
Chapter 5

Harry sat in the common room with Hermione telling her what happened between himself and Fleur by the lake. But only after numerous privacy spells and notice-me-not charms did he tell her after all she was his best friend did he need another reason to. Well that and the tension that Harry and Fleur had over the past few days had been just too noticeable. Harry was forced to tell her. But he would only tell Hermione, and not the others. She was the only one he was comfortable to share this with.

"… Then I got up and said I would see her at dinner before I walked off. It was just crazy hormones and her aura that got us into this-this thing." Harry said waving his hands as if doing so helped his explaining.

"I can still feel the tension between us, granted it's not as bad as it was at the lake, but it's there and it won't go away. I just don't know what to do. I like having her as a friend but this is just so bloody complicated." Harry sighed pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. Hermione had been silent the whole time just listening to him letting him get everything out. Hermione frowned as she saw how distressed Harry was over the situation.

"Harry, I think your problem is that you do have feelings for her," Hermione explained trying not to upset him.

"No I don't. It was just the hormones, that's all." Harry stressed flatly. I don't have any feelings for her but friendship. Harry thought resolutely. Yeah but when is Hermione ever wrong? A very small voice whispered in the back of his mind.

"Ami it vas just so intense zee way we were. I have been in many relationships but never had I felt so, so… oh I don't know!" Fleur growled out in frustration while throwing her hands in the air.

"Fleur maybe zis happened because you have feelings for Harry zat you have not realized you had." Ami gently prodded while hopping Fleur wouldn't explode, right now though that was highly unlikely.

"No I don't! It vas just my veela aura nothing more. Besides 'Arry is three years younger zen me. He iz only 14 years old and a friend! No more, no less." Fleur stated firmly. Even if the way our bodies were touching each other was the most intimately passionate thing I have ever experienced. No stop thinking that way Fleur!

"Harry when I see you around her there is this connection you both have. Harry it's so noticeable even Ron came up and asked me if you both were dating. Course the git was jealous and irritating, but if he noticed something then it's there!" Hermione almost shouted no offence to him but for this case he really was blind!

"If he iz three years younger than you zen why do you even talk with him. Why are you playing zis flirting game with Harry if he iz just a friend?" Ami questioned Fleur. Her best friend was so stubborn sometimes.

"Hermione we are just friends this thing will pass over soon. Besides I am friends with teenage girls. I know how often you change your minds. By next week I will be nothing more than then a passing interest. With Fleur it will probably be sooner than that after all I know just how good she looks." Harry finished firmly the last thing he needed was to get in a relationship that would only lead to heartbreak. A breakup with Fleur would be nothing less than heartbreak. She is intelligent, speaks two languages, champion of the Triwizard tournament, got one hell of a sense of humor, a flirt and a huge tease, underneath her mask of being an icy bitch she is one of the kindest people I know, and she has got one of the hottest bodies there is. I would know as I inspected it soon well.

She's a girl-no a woman- that every guy out there is not worthy enough to have. There are just too many complications it if I even try to go that route with Fleur, besides there's nothing that I could offer her. Harry nodded at himself then turned to Hermione before leaving for lunch. "I just want friendship with her Hermione, any feelings for her are just temporary or hormones. I need to go see her and make sure she is prepared for Saturday, or should I say the Dragons. I'll see you later Hermione." Letting go any feelings for her is for the best if not only for me but for Fleur. After all she deserves the best. As her friend, doing this is the right thing to do.

"I-I I really like him don't I Ami?" Fleur said surprised at the sudden revolution.

"Yes now what are you going to do about it Fleur?" Ami asked amused at Fleur.

"Lunch iz now, no? It sounds like I am in the need to talk with 'Arry," Fleur said determinedly. He is a great friend and a wonderful person I would be stupid to let him slip by me. He is everything I could want and the fact that he has an amazing body has nothing to do with it either. Or that he can resist the veela charm that is just a bonus.

Fleur stood up and marched of to the Great Hall as Ami followed, amused, to see how this would all turn out. Fleur arrived and saw Harry eating at the Gryffindor table. She was tired of the tension around them. She wanted Harry ever since the day at the lake and by God she would have him. She then walked determinedly at him. He would be her boyfriend by the end of today. He really is one in a million whether he knows it or not. You are now mine Harry. After knowing you I would just be settling for less and that is just unacceptable.

"Bonjor 'Arry. May I sit with you?" She asked him.

"Bonjor mademoiselle," Harry grinned at her, faking a bow, "I would be delight if you could join me with your grace. After all I am in the presence of a champion how often does that happen for me?"

Fleur threw her head back and laughed at him. He seems to be in a good mood today it seems like everything is going right for me. This may be easier that I thought it would be.

"You seem to be in a good mood today 'Arry any reason for it?" Fleur asked smiling warmly at him as she sat down opposite of him.

Harry then frowned at her, realizing he should not be joking around. Seeing his frown made her tense. Harry was never serious. The last time was when he was angry at something that morning. The day of the lake, Fleur thought.

" 'Arry what's wrong?" She prodded gently placing her hand on top of his while drawing soothing circles on it. She put her plans on hold for a moment. He needed a friend right now, and confessing her feeling would only backfire and add to her stress.

Harry sighed before looking at her seriously "Do you know about the Dragons?" He asked her.

Shocked Fleur froze for a moment. How does he know about them? Only Madame Maxime should know, and why would he tell me about them? He just gave away a possible edge in the competition.

"Yes I know about zem, but why did you tell me? 'Arry you could have an edge in zee competition?" Fleur asked. Harry always seemed to surprise her one way or another. At least I will never be bored around him even before I acknowledged him romantically I was always excited to see him.

"I needed to be sure you knew. I know that Krum does too but the only one left out is Cedric. As for telling you, yes this is a competition but I will be damned if I stood by while one of us died. Wining the tournament is not worth the life of anyone. I need to tell Cedric though. I'll see you later." Harry stood up and left with Fleur watching with a peculiar expression on her face. I was wrong about you Harry you are not a boy, you are a man, one that I look forward to being with. Wait a minute that bastard left before I could tell him anything!

Harry walked through the castle as his wand pointed him to where Cedric would be. Harry entered the courtyard going where he heard Cedric's voice. Great he just had to be with a bunch of his friends didn't he? Ignoring there crude comments as he moved over to Cedric.

"Can I have a word please?" Harry asked him.

"Uh, yeah sure, I'll be back in a minute guys." Cedric said as he followed Harry where they could speak in private.

"Dragons are the first task they have one for each of us. I accidentally heard them while walking and went to investigate. They have one for each champion." Harry said to him while Cedric was frozen in shock.

"You, are you serious?" Cedric asked after a minute in a daze. "Wait, do Fleur and Krum know?" He asked Harry.

"Yeah their teachers told them. I guess having two champions from Hogwarts means that they need to do anything to win. I just wanted all of us to stay alive through the tournament though. Good luck for Saturday though." Harry said before walking away.

"Harry," Cedric called out as he was leaving, Harry turned to where he was "thank you, good luck to you as well." Harry then smirked at him trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"Let's show them how us Hogwarts chaps win at every task." Harry then left a grinning Cedric.

Right before he left the courtyard he heard Malfoy call out to him "You think you can actually live through this tournament, Potter?" I was so close to leaving to. The steps are just a few feet away. Harry tried to ignore Malfoy but the boy just kept on talking.

"My father and I have a bet he doesn't think you will last ten minute in the tournament, but I disagree I don't think you will last five!" Malfoy sneered at him while the other Slytherins laughed. Bunch of idiots they are, to follow Malfoy around. At least Daphne and Tracy are smart other wise I would worry that Slytherins were all mentally challenged.

"Speaking of your father, you always talk about him 'father this' 'father that.' When you actually become your own person and not his little bitch then you can try and insult me. But I find that hard as you thought wearing badges in front of a blind person was supposed to be clever." Harry turned and was about to leave when he heard Malfoy spit out a spell. Harry moved with his cane in sync as he dodged the spell Harry grabbed his wand and prepared to duel him.

"Let me show you, you backstabbing daddy's little bitch boy how dueling is done." Harry growled at him. Harry then heard a heavy shuffled limping sound. Wait a minute is that Moody in the corner? He's not interfering at all. He is just watching. Oh well if he is letting me teach Malfoy a lesson who am I to disagree.

Cave Inimicum Harry thought, swishing his wand. It wouldn't do to have those Slytherin bastards cheating. This was a long time coming and between Malfoy and himself only. Now let's humiliate you and get this over with quickly. Unlike you, I actually have a life.

"Confundo," Harry said quietly pointing his wand at Malfoy, hearing a huff as his spell hit its target.

Malfoy confused, confounded, and quiet disoriented then yelled out "Defodio!" Shit! Harry mentally cursed if that hits me it will carve me like a pumpkin on Halloween. I need to end this quickly but I need some help, and who better than a snake to defeat a Slytherin?

Concentrate all right then here I go. Harry then dodged another Defodio, as Malfoy only seemed capable of those. Malfoy was already stupid making putting him in a confused state may not have been the greatest idea. But in my defense I didn't know he would use this spell but he is a bastard after all so it's not really that big of a surprise.

"Serpensortia!" Harry called out concentrating hopping to get a python, after all it seemed the type that was just right for the job he had in mind.

"Can you help me by holding his legs pinning him down. I will keep him busy just call when you do that," Harry hissed in parseltongue to it.

"I will let you know when I have," the snake hissed back to him. Harry bent back horizontal with the ground as Malfoy's spell just went over him. I am so glad I have practiced yoga other wise I might not have been flexible enough for that.

"That was too close. Alright here I go." Whipping his wand Harry silently cast Relashio causing Malfoy to drop his wand. He then silently summoned it him and held put it in his pocket.

"I have the boy trapped," the snake called out. Harry nodded at it.

"Good hold him still," Harry called back in parseltongue to it. "Pertrificus Totalus. You know Malfoy, you have such a dirty mouth. Let me clean that for you." Harry said walking forward to the petrified Malfoy. "You may go and do as you please thank you for the help." Harry then said to the snake. Harry heard the terrified screams of the girls as it slithered away. Harry almost chuckled but turned back to Malfoy.

Pointing his wand at Malfoy Harry flicked it as he conjured soap into his mouth.

"Now lets clean your vile mouth. Scourgify." That has got to burn like hell good thing I can't hear him his girly screams would have made my ears bleed. Harry turned back after a good long minute and canceled the spell out and vanished the soap. "Now to show you how vile your mouth is Eat Slugs." Harry stated firmly and pouring more magic than needed into the spell.

Hopefully that will teach the bastard a lesson and with the extra magic maybe it will last longer than normal. But while I am at it… Harry cast the Hair Loss Curse causing him to go bald while spitting out slugs Harry unpetrified him and tossed his wand somewhere. Harry nodded and then left satisfied with his lesson.

"Potter come with me to my office!" Moody barked out at him. Ah I wondered when you would come out. I might as well see what you want. Harry then followed Moody back to his classroom up the stairs and into the back where his personal room was. Harry heard shuffling as Moody sat down.

"Noble thing you did back there with Diggory, but that's not why you are here. What are you going to do about your Dragon?" Moody asked before taking out his vile of whatever stuff he drank.

What the hell why is he helping I knew something was off about him but was this it, I need to stall and get more answers from him. "Well there have been a few ideas I've had, but what are you recommending I do?" Harry asked curious and cautious to see where this was going.

That's when every thing happened all at once the trunk shook hard as Harry could hear the faint yelling. "Get me out of here you bastard Barty Crouch Jr. AHHHH! I will not be kept a prisoner! You have forgotten, CONSTSNT VIGILANCE!" Who the hell is he? If he is not Moody but Crouch Jr.? Didn't he die? Hermione was reading the article awhile back. Wait, he is a Death Eater? Harry thought panicked.

"Oh don't mind that you wouldn't believe me if I told you what was in there." Crouch Jr. said while opening the vile and drinking. Harry smelled it and froze polyjuice potion how the hell could I forget the smell of that. I need to capture and turn him in; also I need to send a letter to Azkaban Prison. They're sucking at their job lately.

"You all right boy?" Crouch Jr. Barked at him looking slightly worried.

"Fine, just fine." Harry said strangely calm while pulling out his wand. "I am doing well. Stupefy!" Harry yelled at Crouch Jr. or 'Moody'.

"Protego!" Crouch yelled rolling off his chair to get a better stance. "What the hell are you doing, Potter?"

"Reducto!" Harry shouted pointing at the desk having it explode into dust causing the dust to temporarily blind Crouch Jr. Not even bothering to answer him. Harry then dropped his cane and ran, swinging a punch at him in the face, or he would have. Damn it that eye can see everything. Harry was then blasted back by Crouch Jr. Smashing through the staircase and onto some desks breaking his fall. Harry rolled to the side behind one for some cover. Shit that hurt my body and my back is killing me everything is really numb!

"Relashio!" Harry yelled focusing on the eye to come out, but the eye didn't budge at all. Wait a second I got it. The desk then exploded when Harry paused sending him flying back with deep splinters ripping into the whole left side of his upper body. On his arm, his shoulders, chest and lower stomach burned as it felt like hot needles digging into his skin. Harry couldn't help but shout out in pain.

"Fuck this hurts like a bitch! Take this then Crouch you Bastard! Accio Moody's leg!" Harry heard the leg flying towards him he quickly transfigured it into a stick ducking as it flew over him. Harry then heard Crouch Jr. body fall and yelled "Incarcerous!" As thick ropes then sprung out of his wand tied up Crouch Jr. hosting him up in the air.

Panting, Harry slowly moved over to Crouch Jr., after summoning up his wand to him.

"So you know who I am then Potter?" Crouch said calmly causing Harry to be on his guard. What is he up to? He can't fight he doesn't have a wand. What could he possibly do?

"Winky!" Crouch Jr. called out. What the hell is a Winky? A pop was heard as Harry turned to the source.

"Master Barty!" The house elf yelled snapping her fingers releasing Crouch Jr.

Oh shit! A house elf! Fuck, why the hell does this shit happen to me!

"Winky we need to kill him. He knows my secret. If he lives I will be killed." Crouch Jr. commanded her.

"No, Master Barty can't die! Winky won't let you!" Winky yelled out, throwing a ball of swirling magic at Harry.

Harry jumped backwards over a desk, hissing in pain from the splinters. He rolled to the side. As long as I keep my distance I just need one good hit to take the elf out. Harry then heard a popping sound. Winky disappeared from the room. Shit! Harry thought running at Crouch Jr. hopping to threaten him so the elf would pause, if only just for a moment.

Pop. Winky reappeared right in front of Harry throwing a magic ball causing it to smash into his chest, flinging him back, hitting the wall and sliding down. Harry coughed up blood. His chest was burning. Whatever that magic was, it burned my skin. Harry's whole chest felt like it was on fire. Harry felt burning on him and silently cast Aguamenti on himself. Shit the splinters caught on fire and then burned my skin! Motherfucker this hurts!

Harry heard Winky approaching him. "You hurt Master. You want to kill Master. I must kill you." Winky said stopping in front of Harry. Well fuck. I am battling a crazy ass house elf. Why do I always get insane people to try and kill me? God, if you are listening, or if you are real, what did I ever do to deserve this?

"I only have one thing to say to you." Harry said making the elf pause. "Dobby!" Harry shouted causing a pop to be heard.

"Harry Potter!" Dobby shouted out in shock. "What is wrong what happened to you?"

"Dobby that crazy elf is trying to kill me! Go get help then come back! That man is a Death Eater named Barty Crouch Jr. He locked the real Moody in his trunk upstairs. Hurry." Harry shouted as Dobby popped out of existence.

"You must die! You want to harm Master Barty!" Winky shouted after trying to stop Dobby from leaving. Winky threw another magic ball at Harry. Concentrating with all his might Harry focused on the leg he transformed into a stick earlier. Please let this work Harry thought praying as he couldn't move. Harry cast the switching spell just as the ball was about to hit him.

Harry quickly cast the Disillusionment Charm on himself as the leg or rather stick exploded on impact shocking the house elf.

"He's hiding right next to the far left cabinet, Winky! Get him!" Crouch Jr. shouted.

Shit I forgot about his eye! As Winky was turning in his direction, Harry cast a Herling Hex at Winky. The house elf was sent back flying into Barty Crouch Jr. causing them to smash into the desk and fall over it. I need to use this hex in the future. I know it's meant to have brooms disarm their riders, but it just saved my ass, and worked a hell of a lot better than I thought it would.

Harry then heard a pop and froze. "Harry Potter! Dobby is here to help!" Harry sighed for a second he thought Winky had disappeared. I don't think my body could have taken another one of those magic balls or whatever the hell they are.

"Dobby get that house elf she's dangerous!" Harry shouted then coughed out blood that was rising in his throat.

Dobby turned to the offending two responsible for Harry's condition. "YOU WILL NOT HARM HARRY POTTER!" Winky got up as the two house elf's started fighting and shouting sending magic flying all over the room. Explosions went off and items were flying around the room. The door burst open Dobby turned to it distracted. Winky screamed, throwing her magic at him. Harry forced his body to move. He ran and tackled him to the ground, Winky's magic just skimming them. Hitting his head hard on the ground as they both hit the floor with Harry shielding Dobby Harry immediately felt immense pain as Harry both heard and felt a crack on his head as the feeling of warm blood and dizziness over came him. Screams and blasting magic slowly faded away as every thing went black.

Muffled voices were the first thing Harry heard. Raising his hand to his face Harry felt his sunglasses were still there good I hate it whenever they remove them whenever I am at the Hospital Wing. I may be blind but I never forget a smell and the Hospital Wing. It is an easy one to remember.

Harry then sat up and groaned while opening up his eyes. Good lord, what the hell happened to my body? It feels like I was thrown through a shredder and then the rest of what was left of me was burned.

"Ah, Harry, I was wondering when you would wake up." Poppy said waling over to him, "How are you doing and where does it hurt?" she asked him while doing a diagnostic charm on him and sweeping his body thoroughly.

"I feel like hell Poppy, my body feels like it was shredded and burned to peaces, my head is slightly sore but other than that, how are you?" Harry replied answering her questions. After the Chamber of Secrets Harry and Madame Pomfrey saw each other so much before he left that they were on a first name basis with each other.

Harry learned that telling the nurse what was wrong instead of being tough and saying nothing hurt actually caused him to get out sooner. He was in the Hospital Wing a lot last year and sometimes he would just stop by for tea and he still did. After being blind Harry became curious about medical conditions and would always ask her questions. Poppy loved that a student was so interested in medical field that she even started teaching him spells. Harry found them interesting and enjoyed learning about the subject.

"Well for the rest of the week you are going to be sore mostly on your chest. House elves rarely attack people and the magic it used was tricky to cure. It will probably burn for a while but no scaring will occur. The splinters hit a lot of your veins causing eternal bleeding to occur, as well as ripping apart muscle. Thankfully no bones were harmed. Your back will be rather stiff today but will be good as new by Friday. It was nastily bruised. You had cracked your skull and bled a lot but it was nothing I couldn't fix." Poppy finished his analysis.

"Do you know what today is? How long was I out for?" Harry asked her.

"Today is Thursday you were out since Monday afternoon. When they brought you up here of course they were idiots and went right past the Great Hall where every one could see you. Naturally when the girls found out that Professor Moody was a Death Eater, Barty Crouch Jr., and that he injured, you they went crazy. I threatened that if they didn't leave I would put them in the hospital myself. They are limited only so many hours here. But before you can see anyone the Minister and Professor Dumbledore need to question you." Poppy said causing him to groan.

Crap. I still don't know how to get past the Dragon and now I have even less time than before.

"Harry why do you always get into trouble?" Poppy asked him slightly exasperated with him.

"Why I just miss your charming presence Poppy. What other reason could there be? And as for trouble I don't get into trouble, it just follows me around switching days for occurring. You know how relationships are with teenagers it's always an on and off thing. Besides, commitment is just too boring." Harry said grinning at her. Poppy rolled her eyes and tried not to laugh at him.

"Will since you are so bored Mr. Fudge and Professor Dumbledore will be here soon. I sent Dumbledore a message the moment you woke up." Poppy said while giving him a potion to drink. It wasn't pleasant but it wasn't horrible either. Plus it made the burning die down, as his muscles were soothed and his back became more comfortable.

"What was this potion?" Harry asked curiously.

Poppy smiled at him before she answered him. "Its called the Restoring potion it helps replenish muscles, blood, skin it replenishes any lost of injured body part it is a bit difficult to make but the effects are noticeable." Poppy explained.

"The taste isn't to die for but it feels amazing. Can I take it once or can I have more?" Harry asked her something's like skele-gro you only took once.

"Once a day is the limit and the Headmaster is here, Harry. If that's all I will check on you when you are done," Poppy said leaving him.

"Ah Harry, good to see that you are up. Are you doing well?" Dumbledore asked him.

"As well as expected sir thank you, but what happened after I was knocked out?" Harry asked the last thing he remembered was pushing Dobby down as Winky was still throwing magic and Crouch Jr. we on a rampage.

"A good questioned after saving Dobby I, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Filtwick had to contain the house elf named Winky. After that we tied and contained Barty Couch Jr., which was easy considering he was wandless. I found you with his wand so I guess I should thank you for that. It saved us the trouble of dueling him. We found storage of polyjuice potion in full stock and the real Alastor Moody in the trunk as you said we would. After we found out he was attacked this summer and replaced here at Hogwarts by Barty Crouch Jr. but alive to be used for the potion. Barty Crouch Jr. confessed to placing the Imperius Curse on his father to keep his identity a secret. He also confessed the Voldemort was alive and given the task of getting close to you, so that at the end of the year he would deliver you to Voldemort. He also admitted putting your name into the Goblet of Fire. Now that you are updated how did you discover his identity?" Dumbledore asked him.

"Well I went up to his room because he wanted to help me with the first task. I refused because it was wrong and because I had been feeling that something was off since the moment I met him. I couldn't find out what it was until the his trunk shook and I heard Moody-" Harry was cut off by Fudge rather rudely.

"What do you mean heard, Potter? If you never told us about Moody we would have never found him so how could you have heard him?" Fudge demanded.

"Since I have been blind my other senses especially my hearing are magnified to help me with not having eyesight. I could hear him because even far away my hearing could catch what he was saying." Harry explained as polite as he could, but Fudge got on his nerves.

"And what did Moody say?" Fudge asked snobbishly.

"Moody screamed "Get me out of here you bastard Barty Crouch Jr. AHHHH! I will not be kept a prisoner! You have forgotten, CONSTSNT VIGILANCE!" I then smelled Crouch Jr. Drink the polyjuice potion and then attacked him to try and capture him. After I got blasted through the staircase and he came down stairs I summoned his leg and transformed it. When he was off balanced I tied him up hosting in the air summoning his wand. After reviling who he was he said I had to die and summoned his house elf Winky. After freeing Crouch Jr. Winky blasted me into a wall-" Harry was then cut off again.

"A house elf over powered you?" Fudge scoffed at him. Harry then ripped open his shirt undid his bandages showing Fudge the blast mark the ball did to his chest.

"Yes a house elf did this to me Madame Pomfrey said this looks a lot better than it was before and even with potions it will take a week to fully heal ,she also said that I am luckily it won't scar." Harry said shutting him up.

"House elf's have magic and abilities that are above than just cleaning they are misunderstood and often though weak. It took myself and two other professors to put Winky down." Dumbledore added his two cents in.

"Yes well continue, Potter. I don't have all day I have a ministry to run," Fudge said puffing out his chest trying to sound and feel important. This man is unbelievable. How he is even in office or still in office is beyond me.

"As I was saying Winky waked over saying how I had to die since her Master was in danger. I summoned Dobby giving him instructions as he left and Winky couldn't prevent his escape. She then shot another magic ball at me. I was too damaged to move and I remember Moody's leg I transformed so I then preformed the switching spell with it hoping it would work. It did and I cast the Disillusionment Charm on myself. But Crouch Jr. still had Moody's eye in so he saw me. As Winky turned to me I cast the Herling Hex at her. The house elf was sent back flying into Barty Crouch Jr. causing them to smash into the desk and fall over it. Dobby appeared and battled Winky until the door was blast open and he got distracted. Winky's magic was about to hit Dobby so I gathered all my strength as I tackled us to the ground causing my head to crack and to pass out." Harry finished explaining.

"Very well. If that is all I must go. I will see you Saturday for the first task Dumbledore, Potter." Fudge said before storming off.

"Well he was pleasant." Harry commented and Dumbledore laughed at him.

"You did very well Harry now before I go I have a few things to say to you. First Mrs. Granger informed me a Mr. Snuffles would like to talk to you the weekend after the first task. The real Alsator Moody would like to thank you and teach you how to duel as he said "that boy had a lot to learn". And finally I would like to say you did a good job Harry rest well and good luck for the first task." Dumbledore said smiling at Harry.

"Thank you Sir." Harry said to him slightly surprised. Dumbledore has never been this way towards me before but I like feeling acknowledged he doesn't see me as a child anymore and that alone means the world to me.

"Oh yes before I forget this is yours. Rest up Harry pip pip." Dumbledore handed him his cane and left. Ah I am really tired sleeping sounds great. Harry thought closing his eyes just before he was about to fall asleep he heard the pack at enter the hospital. Harry just sighed before sitting up. Better deal with them now than later. I have found out that the more time that passes the worse they get.

Sitting up Harry braced himself for inevitable. He was not disappointed.

"Harry!" Hermione yelled as the rest of them rushed over seeing him finally awake. Harry felt himself being crushed by her and the other three girls.

"Ouch! Too much pressure." Harry gasped out in pain. All the hugs stopped immediately.

"Sorry!" They all said backing up then gasping at his burn showing.

"Oh Harry are you okay? What happened? Everyone was in the Great Hall eating and then they brought you past the Great Hall entrance covered in blood! Every one went in a panic all the schools have been dying to know what happened but no one would tell anyone anything other that Professor Moody was an imposter and he attacked you!" Hermione said while demanding answers at the same time.

"Harry, do we have to go every where with you now?" Angelia demanded and asked at the same time.

"No it was just an accident-" Katie cut off Harry.

"Harry you say that every time you are in the hospital. Why do you always get into so much trouble?" Katie groaned.

"We were so worried but not as much as Fleur was." Alicia said catching Harry's full and undivided attention once her name was mentioned. "Since we are somewhat used to your 'incidents' we handled it better. If only they're just wasn't so much blood." Alicia finished her voice was shaking.

"What happened Harry?" Neville asked his friend curiously also worried about him.

"Yeah besides fighting an imposter" George said having Fred finish for him "and getting an awesome scar!" SMACK! SMACK! Followed by two owes.

"You're lucky that we don't permanently injure you! How can you say something that stupid?" Angelia yelled at the Twins after smashing their heads with her hands.

"Hey Harry so what did happen?" Lee asked him. As all other talking ended to hear his story, after sighing and drinking a glass of water Harry then began his tale.

He told them everything from the Dragons to fighting Malfoy, which they all approved of, and to his battle with Crouch Jr. and Winky and his talk with Dumbledore and Fudge. After finish Harry sat back as they all took it in.

"You need to tell us where you are going and what time you will be back everywhere you go. And if not we are coming after you." Alicia stated getting the support of the other girls. Bloody hell they have finally gone off the deep end. If I don't do something soon they might do something worse like Harry watch. He thought shivering in horror.

"Girls listen I love you all like a family but things just happen, I promise to be more careful from now on and before I leave anywhere to tell at least one of you guys here where I am going, deal?" Harry asked. With women make them thing that they are getting the better deal and you will always win.

After a long moment they caved in. "Yeah alright Harry it's just that this always happens to you." Katie said softly looking at his ghastly wounds.

"You have had a long day. Let's let Harry rest. We will see him tomorrow." Angelia said while her and the other girls help move the boys out.

"I'll be along in a moment." Hermione called out staying behind, leaving Harry curious at what she had to say. "You seemed very interested in what Fleur's reaction was." Hermione stated.

"Hermione not this again it was just like Alicia said. Seeing me like this and not being used to seeing me in this condition was probably overwhelming for her. As her friend I only I was worried about her." Harry said stressing out that there was nothing more going on between them.

"Fine Harry there is nothing going on between you, yet." Hermione finished smugly. Getting a rise out of Harry rarely happened it was too good of an opportunity to pass up.

"Look she doesn't like me that way ok. Just let it go if this is all we are going to talk about then can you leave?" Harry growled out frustrated with her. Fleur is only a friend nothing more why is Hermione being like this.

"Fine, I will see you tomorrow. Oh, and Harry, Fleur wants to see you since your awake. I'll just send her your way. Enjoy your evening," Hermione said cheerfully before quickly leaving so Harry couldn't say anything. Damn you Hermione! I can't just fall asleep so I have to stay awake and talk to her. Oh well when Fleur gets here I will make sure she knows we will just be friends nothing more.

True to Hermione's word Fleur came with in the hour. "How are you feeling 'Arry?" She asked sitting on the bed next to his side while staring at the burn on his chest.

"Well I have been better than this. I just need some beauty sleep. You seem to get a lot of that. Care to give me any pointers?" Harry asked grinning at her. Fleur laughed at him throwing back her head.

"I can't tell you 'Arry. It iz a trade secret. But I would like to know vat happened to you though." Fleur admitted she was really worried and scared when she saw his bloody body. She had been talking to him not even an hour ago when he was moved to the Hospital Wing.

"If you want it will take awhile so I will talk a lot and you better get comfortable." Harry said teasingly and also warning her.

"I wish to know vat occurred 'Arry and take your time. I enjoy talking to you and spending time togezzer." Fleur reassured him. Taking a deep breath Harry then began his story leaving nothing out teller her all that he had told the pack. After he finished they sat quietly together collecting each other's thoughts.

Moving her hand to Harry's chest she softly touched his wound while stroking it gently as if she was trying to erase it. "Madame Pomfrey did a good job I will be good as new in a week and luckily for me nothing will scar." Harry told her.

"You said zat things like zis always happen to you. Vat are you going to do now zat you know a Death Eater entered you into zee tournament?" Fleur asked him worried about what might happen to him.

"I don't know entirely but it opened my eyes to me not being ready for the outside world. Moody's offer will help me prepare but I was thinking of also asking Professor Filtwick and McGonagall for help in other areas too. My biggest problem is I don't have a plan for facing a Dragon yet and being in the hospital leaves me with almost no time to prepare for the first task." Harry admitted out load slightly afraid of what might happened Saturday. I have only tomorrow to prepare and the task begins Saturday morning!

Fleur grabbed his face turning it to look at her even if he couldn't see her eyes Harry felt pinned down by her gaze. "I know you will succeed 'Arry and I promise you will get through the first task. You may not have zee physical time to prepare but you have zee mental time to. You are smart 'Arry I know you will think of something and you will get through zee Dragons. I believe in your abilities 'Arry." Fleur said firmly believing everything she just said.

Fleur then softly stoked his face while her other hand explored his chest and stomach. "Thank you for your faith in my abilities Fleur you're a great friend." Harry said, not seeing her wince at the word friend. After hearing him say that how do I tell him I want to be more than friends? she thought, grimacing.

Harry then yawned and started to sink back into his bed. "I'm sorry Fleur I guess I'm more tired than I though. It's been a long day." Harry explained apologetic to her. Maybe tomorrow would be better to tell him, after all he needs his sleep.

"I will zee you tomorrow zen 'Arry, sleep well you need your strength back before Saturday." Fleur softly commanded Harry before she leaned down placing a soft hand under his jaw holding him in place as she softly kissed his cheek, the edge of her lips touching the corner of his own. Fleur paused for longer than necessary before whispering in his ear her hot sweet breath slowly moving over his skin causing Harry's skin to tingle as warmth spread all over him.

"Doux reves mon ami." Sweet dreams my friend. After saying that Fleur left Harry confused as hell and also in a blissful daze. What the hell was that? Harry was too tired to continue thinking about it but drifted off to sleep.

Fleur turned at the doorway to the entrance of the Hospital Wing before leaving as she watched Harry. A small smirk made its way to her face. You might try to think we are just friends Harry but when I kissed you my hand was on your pulse point. Your heart raced with mine in sync the second my lips touched you. Your confused stated only tells me how much you are battling with yourself to accept your feeling or not too. But you forgot to include mine. I want this and I will get this Harry Potter. You are too great of a man not to fight for it.

Fleur then left with a smile on her face without knowing it Harry had just reassured her and motivated her to fight for him. In the future Harry could honestly say he didn't do anything literally.

Early the next morning Harry got up took the Restoring potion and wrote a note saying he took his potion and was preparing for the task and he would see them bright and early Saturday morning. Harry wondered the halls of the castle racking his brains for a solution to the Dragon.

Harry's mind was wondering as he was not paying attention to where he was going. He was soon pacing mindlessly before he heard a door open. Harry froze a door wasn't there before he was sure of it. Waving his wand Harry had it tell him that he was on the seventh floor. This room wasn't here at all Hogwarts a History never mentioned this room.

Cautiously Harry entered the room as the door closed behind him. Lumos Harry thought as his wand brought little light. I need light I can't see any shapes to tell what is in here. His unspoken plea was answered as Harry froze in shock.

"What is this place?" Harry asked out loud.

"Tis the Room of Requirement Harry Potter Sir!" Dobby suddenly said causing Harry to yelp and fall flat on his butt.

"Dobby, when did you get here and what is the Room of Requirement? What does it do and what does it look like right now?" Harry fired off his questions rapidly without breathing. And I though only Hermione was capable of doing that she must be rubbing off of me.

"It is a come and go room. It only opens up if a person is in great need of it. Whatever the cause is it changes for the person. Right now it is a library of greatness." Dobby explained happily.

"What? Why are you here Dobby? Who knows about the room now?" Harry asked.

"No one in Hogwarts knows where and what it does besides you. Others find it accidentally and never find it again. The room only opens for a chosen person. I am here to thank you for saving my life you are a great wizard Harry Potter!" Dobby said before he started sobbing.

"I saved your live because you're my friend Dobby and let's keep this room a secret. I could use this in the future so never mention it unless I tell you to, got it?" Harry said sternly.

"Yes Dobby will keep your secret! Dobby is your friend!" Dobby started shouting out in happiness. Are all house elf's bipolar they change moods so sudden all the time! Dear God I am getting a headache just thinking about it!

"Right well I need your help can you go tell the girls I am in a private classroom practicing for the first task and nothing else. Then I need you to come back and help me prepare for the first task." Harry ordered Dobby. Harry found out if he wasn't right to the point then Dobby would lose focus and wander.

"Yes! Yes! Dobby will help you! Dobby will be right back!" Dobby shouted in excitement before popping away. Harry could only shake his head in wonder. House elf's Harry thought.

Walking down one of the aisle in the library his hand suddenly hit a book. Flipping it open to on of the first pages Harry opened it and charmed it read out loud.

"An Animagus (pl. Animagi) is a witch or wizard who can morph him or herself into a specific animal at will. It is a learned, rather than hereditary, skill, unlike those of a Metamorphmagus. All known Animagi in the series take the same form as their Patronus. It is unknown whether all do.

Only very powerful and skilled wizards are able to become Animagi. The process of becoming an Animagus is long and arduous, and has the potential to backfire and cause the transformation to go horribly wrong. Once the initial training is over, an Animagus can change at will at any time, with or without a wand. Animagi can only take on the form of one specific animal. This animal form is not chosen by the wizard, but determined by their personality and inner traits. Thus, one's Animagus form is a reflection of one's inner nature. It is unknown whether Animagi can take the form of a more "magical" creature.

Each Animagus has some mental and physical changes to them. Such as grace and balance of a cat, better hearing, eyesight and other changes occur do to the animal or creature that one changes into. If an Animagus undergoes a major physical change, such as the loss of a limb, their animal form will also reflect that. Also, an Animagus in animal form will retain the lifespan of an ordinary human being.

An Animagus also has the ability to communicate with normal animals. There seems to be a clear understanding of want and need in this communication ability, but the full extent and quality of it is unknown

Every Animagus is required to register with the Ministry of Magic at the Improper Use of Magic Office. This registration includes revealing one's animal form and one's distinguishing markings. The register is available to the public. The primary reason for registration is to ensure the Animagi do not abuse their abilities, as the Ministry is able to keep track of them. The penalty for failing to register as an Animagus is a sentence in Azkaban, though the length of time is unknown.

Due to the complexity of the magic involved in becoming an Animagus, they have become very rare. There were a total of seven-registered Animagi in the twentieth century. It is also partially because of this complexity, in addition to the danger involved, that Animagi are required to register them.

Known Animagi:

Falco Aesalon — Falcon and the first recorded Animagus; the registration system was not in existence in his time.

Morgan le Fay — Bird; the registration system was not in existence in her time.

Cliodne — Sea Bird; the registration system was not in existence in her time

Minerva McGonagall — Tabby cat; registered

Unidentified witch — Cat; registered.

Five known Animagi — Forms known; registered."

Harry stopped the book and closed it shut. The book also didn't mention

James Potter — Large Stag; Sirius Black — Large Black Dog; Peter Pettigrew — Rat; all unregistered. If I could be and Animagi maybe my eyesight will improve enough so I could see!

At Dobby's returning pop, he shrunk the book and pocketed it to read later.

"Harry Potter, Dobby is returned. The girls and another new one from the other school where all at the hospital looking for you. They were very mad at you but Dobby didn't tell them anything other than what you told me to say." Dobby explained but happy he did just as Harry Potter had wanted him to do.

Well fuck I thought the girls were bad enough but add in Fleur and I am so dead. Fleur told me not to get her angry at me all I did was prepare to face a Dragon for tomorrow so I wont die and they want to kill me. Life is so not fair!

Snapping to attention and away from five very angry and talented witches that wanted to harm him he focused on the Dragon.

"I need some help looking for books on Dragons and I need you to sneak to the place the first task is taking place and describe what the area will be like. I need to know every thing about the place is like so I can use every thing to my advantage." Harry said explaining what he needed dobby to do.

Nodding Dobby got all the books and then left. Hours and Hours later going over materials Harry was still stuck.

"I am so screwed unless I can find something to put me on even ground with the Dragon I am going to be killed!" Harry growled out I frustration.

"So you want the ground smoother not rocker Harry Potter Sir?" Dobby asked him.

"No Dobby just even it out the Dragon is bigger, stronger, breaths fire, flier, and has hard scales protecting his body and other things like that. I don't have any of that so we are uneven." Harry explained he would not take his anger out on Dobby.

"But that is what makes Harry Potter a great wizard you can become stronger, you can make fire, you have broom to fly, you can do anything with magic you have a wand. If Dragon can see then why not make him not see either but it on even footing?" Dobby asked Harry as if it was so simple.

Harry just stared at Dobby as plans raced into his head he had a wand and suddenly the answer came to him. Harry grinned at Dobby "I know just what to do know thanks Dobby! Now you mentioned flying so I need you to get a few books for me I got a plan." Harry grinned he had until tomorrow morning to do this.

Harry opened the tent flap entering into it where the pack and other champions were waiting for him.


"Um, training. Getting ready for the first task which, if I receive any bodily harm from you, I could be killed. And Hermione can you hold the cane for me? Since it has magic properties I wont be able to use it." Harry said narrowly dodging their attacks on him while giving his cane to Hermione.

"But-but Harry you cant walk around or hardly go fight without your cane and now you have to battle a Dragon without it! You are still injured from fighting Crouch Jr.!" Hermione said freaking out.

"Look I have been training and I will talk with you after I finish my task. Guys can you help get them out of here and we'll talk later." Harry asked the guys as the girls ignored Harry and were fussing nervously with the roars of the Dragons in the background.

"Sure Harry." The Twins said as Neville and Lee helped 'escort' them out of the tent and having everyone in the tent watch him.

" 'Arry?" Fleur asked him coming over to him.

"Yeah Fleur?" Harry said questioning her warily.

SMACK! "What the hell was that for?" Harry shouted holding his left cheek.

"Zat vas for you leaving the hospital early, for not even telling anyone where you vere, and for disappearing on me you bastard! I vas worried about you damn it and you just up and left, do you know how I felt? Do you?" Fleur shouted at him in furious angry causing him to shrink back away from her.

"No, I don't." Harry said meekly and surprised at her.

"You are lucky zat we have our task right now or I vould show you just how angry I am with you." Fleur growled at him. Apparently she is too angry to be nervous for the task and our 'conversation' is making Cedric and Krum amused so all and all is my 'disappearing such a bad thing? Harry asked himself. Oh well nothing but humor to try and lighten the situation.

"Are you angry enough to go all veela crazy fire ball on my ass yet or do I have to do something even dumber to receive your wrath?" Harry asked making Cedric and Krum laugh at him in humor. Fleur crossed her arms and tried not to laugh at Harry she was still pissed at him for what he did.

"Not yet but I trust you will reach there soon 'Arry." Fleur teased and warned him at the same time.

"As long as I have time I should do something stupid soon. After all I heard it's not polite to keep a woman waiting," Harry said grinning cheekily at her. Fleur couldn't help but smile fondly at him.

"You are an idiot 'Arry." She said softly, shaking her head at his antics.

"I don't try this is all natural and is apparently efficient am I right?" Harry asked her still grinning in amusement.

"Unfortunately so zee doctors couldn't do 'anything about it am I right because it iz getting worse it seems." Fleur teased him.

"I wouldn't know every time I go for a check up the nurses give me a different examination. They like to thoroughly make sure I am in top physical condition and have yet to complain with any mental ones while they examine me." Harry said slyly as Fleur blushed and the other two champions laughed at him.

The tent flap opened as Rita Skeeter and her photographer entered along with the headmasters and judges.

"Good we are all here champions gather around starting with Mrs. Delacour, then Mr. Krum, ah Mr. Diggory , and finally Mr. Potter. Now in this bag I have models of four life-like Dragons that you will each face one of them that you chose. Now then chose your Dragon and I will then explain what you must do." Bagman finished cheerfully. You wouldn't be so cheerful if you were facing a Dragon. Besides you being happy all the time makes me sick, it's like I want to puck out happiness.

Fleur shakily reached in and bought out her Dragon. "Number two it iz zee Welsh Green." Fleur said nervously.

Krum grabbed his Dragon out of the bag next, "three the Chinese Fireball." He then returned to his sulking.

Cedric reached in next and pulled his Dragon out "Number one the Swedish Short-Snout."

Harry then got out the last Dragon from the bag. "Number four the Hungarian Horntail," Harry said feeling a lot less confident than before. Of course I got the worst one. Why wouldn't it go to someone else? That would just make my life easier and I have to have a difficult life. Harry put his Dragon model into his pocket as he focused on the task ahead.

"Now Mr. Diggory you will begin at the cannon in-" Dumbledore was cut off as Filch sounded the cabin shaking the whole cabin. Everyone looked at him in exasperation.

"Very well then you are up good luck to each of you." Dumbledore said as all the adults left the tent as the champions were the only ones left.

Cedric braced himself before gathering himself up and heading out to face his Dragon.

Steeping out he saw his Dragon's huge blue and grey colors. It's smaller than I though but it just makes up for speed then. A burst of fire shot out at him as he dodged behind a rock.

Concentrating hard he changed a nearby rock into a Labrador Cedric then switched having the dog start barking and running turning the Dragons attention to the dog.

All right slowly I'll move around and make my way to the egg then. Cedric moved going from rock to rock as he made his way behind the Dragon. Slowly he reached out and grabbed the egg. Not as bad as I thought it would be.

The frantic barking of the dog got his attention as the Dragon noticed Cedric stole her egg. Roaring in angry the Dragon swiped its tail at Cedric. Diving to the side barely missing him, Cedric ran while dodging the constant swipes of claws and tails.

Getting frustrated the Dragon shot out its fire smashing into Cedric's side. He hadn't gotten out of the way in time. The crowd and bagman went into hysterics. Groaning Cedric doused himself in water hoping the burn would lessen. The Dragon watched him slow down and roared in victory, about to finish Cedric off and get back her egg, when the dog charged out of nowhere biting down on the side of its left wing.

Cedric ran as fast as he could to the exit just as the Dragon finished off the dog Cedric left through the exit. Dogs really are mans best friend. When I graduate this year I am getting a Labrador first thing after I get out of school, He promised himself.

Harry heard all the screams, roars, cheering, and commentary and just turned to Fleur not wanting to her any more of it.

"You'll be fine you just stick to your plan and you will be fine." Harry said grabbing her hand comforting her she was starting to shake.

"How do you know zat, 'Arry, how?" Fleur asked him squeezing his hand back.

"Because I believe in your abilities. Well that and your French so how can you lose?" Harry asked her smiling at her. Fleur didn't know if she wanted to laugh or hit him.

Smiling fondly at him Fleur felt reassured "Thank you, 'Arry."

"Any time Fleur just clear your mind and focus and you will do your best trust me your abilities are worth noticing so go and show every one what you can do, second to Harry Potter of course." Harry teased her.

"We will see zen wont we, 'Arry? If you're your abilities are as good as you say but your mouth has only spit out pretty words so far, nothing more," Fleur teased him back challenging him.

Grinning broadly at her Harry then said, "Besides talking my mouth has numerous abilities that I have been appreciated for. Pretty words are just one of its many talents." Harry laughed as he felt her burn up. Harry can always make me blush it's not my fault he has such a talented mouth! At least I am winning in the touching game but then again I wouldn't mind if I 'lost' in that game. He has great hands.

"Mrs. Delacour is now up ladies and gentleman your second champion." Bagman's voice said as the cannon sounded. Fleur got up and was about to leave when she was suddenly pulled back into Harry. He hugged her before whispering in her ear "Kick ass and stay safe mon ami" My friend.

Fleur grinned suddenly much more confident than before she playfully bit his ear before leaving. She heard him mumble "Bloody tease." Before facing her Dragon. Harry is right my plan will work and I will come through this task in first place!

Steeping out she immediately saw the deep green Dragon staring at her. The egg was placed behind it, as was the exit. Drawing her wand clearing her mind she focused on the sleeping trance charm, adding her veela aura to power it, and cast it. The affects were immediate. The Dragon's head dropped and started swaying.

Fleur kept her eye contact while moving forward singing softly chanting the charm. She was just feet from the Dragon when it feel asleep she dashed forward snatching the egg. The crowd and Bagman's support was so vocal it stirred the Dragon.

Flames flew out as it snorted in its sleep rushing towards her Fleur forced her hand in front of her unable to have enough time for casting a spell and thought shield. Her veela powers shot a burst of red fire blocking the short dose form the Dragon. She than ran to the exit that was close if not for my veela powers I could have been burned badly.

"Our next champion is Mr. Krum!" Bagman shouted as the cannon was once again set off by Filch again causing Krum to move to the entrance. Thank God Fleur and Cedric both made it out.

"Good luck." Harry called out to him.

"You too," was Krum's gruff reply as he went through to the Dragon.

Since I have all the Dragons memorized mine is The Chinese Fireball, also known as the Liondragon, is a dragon native to China. The Fireball is scarlet and smooth scaled with a fringe of golden spikes around its face. The Fireball's snout is stubby, and it has protruding eyes. Its name is derived from the mushroom-shaped flame that is emitted through its nostrils when angered. The Chinese Fireball breed of dragons generally yield females that are larger than males.

After much research and discussion I have found the Dragons eyes to be its weakest point. So the Conjunctivitis Curse is a curse that causes irritation in the target's eyes, causing them to swell shut like the infection conjunctivitis, commonly known as "pink eye."

I only have one shot at this. Krum raised his wand aiming carefully at the eye it was a lot easier to do since it was watching Krum carefully guarding its egg. Krum shot the spell at it hitting it in the eye. Dashing forward Krum suddenly dodges as its tail swung out of nowhere.

The Dragon in pain was flailing around uncontrollably. Weaving his way through the rocks Krum waited for the opening to grab the egg. A few moments later the Dragon slipped off to the side and he ran grabbed the egg. He rushed out of the exit and let out a breath that he didn't even know he was holding in. The whole stadium was cheering and Bagman was yelling out in excitement.

"Ladies and gentlemen what a thrill that was. Now give it up for our last and youngest champion, Mr. Potter!" Bagman yelled the whole stadium waited in suspense.

Harry stepped out of the tent and walked to the entrance taking in a deep breath and bringing out his wand Harry stepped into view. Harry could hear his name being cheered and blocked everything out until only the Hungarian Horntail was the only thing left in. Harry felt its huge body moving the vibrations rumbled like an earthquake every time it moved. This thing is massive it must be at least 50 feet! And Charlie said it could throw fire up to forty feet away. All right deep breath remember the plan and focus.

Harry reached into his pocket and grabbed a hand size of Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder. Here I go. Harry threw it into the ground and instant darkness flooded inside the whole inside arena was filled with thick black darkness nothing was seen. Harry raced forward as to where the Dragon was Harry then heard a steam of fire be thrown near him and flipped back wards over a rock for cover as the fire hit all around him.

Harry continued forward bringing out his wand point me he asked it as he was right near the Dragon. With his wand guiding him Harry moved forward until he reached the egg. Grasping it Harry was about to run to the exit when the Horntail raised its wings flapping in frustration sending hurricane like winds thrashing around the stadium. Its tail thrashed around smashing into his shoulder sending him into the violent winds into the rocks. The darkness won't last much longer but I prepared for this, now for my escape.

Hermione sat with Fleur, Cedric, and Krum closest to the medical tents. Hermione was so nervous as Harry was announced and walked out to the arena. She grabbed Fleur's hand squeezing it hard as the pressure was returned.

"Any idea how he is going to fight that thing? Our dragons were 30 feet at the most but this thing is at least 50 feet long of viciousness." Cedric said looking on nervously with half of him covered in cream it was to heal from the fire burn he had received.

"She is one angry momma." Krum said causing the others to grin at the Bulgarian's description.

"No Harry just showed up saying he had a plan but I am so scared. Did you see them bring the Dragon into the arena? It was so violent," Hermione said back as they watched Harry move closer into the arena with a determined face.

They watched as he moved his head moving where the Dragon was intently. He then reached into his pocket grabbing something dark and throwing it to the ground. Instant darkness rushed out nothing could be seen not the Dragon, the arena, Harry, or the golden egg.

"Brilliant! 'Arry evened out zee advantage zat zee Dragon had. 'Arry iz used to the dark so this wont be a problem to move around, the Dragon won't see its egg be taken and will just wonder around in zee dark until 'Arry finishes the task." Fleur said in admiration it was so simple it was brilliant. You will never cease to amaze me Harry now show use all what you can do. Fleur wanted Harry to succeed.

"And Mr. Potter blinds the Dragon to level out the playing field. What a brilliant move by our youngest champion!" Bagman yelled out in amazement. The crowd yelled its approval.

The Dragon was doing exactly as Fleur said it would you could hear it stumbling around and roaring out in frustration. Suddenly huge hard gusts of wind were flying every where causing people to cover there eyes. As soon as people opened them all the rocks in the arena where lifted off the ground swirling around randomly in the air.

"This is amazing I don't think even Dumbledore or any other great wizards are capable of this. And Mr. Potter is doing this entirely blind! This will go down in the history books for sure!" Bagman announced the crowd yelling out there support and utter amazement.

Hermione then noticed Harry jump randomly on one as he dodged around the flying rocks with the golden egg in his hand. Harry jumped from rock to rock doing flips and amazing aerobics form rock to rock missing getting hit from all them and the Dragons claws and tail that was sent swinging and causing mayhem destroying rocks in its wake.

"Can there be anything Mr. Potter can't do? He is flying forward going for the exit. Will he beat the Dragon without even casting a spell at it?" Bagman shouted as all eyes followed Harry's flying form.

He would go down into the fray then pop back out again avoiding the Dragons attacks, it was like a dangerous game of tag or that Muggle game what was it oh yeah whack a mole.

"How can Harry do that when he is blind not even someone with vision can do this." Cedric said in awe as he watched Harry with the rest of the crowd feeling the same thing. The Horntail was growing extremely irritated that its prey was escaping it and started spraying fire with blasting rocks away with its tail.

"I-I don't know but Harry needs to get out of there before he gets attacked." Hermione said suddenly getting anxious. Suddenly a rock that Harry was on blasted apart sending him helplessly into the air right to the Horntail. Every thing suddenly went in slow motion.

The Dragon yelling in triumph spewing fire out of her mouth hitting Harry, as his whole body was engulfed in fire and then flung to the ground. All the rocks that were flying fell to the ground and as the spot that was Harry cleared from the smoke and hot steam nothing was left except charcoal black pit. There was total silence no one in then stadium moved as they were all frozen in shock.

"I-I don't know what to say this is an unfortunate circumstance." Bagman said shocked and bewildered at what happened. He was just about to jump off to the exit when that freak of nature happened.

Hermione felt her heart crush as tears fell down her face, she turned and saw Fleur in the same state as her. The whole arena was silent with many crying and those that weren't looked on in grim silence.

"WAIT! OH MY GOD LOOK! THERE JUST PAST THE EXIT! It's POTTER! HARRY POTTER IS ALIVE AND HAS THE GOLDEN EGG! BY GOD HOW DID HE DO IT WE JUST SAW HIS DEATH!" Bagman screamed in pure astonishment. The whole crowd was in an uproar cheering his name.

Hermione never felt so relived and turned to Fleur but noticed the girl running to where Harry was standing.

Harry breathed out casting a charm on a small rock to move around and avoid all objects that would come near it. Then casting an image of an illusion of him over the rock sending it on its way. Harry then cast the Disillusionment Charm on himself and the egg just as the air cleared. Harry carefully avoided the flying rocks and the smashed peaces the Horntails tail were smashing.

Harry took a couple of moments to reach the exit before he steeped through it and off near the medical tents before canceling the charm. He then summoned the rock he charmed to where he was. That's when he heard the roaring crowd and Bagman's commentary.

"Can there be anything Mr. Potter can't do? He is flying forward going for the exit. Will he beat the Dragon without even casting a spell at it?" Bagman shouted. Harry hard the crowd's approval of Bagman's commentary.

Harry heard the Dragon roar in triumph before his charmed rock was hit and destroyed stopping the spell. Harry then stopped the spell for all the flying rocks sending them falling back down to the ground.

"I-I don't know what to say this is an unfortunate circumstance." Bagman said shocked and bewildered at what happened. Shit every one thinks that I died! The girls are all going to kill me when they find out that I am alive! Everyone is said of at least silently respectful to me I feel like I am an invisible ghost.

Just as Harry was about to announce he was alive he heard Bagman scream.

"WAIT! OH MY GOD LOOK! THERE JUST PAST THE EXIT! IT'S POTTER! HARRY POTTER IS ALIVE AND HAS THE GOLDEN EGG! BY GOD HOW DID HE DO IT WE JUST SAW HIS DEATH!" Bagman screamed in pure astonishment. The whole crowd was in an uproar cheering his name.

Harry was then waved at the crowd before winching his shoulder hurt really badly where the Dragon's tail hit him. He started moving to the medical tent ignoring the crowds screaming and questions at him. Harry was almost there when he heard Fleur.

" 'Arry!" Fleur cried out running at him throwing herself on him causing Harry to drop his egg, other wise Fleur and himself would be sent crashing to the ground.

"Fleur w-" Harry was cut of as she kissed him. Harry's eyes closed automatically his arms wrapped around her waist holding her closer to him as their chests heaved frantically against one another, their body heat warming the other instantly. Fleur's soft warm honeysuckle sweet moist lips moved over his over and over and over again capturing and releasing each other's lips frantically. There hot breaths mingle with one another's causing the air received to taste like one another.

She bit on his lips reveling in his taste unable to focus on anything but him. Her hands tangled in his soft spiky raven hair and around his neck bringing her even closer to him. Fleur then sucked on his bottom lip causing Harry to moan out loud. Dear God… was the only thing he was capable of thinking before getting lost in her passionate kiss.

Harry moved up one hand to be tangled in her soft silky hair while the other hand moved to her upper back trying to close the distance between them even closer, pushing into one another. Fleur's hot sweet tongue moved out of her mouth and across his lips begging him for entrance. I need more Harry I am not close enough to you, she silently begged for more.

Harry gasped at the feel of her tongue as she pushed it in the moment his mouth opened. Fleur explored every part of his mouth letting nothing be undiscovered. Her tongue wrapped around his tasting him as she then pulled it into her own mouth using her own tongue not releasing it as she stared sucking hard on it holding his tongue with hers. Harry groaned at the absolute bliss and utter hotness of the kiss pushing him into molding his body into hers. Fleur then let out a moan as their bodies pressed against one another feeling all of each other, nothing left out.

Harry snapped as he heard her moan and growled like an animal. His tongue moved all over her mouth exploring her it everywhere over her gum, teeth and tongue licking her inside cheek of her walls of her mouth as he moved his hand from her upper back to her waist. His hand slid under her jacket and shirt stroking her stomach. Harry pulled out his tongue from her sweet, hot, intoxicating mouth before sucking hard on her lips while moving his hand from her stomach to her hip. His hand teased her moving over her hipbone and downward but not going past her pants his thumb almost did, but didn't.

Harry needed air after kissing her like this for so long breaking their kiss. Harry put his forehead on hers not moving an inch from her. Their lips still touching as they breathed heavily against one another, their mingled breaths leaving them intoxicated, unable to focus on anything else. Fleur moved forward gently kissing his lips long, deep, and slow. Fleur felt herself drift away in a bliss as they kissed, reveling in all that was him.

Harry and Fleur slowly pulled away from one another as Harry's shoulder was starting to burn it needed medical attention. Harry managed to untangle himself from Fleur before picking his egg up when he suddenly heard everything. The crowd was roaring from their hot, passionate kiss. Harry heard catcalls, wolf whistles, shouting, yelling, cheering, some cameras shooting, and Bagman's annoying yelling.

Harry felt Fleur grab his hand pulling him to the medical tents. "You need to have zat shoulder looked at 'Arry." Fleur said breathing hard through her swollen lips after kissing him like that. I never meant it to get like that it was the rush off adrenaline after seeing him alive and running out to him. All of our tension that has been building up from that day at the lake just led to us to letting it all out. Oh with all those pictures of me kissing Harry Potter like that Papa is going to go crazy!

Shaking her thoughts Fleur led him into the tent where Madame Pomfrey put him on a bed to examine his shoulder.

"Dragons! Last year it was Dementors this year Dragons, what will they bring in next year. Of all of you could have died but to they care? No, it for the tournament Poppy we have everything under control! I'm glad your fake death was a slap in the face because they are getting hell from me later on!" Poppy took a deep breath stopping her ranting.

"Now Harry sit down so I can look at you. This will scar Harry I'm guessing it is stinging right now?" Poppy asked him.

"Yeah burns like hell." Harry admitted as Poppy left and then brought back some cream and putting it on him after cleaning the wound.

"Well rest here for a moment then go get your scores." Poppy said before leaving elsewhere.

Fleur grabbed his hand and turned towards Harry stepping in front of him leaning her head against his. "You really scared me 'Arry. I thought I watched you die." Fleur said her voice shaking slightly. Harry leaded his head forward moving closer to her as if there was an invisible pull to her. Both quiet before Harry got off the bed and pulled Fleur after him to go get his scores.

The crowd went wild when they saw him. The judges then began their scores with Fleur whispering in his ear what they were. "Madame Maxime gave you an eight. Both Mr. Crouch and Dumbledore gave you nines. And" Fleur then growled out in distaste along with the crowd booing out loud "Kararoff gives you a four. Zat pig he gave all of us fours but Krum he gave a ten. Anyway you 'are tied wiz me 'Arry at forty points, Krum is at thirty-eight, and Cedric is at thirty-five points."

Fleur then kissed his cheek as she whispered softly into his ear. "Brace yourself. Zee crowd, reporters, judges, fans, and worst of all Mr. Bagman are all coming zis way." She warned him grabbing his hand tightly showing her support. Let the hell begin, Harry thought bracing himself as they were swarmed upon.

Hey guys I'll release a chapter every two days starting tomorrow, and don't worry the chapters will be atleast 10,000 words long

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