
The Daily Prophet's story.

Daily Prophet


19 December 1989

That was the thought of all of wizardkind in Britain when yesterday the young heir of the Rosier family, Adrian Rosier followed by his loyal friend, Rolf Scamander and his cousin Nymphadora Tonks nearly broke the statute of secrecy. It is said that a Demiguise escaped from Mr. Newt Scamander's research center causing havoc all over the city.

Due to the Demiguise's nature of being invisible, it isn't unlikely for such an incident to take place, but what made the situation worse is when the 9-year-old Rosier followed by a 10-year-old Scamander and 16-year-old Tonks decided to take matters into their own hand and hunt down the Demiguise.

If it was any other creature, it might seem possible but with Demiguise who could predict certain futures, it was highly unlikely. And so the chase went down for hours, as the Demiguise wreaked havoc destroying countless muggle properties but at the end of the day against the expectation of many, the three managed to catch the Demiguise. Though magic at play was suspected, none of the three young wizards were old enough to cast magic freely as the only one with the wand was miss Tonks, but the aurors found no trace of magic on her.

The actions of the young wizards may seem heroic but the neighbours of young Rosier took the news with a grain of salt as Mr Rosier is known to play tricks and pranks on people. Some even call it a joke that went too far. The real story of what actually took place is unknown but we hope these young brilliant wizards can keep themselves safe, after all catching a Demiguise wandless is a feat no one had accomplished before.


7 March 1990

Many wizards were left in a daze, when the 10-year-old Adrian Rosier's magic went out of control during a Quidditch match between Bulgaria and France. The cause of his magical outrage was triggered by his anger when a wizard was said to have insulted Bellatrix Lestrange, for being unfaithful to her husband and giving birth to him.

The harsh comment was not taken kindly by the young wizard, as his magic went out of control nearly burning half of the stadium. The heavy winds and the burnable wood didn't help the case but the explosion triggered by his magic harmed 12 Witches and Wizards which is luckily far less considering there were many people present for the occasion and as for the man who had initiated the whole thing is said to be the one with the most severe burns.

The ministry has decided to take no charge on the young wizard as it was a case of accidental magic but the ministry did reportedly have enforced magical training for the young wizard so the incident does not repeat itself. We just hope anyone who insults the wizard after this, at least learns a proper shield charm and warns the surrounding people before they open their mouth.


12 August 1990

That's what the muggles have named Adrian Rosier for saving fifteen muggle children who were being trafficked away to another country by human traffickers. Mr Rosier was said to be last seen near the docking station to drop his friend, Rolf Scamander off, as Mr Scamander was said to be attending Illvermorny, a North American Wizarding School.

Though Mr Rosier was thought to be missing at first, it turned out that he had got some news about the traffickers and had gone to save the children on his own. The young heir bravely fought against five armed muggles with dung-bombs and stinkbombs which he got from Zonko's Joke shop.

Using it he managed to lay off the muggles as he rescued the children successfully, leaving them when the police (Muggle Aurors) arrived. The children gave different descriptions of Mr. Adrian, leaving the police in shock as to how another child could've done such a thing. The muggles have given Mr. Adrian various titles such as The Saviour and The Mystery Kid.

Though pranks and accidental magic aside, Mr. Rosier has proven himself to be a brave and intelligent wizard by many, leading him to earn the respect of a lot of muggle-born wizards and witches who knew about the severity of the crime. Some witches going as far as to sent love letters to the young wizard.


15 February 1991

The day known for having many people confess their love to one another turns to disaster as the troubling famous young wizard, Adrian Rosier is said to have received many letters from young witches all over the country as the Tonks family house, where Mr Rosier lives was said to be flooded with owls.

Though this wasn't the fault of the young wizard by any means, it didn't stop the neighbours from complaining and blaming the young wizard. Mr Rosier was heard yelling, "It's not my fault you all are ugly!" to the angry neighbours which left them in a state of shock. The young wizard then threated the neighbours with another accidental magic coming their way making the already scared neighbours more terrified.

It was just another joke for Mr Rosier but the whole society they lived in seemed to be insanely scared of him. Going far as to asking his aunt and uncle to move out...


19 June 1991

After several complaints from neighbours, the Tonks family seemed to finally have decided to move with Adrian Rosier, to the Rosier Mansion, as this Sunday Mr Rosier finally made a claim for the house.

Though young, Mr Rosier being the sole heir of the family was allowed to legally take control of all the Rosier family property and vault. The mansion had been abandoned since the death of Mr.Rosier's uncle, Felix Rosier and now the heir had finally returned back to his home. It seemed to be a win-win situation for both Mr Rosier and the Tonks family and their neighbours who finally were hoping for some peace.

Although it isn't confirmed, Mr Rosier is said to have left Dungbombs on each of the neighbour's homes that could go off any moment. It is unknown whether this is just a rumour or not but the neighbours of Mr Rosier have been warned.


A/N: I had this idea of telling the story through a newspaper article, so you could know all the adventure and major points in MC's life without skipping everything. It felt like a good way to quickly jump over events without focusing much on the unnecessary aspect.

Let me know if you like it or find it confusing.

Also, Rolf Scamander is a bit older in this fic.

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