

It was a bright and sunny day. The sky was clear and the sun could be seen in the east as it blessed the field with its beautiful yellow glow. The wind was blowing just right, complementing the warm temperature giving off a fresh and comfortable feeling with butterflies flying all over the field, giving off a fairytale view. The laughter of a child playing wholeheartedly could be heard from the field.

"What's so special about this boy," a young man asked as he looked at the boy playing in the fields not far from where he was standing. The person beside him was an elder. The elder had a wooden staff in his hand which he used as a walking stick. They were just the two of them in the green field.

"The less you know the safe both of you will be," the elderly man said as he looked at the boy with a bit of sadness, sorrow, and pity. He then looked at the young man and continued his words ."All you have to do is protect him and make sure no harm comes his way. Teach him the ways of our people and most importantly, he must learn to differentiate right from wrong. How you choose to raise him is all up to you."

"Why are you telling me all this? Why did you pick me when there are people, who are older than me and can do a better job?" The young man asked as he looked at the elder "I can't take care of myself how will l manage to take care of another person?"

"you are the only one with a pure heart. You need him just as much as he needs you, besides he is good growth for you. Take him far away from this kingdom. When the time is right I will come for you." The elder answered him.

"How will you find us?" the hunter asked

"How hard can it be." The Elder said as he turned around to take his leave. "never forget who you are and where you come from ." with those words, the elder left the field.

As the old man disappears, the young hunter looks at the little boy in the field as a thought comes to mind

"boy, I hope you bring me luck with the ladies otherwise I will sell you to the head hunter….." before he could even finish his thoughts a rumble was heard in the clouds. "that's weird, it doesn't look like it will rain. Why the rumble?" he said as he looked to the sky and a thought came to him.

"what's special about this boy that even the gods are with him?" he thought as he walked towards the young boy. The young man has lived a free life moving from place to place without having a permanent home for the past 8 years.

His parents died when he was 9 years old, since then he became a hunter and has been moving from place to place enjoying his freedom. His parents were farmers who owned 3 pieces of land which he inherited after their death since he was their only child. He sold two of them and left one since he wanted to pursue a different life from his parents. And in the past 8 years, he made a name for himself as the best hunter in the kingdom.

Hunters are a group of people who are hired to either hunt game or wanted people and criminals. Just like their names the organization which governed them was called the hunter's guide. It was not an independent entity as it was overseen by a kingdom's trusted elders.

Kings were afraid that this organization will grow strong and overpower them. So they made sure that every branch organization followed the rule of a given kingdom. They also made sure that the rules and regulations of the organization were followed.

Missions where grouped into 4 categories. Green, orange, red and white. Green was safe jobs like hunting game meat, orange involved missions of finding missing people and dangerous animals. While red was finding wanted criminals (traitors, killers, and gang members). White mainly involved information gatherings and one had to be invisible to be able to gather information without alerting other people.

Our young hunter was the youngest white hunter ever produced hence they called him little white. Even though this era was full of seers and sorcery with mystical people. Hunters were given a protective shield that blocked these seers and sorcerers. This way they could go about their mission without worrying about being hunted down that their mission would be known by unwanted parties.

He left this piece of land which had a good location to come and build a house when the time was right. He planes the build a farmhouse and live his retirement days farming on his land. In this era people would live together and have their farms away from their settlement but he wanted to do the opposite.

"Little one, come here." The young hunter call, the little boy ran over

"What's your name Little one?" the hunter asked.

"My name is Amir Kyran Merrick." The little boy said as he looked at the hunter with his big bright innocent eyes. "what are you called sir?" Little Amir asked the hunter in his baby voice. Since birth, the only person little Amir knew was the old man. Early in the morning, Amir was told to get ready for a long journey. The old man told him that he will be meeting someone who will take him to a nice place and take care of him. He can only come back home when he was older.

When the young man heard the boy's name, he smiled helplessly

" Adelio Heroux. From today you are no longer Amir Kyran Merrick, you will be Amir Heroux son of Adelio Heroux. Is that clear?" The young hunter said.

"yes, father" little Amir answered. Adelio could see the happiness in the boy's eyes as he called out father.

Adelio smile at the boy as he picked him up and called for his ride.

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