
chapter 1:1

Monsters in the Shadow

If you thought this is Percy Jackson or Harry

Potter fanfiction, l'm sorry to be the bearer of

bad news. This book is an original work with

original characters. But l'd still be very grateful

if you kept reading, as those series definitely

influenced me to write this story.


The Author


Nika Dimitrovich was tightening the knot in her

shoelace when she felt it-a presence. The hair on

her arms surged upright, the thump-thump-

thumping in her chest quickened. And when she

rose from her kneeling position, her supernatural

senses warned that something wasn't right.

Squinting through the window, she found

Konstantin Academy swathed in the hazy hues of

twilight. No more than thirty feet beyond her

dorm, two golden blurs flickeredlike flames amid

the army of dark pines that surrounded the


Are the third-years setting something on fire again

The color winked out for half a heartbeat, then

returned in a vibrant glow. Instinct screamed to

step away, but Nika leaned closer and studied

those twin orbs of light.

A pair of fireflies, she told herself. Your warrior

senses are just on edge because of tonight's

practice exams.

But her skin tingled with a readiness for danger as

adrenaline shot through her veins. Outside, the

golden specks grew brighter. Bigger. Closer...

When the door behind her burst open, Nika

slammed into her desk chair with a gasp, then

whipped around to find her roommate's familiar


"So jumpy," Jade teased, shutting the door.

Heart thundering in her ears, Nika glanced back at

the window, but those orbs of light had vanished.

"I think 'm going insane" she whispered.

"Funnv. alwavs thought vou'd been born that


Nika leveled an unamused look Jade's way.

"Where have you been? You weren't here when

i woke up this evening."

Jade's brown eyes twinkled with mischief. "I left

early to check our mailbox. And while I was in the

office building, I overheard something very


"Which was...

Jade plucked a pillow from Nika's bed, examining

it. "The school is going on lockdown, which is a

perfect time to get revenge on Miles for the prank

he pulled last week." A pause. "Can I have the

feathers in this?"

If not for the bombshell news, Nika would have

snatched the pillow from her hands... and hit her

with it. But she could only blink in stunned


"Hold on," she said after a moment of thought. "If

there was a lockdown, they would've announced


This must have been yet another of Jade Ramsayys

tricks. She had several peculiarities-a grungy

style of dress, delight in torment and chaos, and,

most notably, an uncanny ability to unearth

information. But it was the second to which Nika

fell victim most often.

"The announcement hasn't come yet," Jade said

with a shrug.

"How do you know? Did you bug the headmaster's

office again?"

A wicked smile. "A magician never reveals her


"Don't you mean meddler?"

"Speaking of meddling... "Jade tossed the pillow

back on the bed, then reached into her pocket and

removed a white envelope. "Found this for you."

She held the letter into the light, angling her head

in an attempt to decipher the writing within. Nika

grabbed it from her slender fingers and scowled.

"Stop trying to read my mail."

She removed a box of old belongings from a shelf

in her closet, adding the envelope to a pile inside.

Jade shook her head in disapproval, swishing the

jet-black hair that framed her face.

"Five years, and you still haven't opened any of

those letters. What if there's money in them?"

going crazy. Maybe whatever she'd seen earlier

was related to the lockdown.

Just to be safe, Nika removed a handgun from a

secret compartment in her closet drawers. She

slipped the weapon into the waistband of her

jeans, concealing it with a wrinkled red hoodie and

praying she wouldn't have to use it.

When she exited, the hallways buzzed with

whispers as students and staff streamed into the

chilly spring night. Nika studied a crowd of Serafi

girls on the sidewalk, searching for moon-silver

hair and rich, brown skin. But her best friend was

nowhere in sight, so she reunited with her

roommate instead.

"Come on, Vanski," Jade urged a frowning male

instructor. She lifted her eyebrows, pushing thick

bangs with them. "We aren't under attack. There's

no fire. So what's this about?"

Behind the instructor, a swarm of boys flowed from

another dorm building and made its way to the

two gymnasiums at the heart of the campus.

"Ramsay, I won't tell you again-"

Before Vanski could finish, Nika yanked Jade by

the elbow and followed the crowd. Her roommate

pouted in stubborn frustration.

severe situations was a lockdown required.

"Please remain calm and follow Beta Code

protocol," the announcer finished.

"Beta Code," Nika echoed. "It can't be Inferni,


If she'd made a list of possible causes, Inferni

would have occupied the top. The demons'

primary source of nutrition was blood-among

other things-and they preferred living victims.

Due to their insatiable appetites, Inferni were a

chief threat to the rest of the supernatural

community, and, as such, would've required Alpha

Code protocol. Which meant this lockdown was

based on something else, and that was precisely

what made it so mysterious.

Jade whined her disappointment. "We have to go

to our safety stations."

"Which means no pranking." Nika nudged her

away from the bed. "And don't touch my pillows."

"Might as well investigate," Jade said while

spearing for the exit. "You coming?"

"Right behind you."

After her roommate left, Nika returned her gaze to

the farast hevand the window Mavhe she

wasn't Nika swept her gaze across the sprawl of

Konstantin Academy, and gooseflesh crept over

her shoulders. No crickets, no hooting owls, no

scurrying chipmunks. Even the wind had vanished.

It was as though the woods knew something was


Darkness had fallen over the remote mountain

range, and under normal circumstances, students

would have been in class. Nighttime schedules

were mandatory for two reasons. The first-it was

necessary to maintain the rift between

Daemonstri-kind and humans. And the second

for members of the Serafi race, sunlight was like an

allergy. Not fatal but extremely irritating.

Nika found herself relieved, despite the potential

danger. She'd never been fond of her classes. As a

Nefili, her education focused less on academics

and more on training for the Vigil. She spent her

days enduring bruises in sparring lessons and

elaborate obstacle courses designed as ruthless


Serafi students, however, had it easy-books,

books, and more books.

Nika and Jade filed into a gym with half of the

school's student population, while the remaining

half used the building next door. The girls found

O"Everyone sit tight. We're waiting"

At the building's far right corner, the doors clanged

open. Nika held her breath as Headmaster

Kovachev walked inside.

He, too, was a Nefili, and acted like the king of

Konstantin, when he'd just snatched the job to

avoid putting his life in danger to protect others,

which field keepers did every day.

As the headmaster advanced, his dark trench coat

rippling, four male keepers surrounded him. They

were arranged like a small flock of birds and

moved in unified harmony. Every step was fluid,

thrumming with the calm promise of brutality, and

their pristine figures were clad in simple, practical

outfits of intimidating black.

Keepers of the Vigil-Daemonstri-kind's revered

warriors. Someday, hopefully soon, Nika would be

a keeper, too.

They halted at the same time as Kovachev, and

tense anticipation settled over the gathering.

Kovachev announced in a clear, loud voice,

" Nika Dimitrovich , please come forward."

Next chapter