1 The Intro

The monsters and the guardians come out at night but at daytime the monsters hide as humans like me because will get attacked by the guardians anyway my name is shade and my sisters name is shadow she is also my best friend but I'm not hers she has a gang that she goes to I have one as well we don't talk about our gang tho because we are in gangs that kill humans or mortals as we like to call them become because they're not important but I found one that is different she talks to me at school and helps me but even she is weird I know it! The way she looks around and looks so perfect that so that's why I ignore her or give her dirty looks she has a bad side I KNOW IT!!! PS. I think she is kind of cute

There's somebody that has been catching my eye out lately his name is shade but I know more about him than he thinks I know who he really is Lucas he isn't like other mortals here the world he's technically a mortal he was born to a mother mother and an even family I haven't seen a crossbreed like in centuries this is her sister is onetoo he is definitely an interesting character that I must keep my eyes on though he looks at me and is bothersome he doesn't like me I can tell it could have been because I'm labeled a ''goody two shoes '' of the school and he's labeled the bad boy but why would he care he doesn't stare at other girls the way he does at me that I mean maybe I'm prettier than them I cannot help it I am an angel I can't help the blonde hair and the piercing blue eyes it's just natural but part of me wonders if he knows who I am which would be nearly impossible demons at his age are able to sense in angels presents and I'm the only one here and nobody else knows of who I really am I must keep a closer eye on him and his sister after all he's my mission

Ok so this girl keeps giving my brother a bunch of weird looks and me I drew on her desk and she blamed my brother I mean like she doesn't even know what she is messing with I so wanna snap her goody little two shoes neck she's so annoying any way I'm in a fighting class And that is boring because I already know how to fight and I've already killed 15,000 humans or mortals as we like to call them. I'm going to follow her today by the way my name is shadow this girl has a strong power I can smell it I'll tell you what I find bye for now I'm back this girl is an angel but she's a princess angel I don't like that I growled at her she doesn't know it's me shadow is that a princess demo i'm going to follow her today by the way my name is shadow the school has a strong power I can smell it I'll tell you what I find bye for now I'm back this girl is an angel but she's a princess angel I don't like angles so I growled at her she doesn't know it's me (shadow is a princess demon) i've taken out one of her guards I have to run she saw me do it as I'm running away I turn around and see her following me trying to run as fast as she can over to me I scratched my arm when I was running so I was bleeding as soon as I got back home I open the door and...

Door opens

Shade: sis your bleeping!?

