

" Where are you nerdy!!,come over here"

I heard Pluem or should i say the devil shitty fucking asshole shouted my name, im hiding here below the table of our proffesor. My sweat is flowing non stop my body is shaking as well.


I was startled when i heard a loud bang coming from the door, i can hear footsteps and evil laugh coming towards my direction, i covered my mouth with my hands and closed my eyes, my heartbeats very fast my tears are starting to came out from my lashes.

I heard he kicked the chairs one by one while shouting

" Hell i know you are here, so come out now!!, how dare you messed with us huh!" He laughed

He kicked the table where i am hiding and the  steel case where the markers and erasers fell off my head, i want to shout and cry, blood start flowing down from my head, all i can do is to sob and cry inside

I didnt notice that Lee one of his friends is already standing next to me, he pulled my collar.

" your hiding here" he said and throw me on the floor like a piece of trash

" i'm so—so—rry it was no—t m—y inte—nti—on to throw the — ball near you— earlier" i said in a stattered voice.


" hey can you please hand us the ball?" nannoon shouted my crush my love and my life

I was hesitant at first but when he called my name i think i already melted

" Chimmon can you throw the ball back to us please" he said and smiled his sweet smile and his dimple attracted me

I threw the ball back to them but it hit Pleum in the shoe " on the shoe to be exact"

" Fuck! Who the hell threw that fucking ball, this is my new shoes i just bought it yesterday shitttt!!!" He said and starred at me

" im so sorry" i shouted

" your dead" he said and they all run towards my location and then it all started there

I returned back to my senses when i felt a cold water flow down to my body

" This is what a stupid person like you deserves!" I heard  Pleum and his friends laughed  i saw him walked towards me all i can do is to close my eyes and wait for his fists to land on my face, i was on that position for minutes now but i didnt feel anything so i decided to open my eyes

I saw nannon standing next to him holding his arms that was raised high on the air

" dont you dare lay your fucking hands on him!" He said in an angry and scsry tone of voice i can also see a dark aura sorrounding him

" its was my fault that the ball hit you, why don't you punch me then" he said and pushed Pluem hard that lead him to lose balance and fell off the floor

" is that what you wanted huh, okay so let me give you it then " Pluem said while standing and cleaning his clotheshe then treid punching Nannon but he quickly dodge it

He kicked Pluem from the tummy that caused him to lay down and hold his tummy while crawling and groaning in pain.

His friends helped him to stand up and went outside the room, but before he went out he stared at me and speaked

" we are not yet done!" My body shivered my knee began to tremble

They continued walking until they already left my sight

Nannon run towards me and wiped my tears

" are you alright chimon?" He said as he used his handkerchief to wipe the blood on my head

I nod in response

" come lets go to the clinic" he said and offered a hand

I tried to stand up but i fall down again, i guess my knee is weak due to the pain that im experiencing right now

He carried me on his arms, we look like a newly wed couple walking out from the church and going to our honeymoon, my surroundings began to slow just like what happens in a movie, birds are chirping harmonously,  i stared at his face and saw how he was worried on me, he glanced at me and released a smile, my fantasy  began to fade  when i felt that my eyes began to blurry And started  to get heavy

" thank you" i whispered before my eyes shut

I saw him opened his mouth and said something but i didnt heard it properly

I woked up from a noise around me

"  what's time is it" i said in a weakess voice, i tried standing but my head is aching and my world is spinning

" its already 6:30 in the evening" the nurse said

" what?" I hurriedly stood up and prepared my things

" you can still continue to rest nong" the nurse told me while assisting me

" no im ikay now P' my mom might be  worried now " i said and stood up

I waiid to them and bid goodbye

I was walking on the sidewalk, when i saw a familiar car passing near me

" shiiiaa, that's  Pluem's car, what am i going to do" i look so stupid facing front and back just to hide my face from him

I heard a loud horn, my heart beats fast again im still standing facing the light post


I think he didnt notice me, thank goodness im wearing a full black hoodie jacket

But wait what? He was looking for who? WACHIWARIT? That's my surname? What do he need with us

I shook my head in response, i started to walk pass the car still not facing the driver

I taught he was going to go out from the car and asked me again but he just continued driving

I released a loud sigh a sign of releaved

his question keeps on rolling on my head


Why the heck is he looking for my house?

I shrug my head and continued walking, as i reached our gate i saw mom standing and looking worried i took a glance on my watch to check the time and i was shocked when the small hand is pointing at 8 and the long hand is pointing at 30 i took almost 2 hours walking from school to our house

I greeted mom while covering my face

" im home mom" i waiid her

She looked shocked but then she smiled at me

" why are you covering your face like that? You

Look like a holdaper on your style" she said and laughed

" its cold mom" i lied, actually its very hot and im sweating as hell, i just said that for her not to notice the bruise on my face

" okay come on lets get inside now, i cooked seaweed soup your favorite" she said and walked inside the gate

" okay mom you go first ill just close the gate " i said

" okay then"

I closed the gate and went inside the house, the aroma of the seaweed soup welcomed me i sat on the table and removed my backpack im ready to remove my hood and mask when i remember that i have wound on my head and bruises on my face.

" let's eat" mom said

" uhhmm you go first mom, my tummy suddenly ached" i lied again, Lord please forgive me its not my intention, i just dont want mom to be stressed she has a weak heart.

I remembered when i was 10 years old and i was bullied for being different from them, because instead of playing basketball with boys i prefer playing chinese garters with girls. That time when my mom knew it she was rushed to the hospital beacuse she cannot breath properly and that time she told me that no matter what i am, no matter who i am she will accept me and will love me wholeheartedly.

" okay then and go take a shower too you stink" she said and covered her nose

" oii mooom" i  acted like a kid infront of her

" im just kidding baby, go now" she said

I went straight to my room and locked it, after i maked sure that i locked it i hurriedly removed my hoodie and mask i stared at  my whole body mirror, i removed my polo shirt, my eyes started to water when i saw how miserably and pity my body was. I touched my tummy and my eyes twitched it hurts like hell, my lips  has wound on the side my  left eye is almost half closed due to the black eye, my forehead has a small cut i think i got it from the steel casing earlier.

I cant help myself but cry while staring st my body.

" Baby? Are you alright? Are you crying?" Mom knocked on the door

I immediately wiped the tears on my eyes and tried to speak in my usual tone

" no mom, why would I" i said and laugh

I'm laughing like stupid just to cover the pain that im feeling right now im laughing but the tears are continously flowing down to my cheek

" Chimon if you have something that is  bothering you, im always here to listen, im your mother, everyone will hurt you but i will always be here to support you" mom said in a concerned tone of voice

" what are you talking about mom, im good" i said " i will take a bath now"

"Okay, don't forget to turn the heater on okay" mom said before walking

As i heard her footsteps fade i slumped on the floor and my tears began to flow

Why do ineed to be this weak?

Why do i need to be  the target of bullies?

Why do i need to suffer?

I asked myself, i stayed there for almost  10 minutes before entering the bathroom

I turned the shower on and the heater as well. The water flowed down to my body.  I let the water to flow down with my tears.

The water from my body is turning red i guess this came from the dried blood from my head

I  gently massaged my head to make sure that all bloods are gone

After making sure that all bloods are gone. i started cleaning my wounds it took me 30 minutes to take a bath and remove the dirts and bloods on my body.

I went out from the bathroom and started cleaning my wounds

This is killing me, it hurts but i need to bear the pain, I put band aids to cover the wounds on my head and hands while i put some body patch on my tummy my nape  and at my back it will lessen the pain for the meantime and for my eyes i worn my thick round glasses to cover it,

" baby we have visitor come down here" i heard mom giggling while knocking on my door

" mom im reviewing my notes for the exam tomorrow" i shouted back

" just come and greet him, he is the son of my long lost bestfriend" she seems happy telling me this, i remembered her story that she had a bestfriend way back then she was her bestfriend since secondary until they graduated college, they were separated due to her friend needs to study abroad but eventhough they were separated they still managed to stay close together they even went to each others marriage, birthdays and it stopped when her bestfriend decided to stay in the America for good, but their friendship did not end their, they send letters to each other.

Based on my moms story i knew that the bond between them is very thick, they seemed not  just bestfriend but sisters they are not sisters by blood but they are sisters by heart.

I wish one day i'll find mine too,  the person that will cherish me too and take good care of me that will love me and will be on my side.

" okay mom ill just fix my things and ill follow you after" i said and started putting my books on my bag.

I stood up on the mirror to check if i look presentable

I also put some make up concealer to cover some  scars on my face and it worked properly it looked so natural

I took a deep breath and smiled to cover the saddness drawn on my eyes

I walked outside my room, i started walkimg down from the stairs when my phone rung, i run back to my room to check if the caller is the man i love the most

I picked my phone up and saw an unregistered number i was hesitant to answer it at first but my finger swipped it to the answer button

" hello?" I speaked

The other person on the line cleared his throat several times before speaking

" is this chimon?"  He said  i cant help but smile, this sweet sexy voice that i dreaming of is here calling me

" yes? May i know whos this?" I controlled my voice from shouting

" errr.. uhhmm.. this is  Nannon i got your number from Phun your friend, im sorry i didnt stayed with you at the clinic earleir, i have some errands to do" he said continously

" ahh well.. that.. uhhmm thank you by the way, thank you for helping me earleir and for carrying me to the clinic, im already okay now" i answered him

" you take care of yourself okay" he said

" uhhmm thank you"

" ill hang up the call now okay, mom is calling me to eat dinner, you too eat your dinner okay" he said and hunged the phone up

I'm still smiling like stupid while my phone is still on my ear

Thank you for having time caring me, thank you for showing your kind side towards this nerd and clumsy boy

I said and placed the phone on my bed

I walked out from my room again wearing the biggest smile i could ever had

I walked down to the stairs and looked for mom and the son of his friend

" MOM? Where are you?" I shouted

I walked out from the door and saw mom tapping the shoulder of a man

I walked near her and the car started drfiting away

" who was that mom" i said and wrapped

My hands on her back

" That. That is the son of my friend, i told you to come and see him for a bit and you ignored me" she said and pouted like a kid she walked out and went inside the house murmuring like a kid

" hahahha, mom im so sorry someone called

Me and i cant help to answer it" i said and followed her

" whos that? She eyes me and pointed on my face

" well eerrrr my your future son in law" i smiled at her

" what you have a boyfriend now?!" She slapped my hands

" not yet mom but soon". I said and held his hands

" trust me baby, after you see my bestfriends son maybe your heart will change and fall for him, he is very cute and down to earth, he have almost the feature of her mom" she said and continued walking to the kitchen

Im curious on what he looks like, based on how my mom describes him its like he is God a perfect one

" well there is still lots of days for us to meet mom and i also have took some of your charm right" i shouted

Who was that man?, i will meet you soon. And let's see who'll fall first haha.