
The Rosier's family heir.

"Bellatrix, we have decided to give you a sort of a pardon in exchange for your vows to not betray us." Bagnold said not believing what she was about to do, "You'll be still locked in Azkaban but on the furthest side away from the dementors and we will allow you to visit your son once a year, whenever it may deem fit to us."

"I accept." Bellatrix said without hesitating a bit. She knew this was the best she was going to get. She already had the dark mark on her skin that wouldn't allow her to get rid of Voldemort so she might as well get another vow in her life, at least this time it will be for something good.

Bagnold and Dumbledore nodded as Dumbledore crouched down and caught Bellatrix's hand. Bagnold took her wand and placed it on top of their hand as a thin tongue of brilliant flame issued from the wand and wound its way around their hands like a red-hot wire.

"Will you Bellatrix Lestrange, agree to not betray us in the future even if Voldemort were to return."

"I will."

"And will you, be willing to act as a double agent if necessary," Dumbledore added a condition of his own.

"I will." Bellatrix nodded but before they could end this, she added a condition of her own.

"Will you Albus Dumbledore, agree to watch over my son and not let any harm befall on him."

Both Dumbledore and Bagnold were silent as Dumbledore finally gave up, "I will."

The vows were made, both parties agreeing on something they couldn't run from. Even Dumbledore the greatest wizard alive was having a hard time with Bellatrix, her skills were far beyond her peers even in her Hogwarts years including her Occlumency which made it impossible for him to look into her mind. Dumbledore knew he was playing with fire as the sadistic witch in front of him had killed many alike but he still hoped there to be goodness in her, even if that goodness was just for her son.

"Who do you want your son to be with?" Bagnold asked shaking her head, she didn't know if this was the right thing to do still considering the condition the Longbottom's were in, the woman had tortured them to insanity and now here they were giving the torturer pardons from her punishment. She could only trust Dumbledore in this, "Since everyone from the Rosier family is now dead and you being in Azkaban, we need a guardian for your son. We think your sister Andromeda Tonks would be best for the job."

"Have Narcissa raise my son," Bellatrix said, "I am sure she will agree but Lucius might not so if they decide not to take my son in, give him to Andromeda. I will rather have my son not raised by a mud-blood but if that's what it takes then so be it. Also, his name is Adrian, Adrian Rosier, the sole heir of the Rosier family so I want you to raise him like the Noble he is. Give whoever raising my son access to my private vault so there wouldn't be a problem in raising him."

"Will do." Bagnold rolled her eyes, "Now it's time to leave Bellatrix, say your goodbyes."

Bellatrix looked back at her son who was sleeping peacefully in her arms as she caressed his cheeks, she kissed his forehead and gave her son to Dumbledore. Aurors came in and took her away and even till the last step she was in the room her eyes never left her son.

"Albus, this news, we can't let anyone know." Bagnold said, "The promise we made to Bellatrix, the boy carrying a Grimoire, it isn't safe for the world to know. Including letting it fall under the hand of the Malfoys."

"I know." Dumbledore nodded. "And I think growing up with Andromeda will do the boy good than growing up in the Malfoy family. Luckily Andromeda and Narcissa have lost contact over the years so we wouldn't have to worry much about them betraying us but the news about him being the Rosier's family heir will spread eventually after all it is his rights."

"It's best to spread the news ourselves otherwise the pureblood families won't be too happy especially considering all of them have seats and privileges in Wizengamot." Bagnold said, "Sigh! This is going to be more troublesome than I expected."


Adrian Rosier was sent to the Tonks family, where Andromeda happily took him in. She always wanted a son of her own and she was happy to raise Adrian considering the boy was her sister's son.

Dumbledore disclosed the information about the Grimoire the boy possessed and what dangers it could bring, but Andromeda didn't step away from the responsibility. The boy was the heir of the Rosier family, so though the boy could never be hers, she was still determined to raise him as her son especially seeing how quickly the boy had become attached to her.

Since she had a very similar face as her sister, she knew why the boy was naturally close to her. And though the boy didn't really get along with her daughter due to his jealous nature, her daughter seemed to like the boy a lot as she used her Metamorphmagus powers to make the boy pay attention to her by changing her different hair colors and her nose to different sizes and so on. Her husband, Ted didn't have a problem with it as well as he gladly welcomed to raise the boy, not even accepting Bellatrix's vault.

Luckily, even after the news was revealed the Malfoy family didn't interfere with Adrian. Though Narcissa seemed hesitant her husband Lucius didn't want any connection with other death-eaters right now considering they themselves were being suspected as one. Since Adrian was too young, his seat in the Wizengamot was temporarily abolished until he was of age.

This, however, turned out to be a good thing, as the relation between Narcissa and Andromeda improved, as Narcissa came over now and then to visit Adrian, with her son Draco. Though Andromeda acted normal she was more than happy to improve relationships with her sister even when she knew Narcissa was here only for Adrian. Narcissa was very close to Bellatrix and Andromeda knew if she could, she would take Adrian along with her but due to Lucius, she couldn't.

Adrian grew up to be a fine wizard, by the age of five, he had already begun showing signs of magic and intelligence that surpassed his peers. Since practicing and using magic was harmful to young children as it could damage their cores, Andromeda tried her hardest to keep Adrian's emotions in check and taught him how to control his emotions.

Adrian had gotten both the looks of the Black family and the Rosier family, his bright green eyes which shined with brilliance and his looks matching mostly that of her cousin Sirius, Andromeda was sure the child had inherited the goods of both the family.

One of Andromeda's concerns was Adrian's temper which matched Bellatrix's and Sirius. He possessed a fierce and dangerous temper, but luckily unlike her sister, it was hard to make him angry in the first place. Other than a bit of ego and arrogance he didn't share many things with Bellatrix, like her habit of treating everyone like scum in a rather taunting way. But he still carried the same confidence as her.

Though she wasn't sure about what to make of the hour visit, Adrian got with Bellatrix every year. She was hesitant at first but she didn't have the heart to keep her sister away from her only son. She just hoped Bella wouldn't teach her son something that could ruin his life. Andromeda was surprised to see how close to Bella the boy was even going as far as to hide things from her about his visit with Bella especially considering both of them only meet once a year. She was sad knowing that she could never take the place of his mother in Adrian's heart but the boy had his way to cheer people up.

Bellatrix's influence had already begun showing on Adrian as he never cried much, even if he did he would be quick to wipe his tears first and act strong. Though she wasn't sure what to make of it, his adventurous and fun side at least kept things in a balance due to Nymphadora but it was getting a bit much as he was growing up to be a bit of a troublemaker.

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