I have questioned myself about why would my mother would leave me with my still growing sisters for almost 6 years but I remembered that my mother is just a normal person. she has to work, teach us, take care of us, and take care of herself.

The only thing I almost forgot is a true mother's heart is also like glass. The moment you realized you hate your mother is also the moment her heart shatteres in a million pieces and will need help to picking and repairing her heart again.

A mother's true power is love. They love no matter how hard you try to push them away, no matter how angry you are for having your mother to put so much weight and responsibilities on you.

The only thing that a mother is tough and loving is you. The only person in the world that a mother will do anything for is you, the mother's child.

Nothing is more worth than a unbreakable diamond is a mother's pure heart.