
Unexpected Visit

Reaching the ground with its bare hands, the earth came to his command, giving him the ability to manipulate it as it continues to take different forms.

The convenience of this had given everyone the opportunity to build their own gardens. Plating crops in one of the strategies to put sustenance on their lives. Alex looked at everyone who were busy cutting the trees to make planks so they can reinforce the soil that is destined to be used for planting.

The usual vast turquoise sky continued to give them the moderate temperature that is good for working outside. With the marsh's cold climate, there is no reason for them to slouch because of the heat.

Lynne approached Kent, slowly. "Kent, I need to ask you something." Lynne said.

Kent immediately put her attention to the request of her friends, "Yes, of course."

"Can I be the one to be in-charge of this garden? Gardening is one of my fortes and I really love to be part of something big. It will give me the sensation of fulfilment." Lynne explained.

"There's no one more capable and able than you on this. Of course." Kent agreed.

Lynne smiled and went back to polishing the newly-made garden.

One of the guard bees said that the food was ready just in time they were done finishing polishing the garden. Kent said that one by one, the guard bees will take them above the hive and enjoy the food Jessie and others have prepared for them.

"I can't wait to eat!" Neil shouted.

"No one can!" Ivan replied to his friend.

Alex smiled, witnessing everyone gets excited about eating. One by one, everyone who were below were transported, by carrying them, inside the hive. Gloyd participated on helping others get carried, as well as Kent.

Before Alex got carried by one of the guard bees who was just done transporting everyone back into the hive, Alex gazed at the newly-made garden and was astounded by its beauty. It would really be a perfect place for their future crops. It will not just give them a long supply of food, but also the ability to not rely on the land forever.

The cooling golden lights around the pentagon-shaped tunnels were soothing to the eyes as Alex was carried by one of the guard bees towards the hall. When he arrived, everyone was busy talking and laughing at the long table made from hardened nectar by the efforts of everyone.

He walked slowly towards the empty chair beside Jimmy and grabbed some fish and vegetable soup made by Jessie and the others who prefer themselves to be in the kitchen.

Alex took some golden utensils, and placed it on his plate as he took a sip and eat the food that was prepared in front of him. "So good!" Alex said happily. "Yeah! Jessie's a great cook, as well as the others." Jimmy added who is busy putting a spoonful of vegetables inside his mouth. "How did they find these vegetables here?" Alex asked, eating.

Jimmy stopped eating as he prepared himself for a long explanation. "I really don't want to explain too long, but when you went out for a mission, Jessie, Jay, a guard bee and some of us, looked for something to eat, excluding the fish that can be easily found in the river. Jessie knew some of the vegetables when he looked at them, even those who were not present in our country. I imagined how much he must have put effort just by knowing those! Sheesh!" Jimmy explained, where he took another bite from the food on his plate.

Alex nodded, "I see. You're right. He must have really liked cooking and must have been reading different ingredients to cook scrumptiously."

"Yeah." Jimmy said.

Alex took a bite again and with the utensils made of hardened nectar, it gives a sensation of sweetness as the food melts in his mouth. Giving his body the proper nourishment that he needed.

He was about to indulge himself to another bite when Kent stood suddenly and her chair was pushed and fell on the floor. Everyone stopped eating. Alex looked at Kent, her eyes were bulging as if she was terrified and panicking inside her mind. Alex looked around and there are bees beside her. These bees might have told Kent something. And based on her reactions, it must have been bad.

Kent looked at Alex, worried. Everyone was still silent. The only thing you can here inside the hall were the footsteps of Kent as she went nearer and nearer towards Alex.

"I need to talk to you." Kent said, trying to sound calm.

"Based on your reactions, it must have been bad." Alex replied as he stood to face the worried queen.

"The bees told me something that I feared the most." Kent said, her voice was shaking.

"What is it?" Alex asked, now worried, too.

"An invasion." Kent said.

"An invasion of what?" Alex asked again.

"Army of monsters. The bees said majority of them are giant ants. But not all." Kent said, curving her brows means she's worried but extremely confused of it all too. And Alex understood that. How can there be an army of ants attacking them 4 fours from now? Unless… he thought.

" I think there's someone behind them." Kent said. Alex thought of that, too. Controlling these ants, like the queen bee, means there is someone who commands them too."

Spooked, everyone started to feel worry as they put a glimpse of what was the reason behind Kent's odd reactions. Some of those who didn't hear because of the distance between them, were told by those who heard it by a chain of murmurings and whispers.

Alex's eyes bulged too, surprised of what Kent had said. How can there be an invasion here? Did some of the tunnels have been breached, causing creatures from other habitats to enter? Alex thought.

"Are these creatures from other habitats?" Alex said, trying to stay calm. If Alex started to panic, everyone might, too. And that's not good for they might lose control and not be able to suppress it, especially in this time of another crisis.

"No. I think not. The bees said they were rampaging and, on their way here from the north." Kent said.

Alex looked at the floor, his eyes seeking comfort. "How long do we have?"

"Not more than 4 hours, probably." Kent answered.

Alex sighed, "Who's behind all of this?" he muttered.

Suddenly, everyone was frozen when vines, started to gather not too far from the table in the middle of lunch and the discussion of Kent and Alex on the matter of invasion.

A beautiful lady, dressed in red, with leaves that serve as her flesh and her pale-white skin with a flower head dress on top of her head emerged. Alex knew in an instant who the lady was, and it was the one she was looking for. He was happy but also worried of this lady's sudden appearance.

"Rabi, what are you doing here?" Alex said as he and Kent approached her slowly.

"I know your situation now, and I must tell you that you're in danger." Rabi said, worried.

"But –" Alex couldn't finish his sentence.

"Yes. I know I told you I don't meddle with the things in nature for it is against my vows. However, you have no clue about this one, and let's just say, I grew fond of you all. I know this seems a bit selfish to the others who lived here in the marshland for so long but this is truth. Especially that I also needed your help." Rabi explained.

Her mesmerizing beauty obviously captured our men since their mouths can't seem to remember closing, paralyzed of the sudden appearance of a beauty in front of them.

"I knew my sister went here. And I knew something was wrong when I saw strange tunnels connecting other habitats. This was spoken by our elders just before we were appointed as guardians, before. It will bring great catastrophe to this land, and to others. I don't want to tell you this, but I didn't plan to meddle on these monsters of divine origin matter, instead accept it as fate…" Rabi added.

Alex confirmed that her sister was right, Rabi was indeed this kind of being.

"However, the moment I met all of you. I felt like I needed to be part of this and support you all along. That also means protecting you from possible threats that may harm you. However, I can't help you until you all have proven yourself worthy. I want you to meet me after you have successfully defeated this crisis that befell on your hands the moment you defeated the queen bee." Rabi explained.

Dumfounded, Kent piqued her interest. "What do you mean?" he asked Rabi.

Rabi continued to explain, "The marshland has long been home to different major insects, we call them the stapu, these are the termites, ants, butterflies and you, the bees." Rabi looked at Kent.

Alex as well as everyone started to gather in front of Rabi to hear more of the matter. Especially the men, who Alex thought were really eager as they were the first ones to gather immediately in front of her, eyes bulging.

"However, the bees were the ones who held the power to control the tree of them, giving their strong physique and numbers, making them the most hatred creature in the marshland. And due to the bees' strength, you can never see any kingdom besides the hive for they acquired the majority of the land. But –" Rabi continued.

Alex felt that what was Rabi was about to say was the most important of all.

"When the queen was defeated, the guard bees who were stationed to keep the others in check were destroyed immediately thus the emergence of coordination of the three to take over the land. You may not know it, but the bees were capable of nurturing the land than any other insects, that's the reason why this land was abundant. A great queen." Rabi added.

Alex looked at Kent who seemed upset when she heard what Rabi said. Were they wrong defeating the queen and taking over the land? Alex thought.

"Does that mean we did wrong?" Kent asked, her voice sounded sad.

Rabi was about to answer when Alex interrupted, "No!" Alex said immediately, everyone looked at him, Rabi smiled. Alex smiled back. "No, we weren't. The past queen was great but her ideas about us were all wrong thus became barbaric when we were captured. We defeated the feared queen because we're more capable than she is. The marsh is home to different creatures, it is wrong for the queen bee to capitalize this land for her own gain. Her selfishness drove other creatures to despise her thus performing this vengeful act towards us, to take over what was theirs, all of us." Alex continued.

Rabi looked at him earnestly, as if she was happy about Alex's insights. Nevertheless, they have an army preparing for their downfall.

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