2 Soulless

Hearts made to love, to be warming, scared, even broken. The heart really has no limits, we never think of that. Our minds are so fragile to where we see no point to love, soulless, nothing to show caring, understanding, or kindness. So much pain.

    Fifty years. Malachi has not been to earth for fifty years. All this time he looked at all of his past experiences with many women. Each one always used him in some way, weather its his so-called friend, lover, or just use him to show off even to having sex. His rage shown every time he saw this. And it wasn't just his past relationships, it was others doing the same to their boyfriends or girlfriends.

    "Pathetic. So fucking pathetic. I can't believe how much mistrust there is with love. Now I'm starting to feel sick just seeing even a fraction of love."

    "You can't sum all love like this." The Oracle ends up following him for so long since Malachi always walked alone in purgatory and didn't want him to fall victim to all the creators. Most of the monsters were once guardians, just now simple sirens. Not caring about anyone but themselves felt with so much hatred and grief. Like Malachi, they didn't want to help anyone.

    "I can and I will look at what it has done to me!"

    At this point the Oracle wanted to give up on him too. Still not understanding the purpose of being here, but at the same time she didn't want another guardian to be lost. Too many have not wanted to be helped just so they could have the choice to be free from this immortality, "God gives everything a reason to help life and be on."

    "God? God is shit. Watching me suffer, and not being there when I needed a miracle. Hell! Just let my family die when they could have been saved. I blame him for everything."

    "And yet, your dying ex-wife wanted you to forgive her. Knowing she was in the wrong more than you."

    That day repeated in his head again, seeing his slut of a wife fucking another man. Sirens sentence his hate hidden behind trees, whispering to him telling him to just simply walk away from the Oracle. Malachi saw a teenager of a girl showing her face as she used telepathic to communicate with him. It's sad she doesn't understand you, not as we do. Laying head agents the tree while her eyes keep on changing colors slowly like a lava lamp. "Yes God is shit. In fact, he doesn't exist! Leaving us stranded and not taking us home when we wanted to take our life!" Malachi's suicide came back to him feeling the impact of the fall and insides turning into mush. He still tried to kill himself, but each time he did slowly healed as every bone, organ, and muscle repaired itself.

    He slowly walked to the girl as the Oracle didn't move with him. Some other voice spoke to the Oracle telling her to stay behind, she was confused at first then knew the reason since she recognized the voice.

    Malachi stopped when the girl finally refilled herself. Her hair was red with the body of an athlete, "It's like how I felt with a relationship or two with mine. Cutting open my arm as I let myself bleed and finally dropping the blade. My face in my own pool of blood. I heard my mother screaming when she found me." Putting out her hand revealing the arm that's covered in scars to let him take it. Malachi slowly went ahead and took it for him to be walked with her.

    Following the teenager, he spotted so many things he never seen before (mostly animals that weren't normal) a cat with a skull head and spikes on its back, spider the size of a full-grown dog with a scorpion tail and claws, then a blob that was shaped like a hill showing the inside of it's skeleton structure. (Even plants were very strange) Venus flytraps the size of human height, trees having human hands on each branch with bark being human flesh, flowers puffed out smoke that causes death depending on anything's immune system to handle the toxicity (small things like insects or rodents will not survive.)

    "I take it everything here is not a shape shifter too?"

    "No silly! This is the deep part of purgatory! Where most souls don't bother to explore! Though, that really doesn't stop most of us to make it a home."

    Shape Shifters came out of hiding seeing a new soul join them. They no longer looked like guardians. The body was dark as if the blood from inside was coagulated along with the flesh that seemed like it could easily tear like wrapping paper. They didn't speak only telepathically and their eyes changed depending on their mood (at this moment they were a faded color).

    "These people are different looking from you."

    "Yes they are, though they have been here the longest since I too didn't want to do what the death angel told as a guardian. It's very strong how we would look if we don't bother with society, just... Keep to ourselves, wait for death or just take our own life."

    Malachi's mind wandered again thinking back on his life before all of this before he was married. Just caring, understanding, even a loyal human bean, "Is this what I am now? Just selfish and cold hard ed? At some point I'll eventually become a zombie, even a shell that is soulless?"

    "I'm so sorry for what I have done to you. Take away your free spirit and do all the things you told me from your past dates, I don't expect you to forgive me. Just don't change what I have known you for." Said his dying ex-wife.

    He looked at the girl next to him, "Now don't tell me you want to go back. Because if you leave, we're going to have to kill you. And it won't be quick, it will be slow, way wore then your suicide."

    "You do realize I'm immortal right?"

    "That doesn't mean we can't make this place your own torment until purgatory is no more, because that's was it originally is. You see your past is so much like the nightmares you hold." Malachi turns around to see her appear in front of him, eyes no longer changed color just in one kind (yellow) with pupils shaped like a galaxy. Appearance has changed to no longer a teenager, but to something that Malachi has never seen before. Feathers and fur were her hair with still having a human face, claws of a bear, tail of a fox. How she looked was cute, but as she smiled little teeth as a piranha showed. He backed away running into the other sirens. With them turning to the ghouls as they are. "Do you think you'll actually be saved by that petty little Oracle? She can't do anything, just letting God himself tell her what to do. Which is why we're better off not being helped by no one and lost in our own pride."

    A swift of something came through taking out the ghouls slamming them against a human tree grabbing a hold of them tearing apart. The teenage girl didn't know what it was, it moved too fast, and didn't even have a voice to tell if it was another Guardian.

    Wings were heard flapping around in a circle surrounding them. Malachi saw what it was, but the teenage girl couldn't. Most of her site has been taken away from her because of no longer being a guardian. Talents attached to her face slamming her down to the ground smashing her skull. It had the appearance of a bird, lags of a jackrabbit, and tail of a dragon. It didn't attack him, just stood there standing straight up looking at him.

    "I see you want to go back. My question is why?"

    "I... Don't know."

    "I think you do. Otherwise your ex-wife wouldn't have called you."

    The beast has changed seeing it was the death angel himself. Malachi should have guessed, though he never thought of him being a shape shifter.

    "How many times are you going to get involved with me?"

    "You still don't understand huh? All souls are my responsibility, from life, to death, and after death. To take them to their rightful place, even let them stay after death. Though that will make them wonders as lost souls which is why the ones you see here turn their backs on being guardians, because... They couldn't let go of what drove them to kill themselves. Now not all suicides become guardians, it's those who always have love from everyone then have it crushed because those don't understand them to take advantage, to take away trust, kindness, loyalty, generosity, and understanding."

    "So... I'm punished for my decision? Which is why I have to walk this path?"

    "You don't have to, but you should. Otherwise, this wouldn't be your way back to God."

    "No, God is still shit. Since everything I did was on my own." He walked away going back to the Oracle.

    "Then you still don't understand the mysterious ways of him."

    At the Oracle, Malachi saw Elisa talking to her. Found it very surprising to see him back, "Wow, never thought you had it in you to choose a better side especially what I saw and you told me."

    "Since when did you start caring about me again?"

    "I wasn't going to tell her, but I didn't want anyone to worry." said the Oracle.

    Elisa went to him seeing the doubt ness still in his eyes, "Then... What made you come back?"

    "If you must know, my dead ex-wife. Since she did tell me I have always been a great person."

    "She's not lying, though what you still have could will affect others. It could also keep you from leaving purgatory."

    "It's fine... I don't belong to be with anyone but myself."

    "How could you say that after what you just did? You must have some type of care in order to still be a guardian." Malachi stops speaking to her, not wanting to tell more to her. "You know. I used to be in your shoes."

    "Really? From where I'm standing, you seem like you should have already been in heaven."

    "I... Have so many changes to go. But, I stayed behind just to see if others were willing to understand what it means to be a guardian."

    "That's your reason? How pathetic."

    "There's more to it! Though I see there's still no point in telling you since you want to hold on to what makes you angry."

    "Everything makes me angry."

    "Which is why you're going through this! To heal, understand, and to let go. Because that's our way of actually going home."

    Malachi walked the other direction along with the Oracle going with him. Leaving Elisa behind shaking her head wondering why God still keeps him around?

    "I was so glad to have you back! It's never easy to find other guardians who still want to be around me!" Malachi stopped seeing the place he needed to go back to, Mischief. "Once they join the outsiders, they never think about going back!"

    "Did you--? Know I was coming back?"

    "I..." She froze not wanting to say anything. This was her first time ever having feelings for one of God's creations and she didn't want to ruin an actual friend.

    He looks at her, only sees nothing but light. His ex-wife's words kept on repeating in his head, "I guess you didn't know. Even though you're closer than any other creation, along with having human emotions and desires."

    "Just... know what you're capable of, I also don't want to lie to you. He knows everything to where he tells me to not get involved. So I listen."

    "What you are told, I understand. Because you're always honest and what you say can't be a lie." She hummed saying yes, before going in, he wondered if she had a name? Telling him the only name she has was Oracle. Thinking of a name for her of something unique, "Satine would suit you just fine."

    "Thank you, it does sound nice!"
