
The News

"No way!" I said in disbelief

"Yes way! If you think I'm just fooling around then think twice Patricia, a Magic showdown will happen this Wednesday and we only have 2 days to prepare starting now." Pete stated

"And Who's our opponent?" I asked, still not believing this is happening. I mean we're only Junior Wizards in Training, we don't know that much. 

"Lila and Her pathetic goons." Pariana said, and rolled her eyes.

The hell, The girls from the Belien who's getting in our nerves. They Hate us for no reason and We hate them for they Hate us. Basic. This is going to be insanely good.

I think.

"Lila, Lily, and Lina huh. So who's my opponent?" Pariana asked Peteriona.

"Lily." Pete answered, and Pariana smirked maybe of the thought of beating Lily on the showdown.

"Mine is Lina, and Patricia's opponent is Lila." Pete continued.

"Any plans to train?" I asked

I don't wanna lose to Lila. Not this time.

"We'll asked Prof. Taylor to help us." Pariana suggested

"Great, I'm sure Prof. Taylor won't Mind." Pete replied

"Off to her office then!" I said cheerfully as we three stood up from the couch and went out of our dorm.

"I'm sure we can beat them, we're in the A section and they're on B. Our Learnings are ahead of them." Pariana talked as we go downstairs.

"Yeah, I totally agree with that." Pete replied as now we're on the big hallway, still walking towards Ms. Taylor's office.

"How about you, Patricia? We can beat them right?" Pariana asked me.

"Yeah sure." I plainly replied not really sure about my answer. Pete and Par are strong, they can surely beat Lily and Lina. And me? I don't know if I can beat Lila by myself. I easily get exhausted, and my magic easily wears out.

Few steps we have taken, we finally reached Ms. Taylor's office. I knocked on the door.

And a voice from the inside says come in and the three of us went inside.

"Pat, Pete and Par. What brings you here?" Ms. Taylor asked while sitting on her chair, sipping a coffee.

"We need your help." I spoked

"Why?" Ms. Taylor asked

"Magic showdown." I replied

Ms. Taylor nodded, and put down  her cup on her table. She stand up and beckoned us to follow her. We three followed her, and Ms. Taylor chanted an inaudible spell making the walls that surrounds us completely fade, revealing a new scene in our eyes.

We're now inside of an unfamiliar hall, with transparent roof and books floating in the air, and tools and ingredients for potion-making can be seen on the wide colored-gold table with a conspicuous book on the middle, from the look of it, a potion-making guide book.

A garden was placed outside, surrounding a lake that reflects the clear blue sky.

"Welcome to my office ladies, you were the first junior wizards that have taken a step here in my office And I hope you won't tell your mates about this, well simply because this is a secret." Ms. Taylor said firmly, and she took her wand and begun waving it, then appeared on our eyes, couches  and a small round table. She signaled us to take a seat and we three did.

"So before we begin our training. Do you know why the principal ordered to have a magic showdown?" Ms. Taylor asked us

"I don't know."  Pariana replied

"Me neither." Pete said

And I was busy occupying my mind with what ifs, like what if Ms. Taylor gets exhausted and we all fall down. 

"Patricia are you paying attention?" And I was back to my thoughts the moment Ms. Taylor called my name.

I just nodded, I'm not lying though. I was paying attention to my thoughts.

"Mind sharing what's bothering you?" Ms. Taylor asked

"Umm, I was just thinking maybe I can put a carpet beneath our feets so that if you'll be exhausted we'll not eventually fall down and break our limbs." I stated, while looking at her.

"Silly You, wizards doesn't get exhausted you know" then she chuckled.

"But if you badly wanna put a carpet then go ahead." She said still chuckling.

"She's just crazy." Pariana said as she faked a laugh and glared at me.

Now what did I do?

Pete just simply move her head from side to side, and I'm not sure if she's mad or something.

Seriously what's wrong with my concern? As I was permitted to do it, I magically appeared my wand in my palm and magic a carpet. My wand disappeared after, as I want it to be not shown.

"Now, where was I? Oh right." Ms. Taylor started again the conversation

"As I was saying, wizards from the east(black wizards) wants to have a battle with us, wizards from the north(Gold Wizards). The principal wants the student to get ready cause any time soon the black wizards will attacked us and the whole town of Alandrea. Black wizards are hard to deal with, and half of our town's powerful wizards are on a mission right now to eliminate  the black magi, so students should participate in the battle. But don't worry, our Principal has already form an alliance with the White, Violet, Silver, and Green Wizards, they are on our side."

---------------- Six Class of Wizards------

•Gold Wizards -- are very powerful Wizards. Can use both black magic and white magic at the same time.

•Silver Wizards-- are powerful like the gold wizards but can't use black magic.

•Green Wizards-- powerful wizards that focuses on Medicines and Treatments.

•Violet Wizards-- Are wizards best in Potion-making, and Curses.

•Black Wizard --- powerful but can't use white magic.

And lastly the Half-blooded Wizards.

•Half-Blooded wizards are extremely powerful wizards, that can both use black magic and white magic. They are said to be Half-Blooded because their bodies are run by both the blood of a magi and a wizard.


"But why a magic showdown?"

If the principal wants us to participate, then if we'll fight in that magic showdown, we'll be exhausted as hell and IF the black wizards will attack us after the showdown we eventually can't fight back or our chances of winning will be lessen. Is that what she wants to? Wait. I'm overthinking again.

"Listen, the students will have an experience on fighting, plus, you can test your abilities and know your weaknesses when it comes to battles, that way you won't be ignorant. Is it hard to understand?" Ms. Taylor asked me and my friends look at me, sending messages by their eyes like 'stop-questioning"

'quit-it' ...whatever.

"Okay I get it now." I muttered in defeat.

"I will only train you three, in one condition." Ms. Taylor said with her authoritative voice.

"What is it?" We three said in Unison

"Do as I say." She said shortly, and she was having that fierce impression on her face.

We three nodded as an agreement.

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