15 15.) Meeting the Spring Dragon

Once morning came the two dragons were watching the house as they listen to what was going on inside, while keeping an eye out for any danger when they saw the girl run out the back and seem to be in pain as her parents follow which got the two attention, as her parents seem to be frozen in shock as she shifted into the spring dragon which causes her mother to pass out in shock and her father's eyes widen since he was all about the mythology world. Of course, the two guardian dragons stay in the shadows and watch but being at the ready to jump in if it was needed, as they watch to see what will happen when they notice it had taken her a little longer to shift back and when she did she seem to be freaking out "seems she didn't read the books" Angel whispered " unless she hasn't opened the box yet" he said which made her nodded calmly understanding his point " seem she did, but only the dad read them" she pointed out calmly and lick her lips as the stay very well hidden. "Maybe she didn't think they were important since it seems her from a human family," he said as they watch the family go inside with the mother still passed out in the father arms, " we need to stay on guard since there no telling what will happen now but hopefully nothing bad," she said and got comfortable while she listens to what was happening, inside the house and with a frown, she could hear the mother freaking out as her father try to calm her down, but Angel wasn't liking what she was hearing " we may have to step in sooner then you did with me," Angel said which made Balthazar nodded with a frown as well.

It had been a couple of days since her first shift but no training or anything has happened which was the final straw for Angel and Balthazar, so the two started to head for the house not at all happy " this is messed up she should be learning to bond and train with her dragon,that women dose not know the damage she is doing" Angel said, "I agree with you and that why we are going for her now instead of waiting for the bond to form" Balthazar said annoyed that they had to step in at all. After Angel the door open " hello we are the guardian dragons and we know our third members live here" Angel said to Freya father, who allows us inside as the mother came out of the kitchen "dear who was at the door" she asks only to freeze seeing Angel and Balthazar "I am Angel the dragon of winter and the leader, while this is my second in command Balthazar and we have come to find our third member" she said calmly which made the mothers eyes widen "no-no there no Dragon here" she said "Ma'am so not lie to use we can smell her do you understand the damage that it is causing her to not shift or bond with her dragon" Balthazar ask calmly.

"What damage," the father asks which made Angel look over " shifters need to bond and change even they find a safe place because the strain in itself can be damaging to the body but to ignore and not allow the bond to form could cause damage to the mind," Angel said softly while she watches them " your daughter was chosen to be the spring dragon to help us protect the earth and all of the lives that live on earth" Balthazar explains as they could see her peeking out from around the corner. "NO NO MY FAMILY NORMAL NOW OUT" the mother shouted which made Angel raise her eyebrow " so you will sentence her to death," Angel said coldly having enough of the women, and that sentence alone made the women freeze "w..what" she ask " Angel right if left alone she would slowly and painfully die, " Balthazar said after figuring out that Angel told her because it was probably the only way to explain it and get to Freya who was now standing in the hallway staring at them " it is that serious, " the father asks calmly which got a nodded in return.

" Yes, it is," Balthazar said calmly as he was looking around the living room while the parents look at each other " I am the Spring Dragon" Freya ask calmly, Balthazar look over and start to explain the seasonal dragon and more since he was the oldest one, Angel watched as she went back down the hall then she turns back to the others " I understand if you are worried about her safety but we are a team and look after each other" Angel said then saw Freya come back with a backpack. " I plan to go with them, they will need my help and one more," Freya said calmly and look to her parents, so Angel and Balthazar back up to allow them to talk about what was going on. Angel lick her lips and watch the family talk about it all then she smiles softly as Freya join them then three had taken off for the den,

Where Angel shows Freya her room then her dragon spot " you may redo it any way you wish" Angel explains softly then left her to unpack.

With the team almost complete the dark dragon was filled with rage and was starting to spread his darkness, even with the guardians fighting against it but there still a fourth one out there somewhere. Which anger the dark dragon while the guardians couldn't wait for their fourth member to join them safely, Angel look around thinking of what to do as she listens to what was happening on the TV as she was making some dinner. Angel then started to make some smoothie while she was thinking about what will happen now as she licks her lips till she finishes making food then she called the others down.
